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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Vote Totals So Far

Please Lord, I will never eat another piece of chocolate again as long as I live.

Always click on images to enlarge.


  1. I'm sorry but I just laughed really hard when I saw the Boda/Campbell totals!

    What say you now Insley, Dunn, Tilghman, Comegys, Cathcart & others?

    You tried to smear Ireton and Campbell and guess what, YOU LOST! You lost BIG!

    Don't you ever think this Blog that has never advertised doesn't have influence in the City of Salisbury.

    We reach more people in one day than ALL of your mailings.

    Oh, let me just remind you of another thing. Salisbury News was the #1 INFLUENTIAL Political Blog in the entire State for 2008 and has been #1 for the first 12 out of 14 weeks in the State for 2009.

    YOU created us, ALL of you. Now we're #1 and you're #2, if you get my drift!

  2. You go Joe... Salibury News Rocks. The Dream Team. LMAO

  3. Yeah, what he said.

  4. How did Gary Comegys gain so many votes but Muir Boda did not? Sounds a little like Pocomoke absentee ballots. So is Cynthia Polk the winner??

  5. Jonathan:

    Eat your heart out, fatso!

  6. May God bless Cynthia with five more votes.

  7. 1:52 PM:

    Sounds like a few nursing home votes, doesn't it?
    Was Gary parked in the cemetery to get names off headstones to pack his vote?

  8. Anon153 - Classy post, but even more classy for Joe to approve it. Don't cry when deer appear.

  9. "YOU created us, ALL of you. Now we're #1 and you're #2, if you get my drift!"

    Yes, you MONSTER!

    If Tilghman had just kept her mouth shut about "evil bloggers" way back when and just recently,it might have been different today. Her television and newspaper comments actually made people without computers either buy one or ask their friends about your site and what you were saying.

    Does anybody else wonder where Salisbury would be right at this minute if it wasn't for Joe Albero?

    (Your size 11 hat is in the mail, Joe. Wear it in good health!)

  10. Anon 1:52 - Boda's votes were lower than Gary's because only people in District 2 could vote for Boda, whereas people in both Districts 1 and 2 could cast a vote for mayor. If you add the 253 District 1 votes to Boda's total, you'll see he's about 44 votes behind Gary. So I'm thinking it's likely that those who voted for Gary also voted for Boda.

  11. Never eat a piece of chocolate ,
    now,that's a lie if I've ever heard one.
    I'm praying she gets beat.

  12. She was pretty sure of herself to be napping during a forum, wasn't she? Oh, no candies on the table... conserving her energy.

  13. I hope Polk stays ahead! Do we know how many votes still are left to be counted?

  14. counting the rest on Monday and military on the 17th is what I heard.

  15. Ten more absentee ballots for District 1 to be counted on Monday.

  16. Why not just count them all NOW and be done with it?

  17. Read earlier that they hold back some so that any ballots received later from overseas (serviceman) will not be obvious.

  18. It is stupid.(who's rules are these anyway?) Please someone tell me, why not cout them all at the same time, the poor canidates, what a roller coaster ride emotionally. This count some now some later, is pure stupidity, and I do not care if it is State Law, change it..

    Cynthia is a great candidate, she will make a great council person.

    Pray folks, if we have a clean sweep we will dance in the streets.
    Good will out..I belive...

  19. The evil empire changed the City Charter. It now takes a super-majority of the FULL council to make certain needed changes. That's 4 votes of 5 people. Don't expect Ireton to be able to do a thing unless Polk gets that seat, and even then, he will be limited for a bit while he works his way around the booby-traps left by the empress.

  20. All right , lets get to the bottom of this , I may as well come clean.
    Shanie has been threatened by the other two on the concil. That's why she votes with them. NOT!!!
    She don't know any better. Another
    lard A$$!

  21. I'm praying for you Cynthia sister friend! You got my vote. Change was the obvious message from voters, let's pray for the trend to continue through the absentees.

  22. Don't worry Shanie, if you lose the election you can always run again in Princess Anne, your hometown for the last year.

  23. If Cynthia loses lets launch a recall for Louise and Gary immediately while Gary's smear campaign is fresh in everyone's mind.

  24. Gary has a lot of 'splain'in to do about his SHA job. Force him to resign if he was breaking the law and double dipping


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