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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Jim Ireton IS Your Next Mayor! Debbie Campbell Re-Elected!



  1. 2 out of 3--Let's get the party started....and if I were Cynthia, with those 4 write-in votes, and losing by 3, I'd be challenging that.

  2. Joe congratulations!! You beat all the other news sources.

    You are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats to both the winners!

    Now all we need is to count those absentee ballots to see if Polk can gain 4 votes over shanie ...

  4. Michael Della Penna IIIApril 7, 2009 at 9:02 PM

    Way to go Jim and Debbi. Now we can really change this city for the better.

  5. Good to see salisbury take their city back!!! They didnt need any more of what they are gettin rid of!!!

  6. OMG! Are You Serious? Are You sure? I pray this is true. I hope Jim had a good margin, too!

  7. It's time code and compliance get on those landlords that tried to buy our election for an idiot to keep screwing taxpayers. Make them get their crappy houses up to code or tear them down!

    I have hundreds of pictures of rentals in much worse shape than my house, let them come by house and open THIS CAN-O-WORMS! Put a citation on my house and I know at least 20 rentals that need to be shut down.

    Get Richard Insley off of the planning and zoning board, NOW!

  8. Our prayers have been answered!!!!!!

  9. Yes, but we still have a 3-2 vote on the council.

  10. WAY TO GO! Salisbury is on it's way to being reborn!

  11. Shanie by 3 votes? I think her "eligibilty" should still be questioned; I hear she lives in Princess Anne.

    Congrats to Jim and Debbie...excellent campaigns run by both of you and I smell hope for this city.

  12. It seems to good to be true! When do we get the official results?

  13. Congratulations, Jim and Debbie! You have won well deserved positions. Way to run an HONEST and DIGNIFIED campaign!

  14. 3 votes are needed in the absentees to break the 3-2 majority on the council. Everybody needs to say their bedtime prayers tonight. We still need Cynthia in there, and we need Bubba busted.

  15. What about Shields vs. Polk?

  16. YEE HAW!!!!! GOODBYE BUBBA.....And I don't even live in Salisbury anymore

  17. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!!

  18. Adios Chief, and take the Major with ya!

  19. Fantastic! Jim, you have your work cut out for you and many, many challenges to meet. Dig in, remain committed.
    I am very excited. Congratulations to you and Debbie.

  20. Congratulations Mayor Ireton!

    Congratulations Councilwoman Campbell. The Salisbury babe is back where she belongs.

  21. Thanks for the great news Joe! And thanks for all you have done for Salisbury! I know that Jim is a great guy and probably could have won without you, but I'm sure your support and influence helped further bury Comegys in the polls! You should be very proud of your accomplishments and We are all certainly proud of Mr. Ireton!

  22. Read it and weep Barrie, Bubba and Boda. Your dirty tricks did you no good.

  23. What about Cynthia Polk! We need her in District 1. Please tell me she is close or won?????

  24. The best news we have had! Now realign the council and off we go. This is our chance to turn Salisbury around.

  25. Congratulations, Mr. Mayor! We are all proud to have you and feel the relief from the past administration! It will be a pleasure to be working with you toward a better Salisbury, and I promise you all the help I can give!
    Go, Jim!


  27. congrats Joe....great job on getting Jim elected....I only hope the change that was voted for goes better than last November's "change"....you are your blog are truely a force in the area....thanks

  28. Great job everyone who was involved in helping the Salisbury taxpayers get their city back!

    Jim, Debbie...Congrats!

    Bet I know of a very upset woman (think thats what she is) right now. I pitty anyone near her over the next few days.

  29. Great News!!!! Let's hope the absentees turn Shields/Polk race around also. Go Jim and Debbie.

  30. It should be an interesting council meeting on the 20th. If Ms Polk wins it will b e a really interesting meeting.

  31. Barrie, How does it feel to lose the race? That is what has happened and you know it. Enough of your contract with Salisbury. Get lost!

  32. Congrats to Jim Ireton

  33. Thank You to Barrie Tilghman, Jonathan Taylor and Mike Dunn for driving voters in droves from Bubba abd Boda.

    PS - Be Happy, Don't Worry, because Help is on the Way!

  34. Time to house clean! Chief Pansy, Paul Wilbury, John Prick just to name a few!

    Great job to both. I was pullinng hard for you!!!!!!!

  35. YES!!!! ALL RIGHT!!!!! Forgive the caps but it's worth it



  38. Very well run campaign. Glad it is over so the work can begin. Hopefully Polk will win as well but still sad how few people voted in such a pivotal election with so much at stake.

  39. Although I'm happy for them both, and the city, I'm worried bout you Joe - what will you BI**H about!

  40. Overhead page at Walmart:

    "Muir we have a backup in the men's room, get to work and stop Daydreaming."

