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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pan Am/Delta Pilot Involved In Shooting

Plantation, FL -- Last week police were called to investigate an attempted armed robbery:

The 71-year-old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a Plantation, FL, Subway shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former helicopter pilot for two presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he works out everyday. Mr. Lovell was a man of action Wednesday night..

According to Plantation police, two masked gunmen came into the Subway at 1949 N.. Pine Rd. Just after 11 p.m. There was a lone diner,

Mr. Lovell, who was finishing his meal.. After robbing the cashier, the two men attempted to shove Mr. Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got his money, but then Mr. Lovell pulled his handgun and opened fire. He shot one of the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head.

When police arrived, they found one of the men in the shop, K-9 units found the other in the bushes of a nearby business.. They also found cash strewn around the front of the sandwich shop according to Detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department.

Both men were taken to the Broward General Medical Center , where one, Donicio Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The other, 21-year-old Frederick Gadson of Fort Lauderdale is in critical but stable condition

A longtime friend of Lovell was not surprised to hear what happened. The friend said, ''He'd give you the shirt off his back, but he'd be mad as hell if someone tried to take the shirt off your back.''

Mr. Lovell was a pilot in the Marine Corps, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta.

He is not expected to be charged authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life,'' Detective Rettig said, "These criminals ought to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and aren't intimidated by idiots."

Something tells me this old Marine wasn't 'in fear for his life', even though his life was definitely at risk. The only thing he could be charged with is participating in an unfair fight. One 71 - year young Marine against two punks. Two head shots and one center body mass shot, outstanding shooting! That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

Don't you just love a story with a happy ending?

Florida law allows eligible citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Every state should.

EDITORS NOTE: I have not checked the credibility of this story. I simply found it interesting.


  1. This is a great story, maybe it could/should happen in Salisbury.

  2. Good for this guy! You will hear more of this as time passes.
    The public will not tolerate this
    anymore , it's about time.
    This will save the legal system
    a lot of money.

  3. I heard that story months ago. Not sure of its validity but was not a recent matter. But does say tons about the right to carry here in Florida

  4. Right to carry in Maryland? YES, support House Bill 470 which is in Judicary committe.
    See article here on March 11.

  5. Bad thing is that Subway will probably get sued by the dead guys family for something. It certainly isnt over I'm sure.

  6. Charged?They should give this man a medal at 71 he upheld his own and should be rewarded for doing so.Subway ought to give him free meals for the rest of his life.

  7. Semper Fi, Mac. And it should happen in salisbury. Or anywhere else if need be. Good gun control.

  8. I think the government should take everyone's gun except for the police and the criminals. Lots of people say, If they take our guns then only the criminals will have guns. EXACTLY! Then, we know who the criminals are. The police will protect us. There are very very very few "corrupt policemen" - so what is everyone so worried about?

  9. To Anonymous 10:58 Are you really that stupid. Just try and call the police for help when your wife and daughter are being raped and you are beaten and bloody watching it all. Then if you all three aren't all dead they will finally arrive when the criminals are in the next county.

  10. F YEAH! That's what I'm talking about. One in the head and chest, and one in the HEAD! ONE IN THE HEAD

  11. To the person who left the 10:58 comment...you are without a doubt one of the weakest waste of human flesh that has had the opportunity to post a comment. The comment that followed yours was more than appropriate; however, your morals are so screwed up that if given the opportunity to find you’re a$$ with both hands you would probably bend over spread your cheeks and let the criminal just slip you a smoothie while you told him to just wait until the police got there.

  12. This post is fairly accurate but it happened 2 years ago. Frederick Gadson was sentenced to 10 years in June this year (2009) if anyone even sees this. This is an old page.

    Posted by some guy in SE Florida 07-13-2009


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