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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Knock, Knock, Who's There?

It's your District 2 Councilwoman Debbie Campbell, that's who. The reception Debbie has received has been overwhelmingly good this year. I truly don't know where she finds the time but let me assure you, this woman just doesn't stop. This go around I found her all the way back behind the State Police Barracks. I had no idea their District went that far!


  1. The reason why Debbie is getting so much support is because she is a hardworking woman, a neighborhood friend; someone who really cares about our issues.

    By the way, the invitation from the mayor's office to discuss neighborhood issues on Tuesday March, 31 is too late. If she is trying to get support for Comegys, she got the wrong person.

  2. Ask the city police, it takes them sometimes 20 to 25 minutes to respond all the way up there! I've heard several officers complain about having to patrol in that area.

    All of these annexations may provide more tax dollars however they do nothing for public safety.

  3. We have only about two weeks until the election. Get those contributions in folks so that Campbell can cross the finish line first. I sent a very small contribution (what I could afford) and received a very nice handwritten thank you note. We can't afford to lose her. $5, $10,more if possible. We have been complacent believing that she is sure to win becasue she has done a good job. Not everyone is as aware of what's going on at city hall as those who read here. She will need a final infusion of contributions right about now. Support a real public servant. www.campbell4council.net

  4. She will be Mayor one day or possibly a represenative or senator. Shes honest, hard-working and smart, sexy goes with-out saying. A true peoples politician. Its refreshing to see there are still people like her that care.

  5. Doug, I've been thinking the exact same thing you just said for sometime now. That Debbie would make a great Mayor is a foregone conclusion, and she would make one HELL of a fine Senator for sure. I certainly hope we'll see the day when she's in one of those offices.

    I kinda wish we could keep her for ourselves forever because we'll ALWAYS need a Debbie Campbell here. On a less selfish note, though, she would do a LOT for this state if we sent her to Washington.

    And yeah, sexy goes without saying, but glad you mentioned it anyway...LOL. She's a beautiful lady.

  6. Debbie Campbell has more energy than all three of the bozos put together (and guts and integrity and...).


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