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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


County Executive Pollitt to get a wake-up call from the landowners that the Planning & Zoning Commission and some County Council Members want to royally screw. The event ends at the Government Office Building at 9 AM.

If you plan on trying to get to work on time tomorrow morning we strongly suggest you leave about 20 minutes early because Downtown Salisbury is going to be a mess! Traffic will come to a stand still as we have come to learn everyone and their brother will be participating.


  1. Good for them!!!

  2. Is there any planned "parade route"?

  3. I hope they take a route that goes by where John Cannon and Bill McCain live.

  4. gotta love JOHN DEERE green!!!
    with all the rain and not being able to get in the fields, it may be a pretty busy day around there in the morning.i hope they use up a whole boatload of parking spaces.

  5. Joe --

    How about some live coverage when they hit the GOB to "convert" Rick Pollitt.

  6. I wish the farmers would quit whinning , they are the richest people in the county. Don't let them feed you guys a bunch of bull.
    I live 1/4 mile from a farmer and gets over 1/2 of million for not planting.

  7. Let me just say this to everyone. I have spoken to Rick Pollitt on this matter. His hope is that the County Council will come to an understanding that this Bill is not something he will support and in fact he will VETO should they pass it. Mr. pollitt supports the Farmers and he will be speaking tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. You can see and hear it for yourself if you choose to be there. We will cover this event. Live, I doubt that but we will be there.

  8. Anonymous 5:32
    What are you going to do when there are no more farmers left, rely on china to feed us too!

  9. My goodness , tractor guys scare
    me, I heard they really know how to plant the seed!

  10. I hope that Mr. Pollit understands that if Wic Co can afford a new multi million dollar park and the associated costs of the required staffing, then maybe we can afford to buy more development rights.

    528- your underwear must not be too tight. All that talkin' is gettin out just fine.

  11. Wow , if they come to town they should have their tractors impounded. The law says they have the right to travel in the business of farming with the tractors.

  12. If I'm late for work , I'm gonna whip somebodies a$$.

  13. You had better leave early!

  14. OK 5:32 - what does that have to do with legislation that takes away their property rights? If you don't like farm subsidies - fine. I actually agree with you on that. But that has absolutely nothing to do with this issue. The issue at hand is about property rights. The property rights that are literally being destroyed by special interest groups using the government as a tool to make it happen. We had all better put an end to it now or soon they will be coming after your land - regardless of how small the parcel.

  15. I hope they hold traffic up for miles on 50.

    Anon 7:41 if you are late for work I can guarantee you won't be whipping no farmers ass, they'll toss you like a bale of hay then ride over top of your car like you were at a monster truck show.

    Right after you thank God for your next meal, remember to thank him for the farmer that grew it. Bunch of damned ingrates.


  16. 5:32 YOU are full of baloney! You know not of what you speak. I, too, am a farmer. 1/2 million dollars for not planting? In your dreams only is that anywhere near true.

  17. Amen go Farmers but stay away from Draw Bridge those Politicians will put bridge up on you....

  18. 7:41 Maybe you can latch onto one of those big, tough farmers and drag him out of his John Deere and see who wins!

  19. Those popliticians are no longer in Office.

  20. Now is a good time for someone to look at the tactics of the Planning and Zoning Commission. They do what they want, when they want without regard to anybody or anything. Their usual mode of operations is to threaten, intimate, and try to instill fear into anyone thats in their path. i.e. Clark Meadows Ask Councilman Holloway he is well aware of their methods.

  21. Any update or pics from this? Did it go down?


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