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Monday, March 09, 2009

Things Will Be Hopping On PAC14 TONIGHT!

Ladies & Gentlemen, IF you get PAC14 I strongly urge you to watch tonight's show!!!!!!

Earl's Sister should have a shocking post coming up here real soon, one in which I believe will blow you away. Once you read it I will again ask, Mrs. I'm Accountable & Take Full Responsibility Mayor, what say you now?

Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy are about to be exposed like you have never seen before. I want to also know what Gary Comegys thinks about what we're about to expose. Sit tight Folks, it's coming soon.


  1. Could it be kickbacks on the new fire vehicles????

  2. Joe:

    You can watch PAC 14 on the internet - live streaming video -- at http://www.pac14.org/

  3. Could someone please tell me what time the show starts?


  4. I'll be tuning in!!!

  5. Joe, The wastewater mayor will leave before public comments.

  6. Mare horseface was nowhere to be found

  7. As demonstrated tonight, Gary Comegys didn't think squat about what you exposed. But his fire buddies are taken care of, so life is good!

  8. Closed session last night? Were they discussing that $45,000,000 lawsuit?


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