  41. Congrats Jim and Debbie! And congrats to Cynthia Polk, who is within 3 votes of Shanie!

  42. Help has arrived!!!!!!!!!

  43. Joe:

    Thank God we will finally get some long sought relief for our citizenry.

    Maybe now we'll be able to begin anew with a fresh slate of ideologies. Some of the challenges will be to clean-up our environment -(SWTP)-, begin with a fresh new face -(New Police chief), and be able to retain some really qualified Fire officials that have the public's interest at heart instead of their own.

    I truly hope that the newly elected officials will embark on a new cabinet ASAP.

    The change of Guard has now been officially mandated!!!!

  44. Let's keep fingers crossed for Cynthia Polk, so it's not the same old 3 to 2 on council.

    But wake up Bubba and Louweasel. Bubba and Boda didn't just get beat.

    They got beat BIG!

    That's a message from us to you! Enough is Enough!

  45. This is just wonderful news. Thank you Joe for all of the work you do with Salisbury News to get the word out. I have no doubt that your influence had something to do with this win.

  46. Go Ireton!! Help is on the way!

  47. Thanks for getting the word and good news out quickly. I don't understand why, in this age of technological capability, we have to wait hours for results that should take minutes to prepare. At least the news is good.

  48. not entirely yet joe.you still got comegys,smith, and maybe shields.

  49. Congratulation Jim and Debbie!

    A new day for Salisbury is ahead!

  50. I am so excited. Thank you Salisbury. Everyone spoke today.
    Help is on the way. Good Job Jim Ireton and Debbie Campbell and Congratulations!!!!!!

  51. Bubba got stomped and stomped good.

  52. Hey Everyone,

    There are some tough challenges for us ahead, and Jim and Debbie are going to need all of our help! Be patient, know that it won't happen overnight, but we now have a mayor who respects your opinions even if he disagrees with you. Help IS on the way, Salisbury, and YOU DID IT!!!

  53. The viciousness that Barrie's group tried again has failed and backfired big time today! Barrie, Gary, Louise, Shanie are so over. Yeah for the Dirty Dozen!!

  54. now its time for a surprise code check on all spoa houses in the city!

  55. Daily Times, ungracious and scummy as usual. "Self-proclaimed"?:

    SALISBURY — Citizens want change and their desire is evident through their choice for Salisbury's next mayor: Jim Ireton.

    The former councilman and self-proclaimed agent of change beat City Council Vice President Gary Comegys by 419 votes.

    In the council race, Debbie Campbell will represent District 2 citizens for another four years.

    The District 1 race between incumbent Shanie Shields and challenger Cynthia Polk is close and will be determined by more than 32 remaining absentee ballots.

    See continuing coverage in the Wednesday edition of The Daily Times.

    I'm excited. But Ireton WILL be undermined by the Daily Rag and the Barrie loyalists in the administration.

    If Shields gets in, she, Bubba and Louweasel will fight Ireton. If Polk gets in, Louweasel will tell Bubba "buh-bye."

    If Shields stays in, will be interesting to see if the majority side can show ANY grace in this and finally make the HUGE VOTE GETTER Debbie Campbell the president. Not holding my breath, but ya never know. If they don't, they'll look like crap (the crap they are).

    With OUR help, Ireton CAN overcome all this.

    Stay strong, Salisbury!

    Congrats, Debbie Campbell, Jim Ireton and prayer out for ya, Cynthia Polk!

  56. The Dream Team disintegrated, and nearly destroyed. That is the outcome of this election. The people spoke louder than special interests and investors mining the community out of avarice and greed. Help is here, and more on the way if yes-woman Shields loses. Smith should become and island surrounded by sharks.

  57. congrats Jim! We know you'll do a great job and fix many of the problems that have been festering for years.

  58. Such great news for Salisbury!! Congratulations Jim & Debbie!!!
    Can't wait to see the positive changes start to happen!

  59. Gordo can see his world disapating right in front of him. His spending rampage is over and See is soon to be gone. Little Ricky(BABA LOO) is thinking,OMG has this backfired on me.

  60. Congrats to Jim and Debbie!!!

  61. everyone to brew river!!! drinks on joe.....right joe?

  62. 13 days until Barrie gets Voted OUT!
    (288 hours : 23minutes : 47seconds)


  63. Wicomico Central to Station 2 EMS respond to 1009 Monitor Court for an Intoxicated Female. Station 2 Copy. Paramedic 2 is responding for the drunk subject.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Time to house clean! Chief Pansy, Paul Wilbury, John Prick just to name a few!

    Great job to both. I was pullinng hard for you!!!!!!!

