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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Crack In Airplane Window-Unbelievable

This is scary for anyone who travels frequently by plane!!!! Actual crack in a DC-9 window! Fliers beware of the sub standard maintenance on the airplanes that you fly on.

This is an actual crack that was found in the window frame on a DC-9. I'll definitely think twice before flying US Air.


  1. Nice butt. Hysterical.

  2. Too mnay jokes......

    paging Mr. Butts , Mr. Seemore Butts Your seat is ready....

    Talk about a window smear WOW

    Me and my baby went out walking under a nutsack moon tonite.

  3. The crew's just adding that personal touch to NANCY'S WINDOW SEAT!

  4. you know i wonder if ray charles ever said "the way i see it......" and then never said anything after it.
    And just for another laugh i would make that planes seat one of the snotty nose brats who lick windows and make faces at the ground crew OH Y EAH pay back baby

  5. Spare me Comegy's Butt crack!

  6. Chriso, "the way I see it"....is to have insight and perception. and you,too, BigEastFireDog.


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