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Friday, May 01, 2009

Bill Harden vs Wicomico County vs Doug Devenyns

The documents should speak for themselves. This is a serious case with serious charges. You can click on the images to enlarge.

Salisbury News is delivering a ton of news you won't see anywhere else. Well, until they catch up to us anyway. I can assure you other news sources are running around today like chickens with their heads cut off doing "catch up work." LOL


  1. All I can say is, "Oh my God." This is all too much. I am sitting here blushing reading this documentation. How embarassing. He is obviously a pig. I think Mr. Harden should be the Director and Wiggy needs to go away with him.

  2. This just goes to show what kind of TRASH is in charge of that detention center!

  3. The only problem that I have with the whole issue is this...how can he go to the councilwoman and provide the information and say it was as a citizen and not an employee? The information and facts that he uncovered was during an investigation conducted while he was an employee. This information would not be accessible to an average citizen. Therefore, he used the knowledge gained from his employment and took it to the councilwoman. To me, that puts him in violation of the policy of not taking matters to elected officials. Otherwise, he has a strong case.

  4. I noticed who his two attorneys are. Oh, Oh, To somewhat quote our president when commenting about the replacement of Mr Obama in the senate.Ashley is gonna mop him up. Good luck mr Devens

  5. Mr. Harden would never be allowed to run the detention center. There is widespread corruption and general wrong doings going on there. He is a by the book person and the county could never admit the issues it has with this jail. Heck they obviously denied what was going on when Mr. Harden conducted the investitation. Rick Pollitt shame on you. I voted for you becuase you were a respected leader in Fruitland. Mr Pollitt you need to do the right thing and fire devins and half of the administration.

  6. What the hell is going on in Wicomico County....first the landfill, now the Warden. I think we should lock all of them up and throw the key away.

  7. How the hell could Rick Pollit have a report like that in front of him and do nothing? He has a lot of explaining to do.

  8. Bill Harden was well-respected in the state police. I worked under him for 2 years and respected him for 2 reasons. You knew where you stood with him, he didn't feed you a load of BS. He led by example. He blew out his shoulder on a raid and this led to his retirement. He definantly pulled from he front, not pushed from the rear. The best thing Wicomico County could do is fire Devens, and hire Bill Harden to run the jail.

  9. How can anyone be surprised over this? He is a"officer" in Wicomico County. It would be surprising if he was not doing something illegal or immoral.

  10. Damn you Rick Pollitt, you really should be ashamed of yourself. How can you sit on your big behind and do nothing knowing that this stuff is going on? Some kind of administrator you are. Get rid of Rick Pollitt along with Deveyns

  11. I can't understand how County Executive Rick Pollitt could ignore such highly illegal behavior, by Warden Devenyns, when reported by a very distinguished, retired Maryland State Police Captain.

    Devenyns' sexual escapades, in his WCDC office, have been an open secret for years, along with other rampant corruption, and incompetence, at the WCDC. However, Wicomico County Government has turned a blind-eye with the excuse that the sources are criminals and disgruntled low ranking WCDC employees.

    Now the source is a highly respected former MSP Captain, whose allegations have been ratified by the Wicomico County Personnel Board, composed of prominent citizens, and still Devenyns' WCDC regime continues at the expense of the taxpayers.

    Those same taxpayers will ultimately pay even more, when Wicomico County is ordered to pay damages and attorney fees resulting from Devenyns' corruption.

    Meanwhile, County Executive Pollitt rails about the tax cap being to blame for cuts in very important Government services.

    Yet, he wants to throwaway even more tax money keeping Devenyns on the job and defending the illegal firing of Bill Hardin.

  12. Pollitt's major screw-ups are now in double digits. When does his term expire?

  13. The whole fact of the matter is that Mr. Pollitt was in the loop all along and still did nothing. Wake up Wicomico County and look what you have installed in office to run this county. Mr. Pollitt can sure talk a good line but when it comes down to the Job he should be doing he falls on his face. The only thing Pollitt has brought to the table for this county is more spending. Mr. Pollitt has absolutely no back bone to uphold his word , just look at the land fill mess swept under the carpet and has not been settled. He is going to end up with egg on his face this time and the taxpayers of this county had better pay attention to what is going on here.

  14. To the people of Wicomico County: Do not let this slide.

  15. LOL! All I can do is laugh! Mr. Harden, very well. Job well done! Now I understand what the lock on you door was about... Now I understand why the escorted you out... Mr. D. you're in deep do do. What a shame for me to work under you. What a shame it is, for me to live and work in Wicomico County to pay you to have sexual intercourse with staff. I'm very disturbed!! You should have learned that what you do in the dark comes to the light. How does it feel to know that Mrs. Roslyn has turned on you? You gave her a position after you fired her husband for sexual misconduct... Now she's "states evidence" (more like Mr. Harden's). Mr. Harden I'm delighted and very proud of you for turning down a bribe. That shows that you have dignity and respect for youself and others... I will see you in a whole new light. How can downtown have information like this and do nothing about it? I say that Wicomico County should pay Mr.l Harden very well and down size, starting with the director.

