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Monday, March 09, 2009

Hala McIver Named Maryland's Top 100 Women

Hala McIver is not only a close and dear friend, she is by far one of the greatest women I have ever been blessed to know. In a recent announcement/Press Release HERE and HERE put out by the Maryland Daily Record, Hala participates with 99 other fantastic women throughout the State of Maryland. The difference, Hala is one of the few entrepreneurs of the group and she's from right here in Salisbury.

Hala is the Wife of Mark McIver, (I had to throw that DT piece in there for fun) who happens to be one of the finest Gentlemen I have ever come to know and call my dear friend as well.

Hala works extremely hard and close with "Kids of Honor" and truly has a wonderful Family. Mark & Hala have four children, one of whom is serving our Country in the Armed Forces while the others are attending College here in Maryland.

Congratulations Hala McIver, we're VERY proud of you.


  1. Go Hala. Well deserved!

  2. Congrats to Hala!!!! :) Btw- she has 4 kids. :)

  3. Joe,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. I am extremely proud of my wife. Just last week we celebrated our 25th anniversary. Hala is a loving wife and mother. Now that the children are grown, she is working to make our community better for the next generation.

    I would like to make one correction to your story. We are the proud parents of 4 children. Our oldest is serving our country in Iraq. The other 3 attend college. They are just as proud of Hala as I am.

    Thanks again,

  4. I am proud to call Hala friend. Congratulations Hala.

  5. Hala is such a lovely and gracious woman, it is a pleasure to know her, but more, it is an honor to have her as part of our community.

  6. A super nice person, and she has put up with Mark for 25 years. WOW! (Just kidding.) Congratulations for getting recognition for what we all knew all along.... One fantastic lady. The McIver family is "Top Shelf" all the way.

    Warm wishes,
    farm boy

  7. Hala, I am so proud of you! There are so many other things you are doing that weren't even mentioned. That is just the kind of person you are.


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