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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Very Interesting Story

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  1. you won't find one, long live political correctness!!! Where the terrorist has more rights than the victims. I heard today that the terrorists from 911 arent being referred to as terrorist anymore by our government. Don't want to hurt their feelings and all

  2. This is simply barbaric. If you believe this is what should be done to human beings maybe you were born on the wrong planet. You throw around words like Muslim Extremist as easily as you do words like Left Wing Liberal. Get a life. Pershing is burning in hell for this deed.

  3. would this work on congress? they seem to be the most destructive terrorist at the moment...

  4. I know where we can find some pigs!!

    I say instead of nukes, we bomb 'em with whole hogs!!

  5. Did you know the David in (David and Goliath) was responsible for over twenty be-headings. Dracula(Count) put 10,000 men on giant spears stuck verticly in the earth, rammed right threw them and let the approaching army see them. The army fled in fear.

  6. Terrorists attack us because our congress is so fond of PORK!

  7. So what's your point Mr. Wilkerson? Are you proposing we (the USA) adopt the practice of fighting terrorism with terrorism? Sounds like a twisted scene out of Mad Max. Get real.

  8. Just presenting some historical facts. My personal view is,"you meet evil with greater evil if you want to survive". Violence has pleged this world from the very beginning, it will never go away. Sometime the mere threat of violence is enough, sometimes its not. The human race seems destined to destroy itself, thats why I avoid it at all cost the best I can.

  9. I say that every soldier that we send over there to fight against the extremists should have their ammo coated in a red dye or paint and "leak" the information to the general population that its pigs blood. It would be interesting to see how many of the extremists would still be willing to fight.

    I know it will never happen, but it would be an interesting experiment.

  10. There were serious atrocities committed in that conflict by Americans. It certainly was not our finest hour.

    Nevertheless, this story at told here is simply not true. Most of the rebels engaging the US were catholics.

  11. Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, whatever. In war there are no rules, no names except those who promote the agenda. The bottom line is to stop the perps in the way that least puts your own troops in danger. We are not in any conflict to trade man for man, we are in a conflict to win with no loss. Anything that accomplishes this goal is the method. if you want fair, go wrestle in the olympics.
    Any questions?


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