  16. I, as a taxpaying citizen, both city and county, am getting more disgusted by the minute. I am so sick and tired of less money in my pocket to pay for the sins and poor decisions and lack of ethics of others.
    I am ashamed to say I live here.

  17. The hanging while on suicide watch case was followed by a silent reinstatement and the lawsuit is still pending in that case isn't it? The level of corruption in WCDC you as citizens don't know about is what would make you really sick! How many guards have been/or are presently pregnant by inmates? How many correctional officers are criminals themselves? I know of 6 personally and they are at the top! Ask yourselves this "if they treat Mr. Harden this way how do they treat prisoners?

  18. Rick I am appalled , I know that you are a better person than this . Handle this situation immediately and terminate the warden and all of his counterparts. This behavior is not acceptable in today's society.It makes Wicomico County look like we don't have a "clue".

  19. For Politt not to be responsibly reacting to this situation {as much as 1 yr ago}, tells me there is something far bigger under this cover up. Devenyns has something on Politt.....follow the money people. Theres an awful lot of corruption surfacing under Politt's watch.

  20. Well said Mr. Clarke

  21. Rick probably told D that an investigation was underway and to do nothing incriminating. That way Rick could say he acted on complaints but nothing was found by the investigator. D was arrogant and stupid enough to continue his illegal behaviors and to be written up by Harden. Rick never had any intention of doing anything and still doesn't.

  22. This is what happens there now and has been this way for years.An employee goes against the system and nothing is ever done.The powers to be are deaf and dump.Now along comes an individual with education,experience and they try to man-handle him.However he did not take to their strong arm/bribe offers and this is the result we are begining to see.GOOD LUCK MR. HARDEN.The top needs to be cleaned out MR.POLLITT,ARE YOU HEARING US?

  23. I must agree, I voted for Rick and this is very, very disappointing. Why ignore a problem that could cost him the next election? The only way he'd get my vote in the next election is if he's running against Mike Dunn!

  24. Then we still have the Bootcamp, what's going on there? The corruption here is just unbelievable.

    Anarchy isn't the answer, however maybe every taxpayer should take four or five furlough days without pay this year and cut back our contributions to taxes.

    That'll learn'um.

  25. Politt is either:

    1- asleep at the wheel
    2- lacks serious ability to do an effective professional job
    3- cannot fire Devenyns for fear of retaliation {exposure}

    IMHO, its all three. There has been far to many scandals and costly mistakes. It's time to get it out on the council table, get these clowns out before the cost us anymore money or embarrassment.
    The only thing Politt has done consistently is scream for more taxes, he's not cost effective.

  26. Does anyone know if Roslyn Roberts is related to RSAT director Wendy Roberts?

  27. Sort of reminds me of the Somerset County Detention Center abuse case. If you recall James L. Henderson was acused of abusing inmates and other illegal activities for years and it was ignored by the elected officials including the commissioners and even the States Attorney Kristy Hickman. When the State Police finally got involved Henderson was allowed to resign and the rest was covered up and no charges ever brought. It's sad that our elected officials cannot be open and honest with the folks that elected them.

  28. I remember DDD being summons to court in Somerset Co, related to the Somerset abuse case, and DDD had the arrogance to go on vacation and informed other staff to tell the court that he had not been properly summons. It was found that there had been a proper summons of DDD, thus the judge postponed the hearing and stated that he would make sure that DDD was at the next hearing. He was.
    This just gives an example of the total arrogance of this individual. He certainly didn't have any qualms about wasting Somerset taxpayers money, so just imagine what is probably going on in Wicomico. If the public doesn't demand better of our elected officials, this will continue to happen. Covering up or ignoring these types of activities make those individuals just as guilty, charge them all. Until some houses are cleaned, this will continue to happen. Pollitt should be first.

  29. This is nauseating! Mr. Harden shall reign supreme in his honestly and ethic...and the county has their foot in the mouth for allowing such corruption! What recourse do we have as a community for Mr. Pollitt, who knew of this behavior and chose to do NOTHING?????

    I was born here, I'm from here, left here, came back here...and can't wait till I can get outta here again because this place is nothing like it was 30 years ago. This makes me sick. Thank you, Joe...for being the one person on the shore who is willing to "call people out" for their aberrant behaviors!

