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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Just In

Hi, Joe,

I received this 2nd hand but may be worth investigating.

Donnie Williams and Richard Insley have allegedly offered SU students one month of free rent if they go to the polls and vote for Comegys.

Not surprised they would stoop so low...but, believe it is illegal to bribe voters.

Does anyone know anyone out there that may have received such an offer? If so, man, bring them forward.


  1. That is alot of money to throw at a Mayor's spot...this is a rumor probably spread to get people to vote for Comegys but voters will get no money after the votes have been counted. There's no way to tell if someone votes for him or not-no quality control -for lack of a better tern- and no assurance. The rents at these places are $300-$400 a student, there's no way these people are throwing away that kind of money.

  2. My, my, my Bubba. . .just how low will you go? It's nothing for you but a "win at any price" affair, is it? I don't even live in city limits, but am volunteering to stuff envelopes in one of your opponents' campaign if it means working till my fingers bleed. That's how badly I want crumbs like you and Shainne out of office.

  3. How will they know who I vote for?

    Sure I'll "vote" for him as long as I get the free months rent.

  4. Just a bit of advise , if they did
    offer a month free rent , take it and vote for anybody you want. They won't know who you voted for.

  5. Nothing would surprise me that Donnie Williams would be part of.

  6. Are SU students renting a house (IE: they live elsewhere) not eligible voters? I seem to recall not many of my college friends ever registering to vote- of course we didn't have all the "excitement" that Salisbury has...

  7. Check out the attendees for Comegys last "fundraiser" at the Penthouse last Wednesday. A number of them are talking. There are others too, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Somebody needs to let these kids know they're being used to commit a crime by people who are going to screw them over anyway.

  8. If I were a smart college student I would take them, the land lords, up on their offer...Then go to the poles and vote for Ireton.. They cant prove who you voted for...go for it...

  9. Donnie William is one of the cheapest, no, stingiest people I've ever met. He would not give up a months rent to his mother.
    Maybe he just promised to give them back their security deposit, for a change, when they move out.
    NO, he wouldn't do that either, It might set a precedent for him or his company.

  10. I have also heard this, and it is important that if it is true, students or any other tenants who have been given this offer come forward. Do not be afraid of your landlord, you have legal protections that will prevent any retribution. And if any landlords are reading this, I want you to know that offering such incentives is a felony. You are on notice. Is getting Gary elected really worth spending time in prison, not to mention the legal fees that will ensue?

  11. I took your advice and I did investigate it. I called Donnie Williams and he said NO I'm my father's son. He never gave anything away, and I'm just like him, I never give anything away.

    This is balony, the rotten kind.

  12. Hope this is just rumor.
    Buying votes can be a more costly event than just a month's rent.
    See items (5) and (6) below.
    $2500 and/or 5 years per infraction. These penalties evidently don't apply to the person(s) whose vote was bought, just to the buyer(s).

    Try to imagine Maloney and Insley in orange jumpsuits and flip-flops, without fifty-dollar haircuts and restricted to watching basic cable.

    Article - Election Law
    [Previous][Next][Another Article]
    (a) A person may not willfully and knowingly:
    (1) (i) impersonate another person in order to vote or attempt to vote; or
    (ii) vote or attempt to vote under a false name;
    (2) vote more than once for a candidate for the same office or for the same ballot question;
    (3) vote or attempt to vote more than once in the same election, or vote in more than one election district or precinct;
    (4) vote in an election district or precinct without the legal authority to vote in that election district or precinct;
    (5) influence or attempt to influence a voter’s voting decision through the use of force, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, reward, or offer of reward;
    (6) influence or attempt to influence a voter’s decision whether to go to the polls to cast a vote through the use of force, fraud, threat, menace, intimidation, bribery, reward, or offer of reward; or
    (7) engage in conduct that results or has the intent to result in the denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race, color, or disability.
    (b) Except as provided in § 16-1002 of this title, a person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine of not more than $2,500 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years or both.
    (c) A person who violates this section is subject to § 5-106(b) of the Courts Article.
    [Previous][Next][Another Article]

  13. There is a way to know how you voted--an absentee ballot filled out in front of someone. Not to give anyone any ideas . . .

    I'm hoping it is just a rumor. It would be nice if the Daily Times checked into that like they've checked into other rumors! Ask around to the students who have been attending the "meet Gary Comegys" events. I wasn't there, I don't know if this happened, but surely it is worth calling some of the students to find out what was said. Calling Donnie Williams obviously isn't the way to investigate! If it is true, it is pretty sad. I'm hoping it isn't true. we don't need that kind of nonsense here.

  14. Sorry this one is a bit far fetched... Let's stick to facts.

  15. This is just plain dumb. How can you prove who you voted for? It's supposed to be anonymous, right? How retarded.

  16. \Donnie Williams sold his college houses

  17. heck yea! And if you get 5 friends you can get a bonus month of rent.

  18. My brother-in-law used to do work for Donnie Williams and whenever he went to the office to get paid, Donnie would go out the back door so he wouldn't have to pay.

  19. For any students reading this, I've got 2 things to say: first, if you were there when this was stated, please let someone know (either here or at the student newspaper). The other thing is that there is one candidate who has no financial ties to the big landlords, and that is Jim Ireton. Many (most)landlords here are awesome, but we all know that there are some bad apples. Why on earth would you vote for the guy who is in the pocket of the bad landlords? And for the good landlords, please do not buy all the crazy things that SAPOA is saying about Jim Ireton. Call him up and talk to him and you will find he is a good guy--he does not want to run you out of business!

  20. 5:37, I've heard this same story from 2 other people. The problem is that the students clam up when you ask them about it. Joe's heard it, I've heard it twice, and so has 5:36. Where there's smoke there's usually fire.

