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Friday, March 06, 2009

Jim Ireton Celebrates With Friends & Family

Tuesday night Mayoral Candidat Jim Ireton celebrated a monstrous victory over Gary Comegys and Bob Caldwell. I can't wait to buy him his next Big Wheel! Congratulations Again Jim Ireton, Help Is On The Way!


  1. Congratulations, Mayor Ireton!

    Bye, Bye, Bubba (in 2011)!

  2. Go Jim! Check out friendsofjimireton.com to help out in any way that you can: money is good, but so is a few hours of your time on a Saturday, or even simply putting out a sign on your lawn! There's an email address on the site so you can request a sign, offer to volunteer, or just ask Jim a question.

  3. Is T. J. Baloney sober yet?

  4. Jim:

    When you are mayor, please preserve that old "standpipe" as a memorial for Barrie & Bubba -- it's the perfect shape (think about it)!

  5. Great pics! You can feel the love and excitement.

    Won't it be great to feel that way about Salisbury again?

    It won't be overnight.


    HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Help better be on the way. Any worse and it'll be like one of those old war movies. "Drop artillery/Napalm on my last position! Danger close! Enemy's in the wire! I'm poppin' smoke! Give 'em Hell!" Someone should have given the Octomom DNA from John Wayne, Lee Marvin and Gen. George S. Patton, the only SOB's that should be cloned.

  7. Damn Jim makes me look like a runt hahahaha

    Right now he's making everyone look like a runt!


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