  30. Pollitt is not a fool, nor does he seem in this tenure as public official (so far) to be ethically compromised. I'd wait to see what he has to say on the matter before pronouncing judgement.

    If all the investigation was able to come up in the way of hard evidence of impropriety was gossip, hearsay, or he said-she said type claims then I can possibly understand Pollitt's hesitation to act. A person in Pollitt's position should be as deliberative, and as sure as possible before turning the jail upside down.

    The lawsuit by Harden was laying out all these puported discoveries about the warden's misbehavior as hard facts. In the lawsuit narrative about these discoveries I didn't see any indication that anyone was willing to testify under oath about what Harden claimed they said they had seen or heard.

    I'm not in law enforcement and possibly I'm missing some procedural point. In his report to Pollitt, which (so far as I know) we have not seen any part of, what was being represented as the hard evidence that he wanted Pollitt to act on? I assume the people telling him these damning assertions were willing to testify under oath as to what they told him. If this is not the case then Harden is mis-repesenting the assertions in his case that these are hard facts vs gossip.

    What does the report Pollitt received actually say? Does anyone have a copy?

  31. Time to rid ourselves of this democratic reign. Pollitt in the county, then Barrie in the city replaced by Jim Ireton who is proving to be a great disappointment.

  32. There have been many incidents that have occured at WCDC and are well documented that would justify the removal of Devenyns. There have been way to many suicides, beatings, wrongfull releases, etc. Many have informaned Mr. Pollitt of the arrogance and incompatance of Devenyns. Everyone cannot be wrong. Mr. Pollitt should have replaced Devenyns years ago and we would not have been in the situation that we are in now. Please do the right thing now Mr. Pollitt and fire Devenyns.

  33. If the State has had this explosive info in their possession why have they not acted in any way, shape or form? There's something a little weird, bordering on fishy, about Harden's claims of malfeasance if the facts are as he claims and no one is acting on them.

    Harden may be a white knight, or he might be wildly overstating his case. If both the State of Maryland and the County Executive have failed to act on his claims I think we had better hear both sides of the story before passing judgment.

  34. 6:49 - I can assure you that the State (Davis Ruark and Kristy Hickman) had mountains of evidence to support a malfeasance conviction of James L. Henderson in the Somerset County Dentention Center abuse case, yet no charge was ever brought. I personally attribute it to corrupt politics. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours if you know what I mean. Elected officials are not being held acountable and that my friend needs to be changed.

  35. DDD has a serious problem with believing he is untouchable. he says anything he wants to employees, he is arrogant, unprofessional, and if you don't stroke his self inflated ego he will attempt to intimidate you. rick pollitt is probably one of his puppets and he should resign for not fulfilling his responsibilities to the citizens of Wicomico and the employees of WCDC. Nurse X is a married woman ...shame on her. Everyone knew about it. No one speaks about it. Or else. Thank you Mr. Harden...you are our future. No the Roberts are not related. I hope the people of Wicomico County demand a sweep of the administration and clean house. Fire DDD, Roberts, Kimball, and any other person uncovered as part of this behavior.

  36. It is inconcievable that Rick Pollitt doesn't ask for Devenyns resignation immediately. If Devenyns doesn't resign, he should be fired. He is not a leader, and for that reason alone he should be replaced.

  37. I know for a FACT, another legal proceeding that will be taking place (if unable to be handled fairly in-house), regarding retaliation and illegal behavior by management against an employee. In regards to Ms. Morris, she is one of the most fair and honest people I know. I would put complete confidence in her.

  38. DDD will be at work tomorrow, head held high and daring people to look at him. Folks need to understand that he has something on somebody that must be BAD, because the county council bows to him when they are in his presence. This will be old news and forgotten by Tuesday, just like everything else he has done.JOE, KEEP UP THE PRESSURE, DO NOT LET HIM OFF.

  39. wonder where his wife lets him sleep at night? The trailer in front

  40. Don't worry about DDD's future employment, he can always get work as a Kenny Rodgers look-alike.

  41. Devenyns buddy ex-warden James L. Henderson from Somerset County might hire him to be deputy dog catcher. Somerset county doesn't care about one's past criminal history when hiring employees. Henderson's background would make Devenyns look like an angle.

  42. WCDC OFFICER, is he at work today??

  43. He was at work today, LOUD AND PROUD. The man has no shame. He did leave early, though.

  44. I know people who work there with him. It's amazing how all it takes is a few disgruntled, lazy, self-righteous employees to make everyone believe a bunch of LIES!!! Mr. Devenyns has done nothing wrong and the fact that everyone is condemning him without knowing the TRUE facts amazes me. You all sound like a bunch of idiots!


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