  21. This is a trick to get the wwtp story calmed down.

  22. So how many college kids have come forward and verified this?

    Thought so.

  23. 5:54 this is not far fetched at all. Desperate people do desperate things. Why do you think Donnie Williams is unloading all of his student rentals? He knows a new administration will not turn their heads on code compliance. If homeowners must be in compliance with city codes so must slumlords.

  24. 6:41 how many college students do you think are dumb enough to come forward and face eviction with little more than a month of school to go? They have already paid one deposit they probably won't have returned to them, not likely they can afford another.

  25. Donnie Williams has no integrity or character. If he is involved with anything remotely akin to this, I hope that any and all legal action available will be taken against him.

    He has taken advantage of so many people through the years - particularly when he owned Alarm Guard and was buying rental properties.

    Thank God most people know who he is and what he is.

  26. About twent three years ago my sister dumped a whole pitcher of ice-tea on his head at the Cafe Portofino.

  27. I heard this too but not with names attached.

    This isn't far fetched. Tenants have been told "don't touch the sign out front or else."

    Is there anyone students can call and confidentially report this?

  28. At the risk of this sounding fabricated due to the fact that I refuse to use my real name out of fear of retribution:

    I also heard the same thing from a student directly.

  29. He might have said it but I'd bet the farm he won't come off of any of HIS money, for Bubba or for anyone else.
    This is the cheapest sonofabit*h in Salisbury. Without question.
    Hopefully the fact that he supports Comegys is another reason to vote against him...

  30. How many students actually change their address to Salisbury? No one that I know of has done that, they keep their home address while they're here. Don't you recall seeing in the police blotters that the underage drinkers and carousers are from Annapolis or Silver Spring or Baltimore, etc.
    Can they vote here?

  31. If they think this WWTP thing is hot, listen up, we still have our Ace "In the hole" and will drop that days before the election. This next exposure of this administration will have the walls caving in Jack! This is from a current city employee.

    This next story is going to make the WWTP look like nothing, "The encore song, finale, coupe de gra, the Adios M*'ers, si la ve" Booba, Boota and Shields. All in good time. You can take that to the bank!

  32. Gee, I was thinking about doing business with Donnie Williams...does anybody have any positive or negative dealings with him.

  33. doug wilkerson said...
    "This is a trick to get the wwtp story calmed down."

    I kinda think they would have thought of something a tad bit more positive than this...

  34. In all honesty, a months rent to a college kid is like winning the lottery, no one is coming forward. More than likely they were also bought a case of beer and that is enough to keep these kids quiet.

  35. Donnie William is one of the cheapest, no, stingiest people I've ever met. He would not give up a months rent to his mother.

    This is also the same for Richard Insley, Jr. and Rick the III!!! Richard would push down a kid to pick up a penny on the ground. I can promise you nobody is getting free rent from his office.

  36. Joe, FYI... from the SU email list.

    Mayoral Candidates Forum

    The University hosts “SU Night with the Mayoral Candidates” 7 p.m.
    Wednesday, March 25, in Holloway Hall Auditorium. During this forum,
    Salisbury mayoral candidates Gary Comegys and Jim Ireton are invited to
    answer questions from the SU community prior to the April 7 election.
    Students, faculty and staff may submit questions in advance regarding
    how each candidate would work with the campus community to promote
    civility, engage students in city governance and formulate processes for
    working with SU to further community stewardship. Questions should be
    submitted to Haleigh LaChance at the Center for Conflict Resolution at
    hnlachance@salisbury.edu by Monday, March 23. Sponsored by the
    Student Affairs Wellness Committee, Center for Conflict Resolution,
    Guerrieri University Center, SU College Democrats, SU College
    Republicans and the Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement,
    SU students, faculty and staff are invited. For more information call

  37. 9:19, that's exactly why it would work. None of them will pay out a dime, because of the secret ballot. These guys are thinking that college students are as dumb as they are and will somehow fall for this offer!Some may, but methinks most will see through the smoke and mirrors. However, these kids are new enough to the voting process that they may take the bait. After all, we do catch some of the fish when we go fishing, don't we? why are most of them smaall ones?

    I encourage any student who has had this idea proposed to them to contact Joe and ask that he keep their name anonymous. Joe has this standard, and you can bet on it. He knows how to deal with this in a way that you cannot be punished by your landlord without due process and compensation. Your vote for the big fat GC will bring you far greater grief than dealing with this in a legal manner. Jim Ireton will make sure of that.

  38. If, and I repeat, if, there is any bribing going on among those living in student rentals... do you really think it would be the students being bribed? How many students living in rental houses actually pay their own rent? Sure... I am sure some do. But I am sure a majority are paid by their parents. So if the parents are bribed to convince their child to vote one way I am sure it would be more convincing for the student to follow the orders of the parent. And to be honest, do you think a parent living in another town really cares who wins mayor of Salisbury? Do you think the student does? If offered a free months rent and the student could vote dont you think the parent would "encourage" his child to vote a certain way?
    Just throwing another point of view out. I really dont believe any of this is going on, but nowadays you never know.

    GO CAPS!!

  39. Oh I think there is also a lot more to come on the WWTP story too however you would never show your real "Hand" until the last bet goes down Jack!

  40. The city needs to do what the county did and do a forensic audit of the City Public Works Department. Surprise Pam!

  41. Insley did NOT extend this offer to me.

  42. 8:42 - DO NOT go into any sort of business arrangement with Donnie Williams. I am sure there are many who can attest to his dishonest, corrupt and down right dirty business practices. If you honor your business ethics and want to run an honest business they STAY AWAY.

  43. Whatever happened to Alarmguard???? If I recall it was put out of business by an unsatisfied customer....
    And didnt Williams harass a family that lived next door to him?


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