    9:27 PM

    Don't forget Chief Sea, Deputy Chief Hopeless and Deputy Chief Gordo.

  65. Great news!Congrats to Jim-he has proven nice guys do not always finish last!

  66. Note to Gordo:

    Please do not scratch up the new car and keep the miles down on it. Your days are numbered and that car will be turned on on April 20, 2009. If you had any balls you would graciously resign anytime between now and April 20th.

  67. Beth Twilley, Mother of one of his Students at West SideApril 8, 2009 at 12:22 AM

    My Family and I would like to congratulate Mr. Ireton on his win!!. My daughter, Sierra is one of his classmates this year and absolutely was hysterical when we logged on to the site only to find that Jim had won (like there was any doubt) He did a very good job at separating his campaigning duties and his teaching duties. His students are very proud of him!! I too am glad to see the change. Although we don't live in city limits, the crime from the city flows over into county jurisdiction. I have faith that things will tighten up again, and that the small town that I purposely moved to, to give my children a better life will again be a good place to live. Thanks for your blog Joe, you did good work!!

  68. Hey Fatso Hoppes have you been applying for an jobs lately? I hear Boda may have an opening at WalMart with him. By the way where can a fatman with limited skills go to get a decent paying job these days?

  69. Congrats Jim and Debbie !!!!!!!!

    Joe hats off to you on a great effort with true conviction for a "City" you dont even live in. Awesome job. You dersrve a hand.

    I wish the City well and pray for solid change.

    Joe I hope you now start looking ahrd at the County Coucil. The need to be "Alberoized". Be fair but if they are off let them have it. I guarantee they watched this election closey you are a force now with credibilty. Use it wisely you can make changes that are for the best of society with this grass roots effort. The bell ringing was a major sucess due to your sincere work.

    I ask you to give the county the same due. I hope they heard the shot heard around Salisbury tonight. People are sick and tired of political bullies and good ole boy B.S.

    I will be fair here it is time for celabration for the victors.

    Again great work showing the public the real deal.

  70. Thats what's up. Three cheers for Mayor Jim!

  71. See you later Webster !!!! Resign now and avoid the humiliation of being fired !!

  72. Congradulations to Mayor Elect Ireton, Ms. Campbell. Looking forward to a better place to live Salisbury. We are putting our forsale sign away and are willing to sit, wait and see. Thank you Mayor elect for your devotion.

  73. Barrie,

    Get on your broom and ride off into the sunset!

  74. Guess who won't be appointed as our next Fire chief! All you puppets have a good life OK?

    Brian Records for Fire Chief.

  75. I just left the Gordy Exxon - Autumn Terrace and between Comegy and Boda signs you can't hardly even get-in to the service station entrance.

    Gee wizz guys . . .do you really need to virtually wall-to-wall sign the place?

  76. I don't know if anyone has seen all of the Comegy and Boda signs at the entrance to Gordys Autumn Terrace but this is absolutely ridiculous.

    Are all of these signs really necessary?

  77. DC Hoppes, report to the engine bay for Mop duty. After that, there are 10 restrooms to be cleaned. After that, check the equipment, and wash all the windows in the building. That's all for now.

  78. Deborah, thanks for staying. Make a call to Jim or Debbie and get involved. WIth people who love Salisbury stepping up to be a part of the solution this can be a fabulous place to live again in what will seem like no time at all. Teamwork! Everyone offer your talents. Let's get this show on the road. - Bill

  79. Congadulations Jim, now that the easy part is over, lets see what you got partner. I strongly urge that the annual salary for the Mayors office be raised to $50,000.00. This is a full time job and needs to be treated as such.


    Let's make a clean sweep in Salisbury.

  81. Congratulations! Your good work with your blog has done much to bring this day about. Our time is coming the 27th when we too will take our town back.

  82. Congratulations Jim and Debbie, and hopefully Cynthia. Now the work begins. Searching for department heads that actually can be a benefit instead of a detriment to the City of Salisbury. Time for Change. In the SFD, we are already getting rid of See, wonder if he knew that was coming, and we need to send the same message to Hoppes and Gordy. "A new broom sweeps clean." I am not sure that we don't need changes in Finance too, wasn't it Pam Oland who "misplaced " millions of dollars, OK. And our police Chiefy, Webster, doesn't want the public to know that we have crime in our city,and that there are gangs. We just continue to let them run rampid and rob and shoot their way to the point that regular citizens are forced to take things in their own hands. Home invasions + citizen with own weapon= justice served.

  83. When are the absentee ballots being counted?? The new administration needs to get to work. After all Mayor Tilghman has done 12 yrs of damage, and its not gonna get repaired overnight. But getting rid of some key department heads and wanna bees (Gordy), the is a light at the end of the tunnel.


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