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Friday, March 13, 2009


Of The International Association of Fire Fighters
LOCAL 4246
P.O. Box 3631, Salisbury, MD 21802
For release on Mar 13th, 2009.

Fire Fighters announce endorsements for upcoming City election

The Salisbury Career Fire Fighters Association (SCFFA) would like to announce our endorsement of Jim Ireton for Mayor of Salisbury, as well as Debbie Campbell and Cynthia Polk for City Council in their respective Districts.

Jim Ireton has a great vision for the City of Salisbury, fire department included, that the SCFFA believes in as well. With fiscal responsibility, including timely audits, Ireton will ensure that the citizens’ money is being spent in the correct manner. Ireton will also strive for a safer City with his public facilities ordinance, which will allow the City to provide more firefighters, emergency medical technicians, and police officers on the street for the citizens. Ireton’s honesty and hard work as Mayor will carry the City well.

Debbie Campbell has proven herself time and again in recent years as a tireless and trustworthy Councilwoman. Campbell’s keen financial eye will keep the City going through the current economic hardship the country is experiencing. Campbell is willing to put forth the extra effort to keep the City running smoothly and properly as a Councilwoman.

Cynthia Polk brings a new perspective to the Council, and she has shown that she is willing to stand up and make changes in the City. Polk will work hard to take care of not only the City, but the citizens and employees as well.

The Salisbury Career FireFighters Association will stand with these candidates as they bring the integrity, diligence, and trustworthiness to the citizens they so rightfully deserve. I hope that the citizens will join us in supporting these candidates on April 7th.

Christopher Truitt
President of the Salisbury Career FireFighters Association
IAFF Local 4246


  1. Kudos to the MEN and WOMEN of the SCFFA. Stand Strong and BE PROUD!


    Thats the SFD I know!!!

  3. OMG: You think he will be able to take the heat that is coming at the Association for this commitment.

  4. Comegys rejected by his own for the second time in a row. Now if that doesn't speak volume I don't know what does.

  5. Integrity, diligence, and trustworthiness.

    Something you WILL get from Ireton, Campbell and Polk.

    Something you will NOT get from Comegys or Shields, as demonstrated. And Boda has given off many indications that he is suspect.

    Good job, Career Firefighters!!

  6. I guess the machine can't control the paid pros, huh?

  7. anonymous 5:23,

    That's exactly what makes heros. It's time to stand up against this current administration, band together and create a new.

    We don't just need this locally, we need this throughout the entire Country. It's NOT about winning and losing, it's about what is right.

    Salisbury desperately needs a leader that will put public safety FIRST and NOT go public on television and say that a Fire Service is a given! Gary pretty much flat out said the City DOES NOT have to provide such a service.

    EVERY vote counts Ladies & Gentlemen and you MUST get every single individual who lives in the City to get out there and VOTE!

    Your responsibility does NOT end with just an endoursement. It BEGINS with one! Now you have to get out there and physically support these Candidates. IF the Administration give you a hard time for soing so, SUE THEM!

    You live in a BROTHERHOOD environment in which YOU could turn this City around so fast it isn't funny! I can't wait to see everyone show what they're made of. This is VERY exciting.

  8. Keep in mind SEE and HOPPES ARE NOT UNION MEMBERS!! They are probably scrounging for an excuse because I am sure that Barrie has blown a gasket like she did last time when she called the Chiefs Office demanding who in the hell do those firemen think they are??? Lets see how her office and the Chiefs office respond to this one.

    Great Job Guys!!

  9. Comegys was not shunned by his own...


  10. WOW! The Chief will be busting a vein in his forehead now. First a career member publicly displays his name attached to an endorsement for a candidate that he doesn't. Not just one member, but a large amount of them. Second,he'll declare this as speaking to Albero and the begin to retaliate as he did with Larry.

    I'll bet the phones are lighting up between Gordo,See and Little Ricky(BaBa Loo). Will the Volunteers come out with a similar statement on their choice for Mayor and Council ? That would frost their kahunas for sure. Things are coming together nicely and the future looks bright for Salisbury politics. The days are numbered for the free spending zars on Cypress. Good job firefighters.

  11. Hey Chief. The first thing I see from you in retaliation toward Chris, your done. I will be on the phone 24/7 with Joe and make it known what your doing. Mind your manors and you'll make it to retirement.

  12. This is great, but PEOPLE, you HAVE to get out and CAMPAIGN for these good folks.

    Do not think for one second that they aren't going to do everything underhanded thing in the book to get Comegys, Shields and Boda in.

  13. The Local is entitled to support whomever it pleases. Let the facts stand clear however. The fact that we support these candidates in NO WAY states we agree w/ any blogger's "opinion" towards the leadership of the SFD. These endorsed folks simply stated in an open forum that they supported our issues more so than did some other candidates. NOR does it indicate that we do not support our Administration. It simply states that we support the endorsed candidates based on the stances each took during a recently held question and answer session. We support these candidates based solely upon those answers and will hold each accountable should they win their respective election.
    Good luck to ALL the candidates in ALL the races and should ones win that we did not endorse, we hope that they will "hear" our message as well.

  14. Anon 5:54

    Truitt is simply the messenger. I seriously doubt See or anyone else in the SFD Admin will take any type of "retaliation" towards anyone. Chris speaks for a larger group and as the President, his job is to relay the message. He may or may not even agree with the message, but as Pres, becomes the "mouthpiece" for the group. His vote to support anyone would be simply one vote anyway, so what good would it do to "retaliate" against him???
    It's not an intelligent comment at all and says something about your own character. It's completely uncalled for and you bring discredit to the Local by making it.
    It's also at best, some BS "threat", as what do you really think your phone calls to any blogger is really going to accomplish?? Make your calls to the proper authorities if you make any calls at all.
    Better yet, keep quiet and let the Local handle its own business like professionals. Not like someone like yourself. We'd appreciate it.

  15. Thank you for standing up for the City.

  16. Oh yea...and learn proper grammar and spelling too, please...

    "your" = "you're"
    "manors" = "manners"

    and "you're" probably already on the phone w/ Joe "24/7" anyway. So what else is new???

    We'd very much like to keep this on a professional level. Let us take care of our own business. If you're one of us, then shut up before such comments degrade what we're trying to accomplish.

  17. I rode down rt 13 today. I saw alot of Comegy's signs and a few of Boda's. I think I only saw one Ireton. The one I did see is hard to see. Just thought I would mention that. Ireton needs to either make the signs a different color or something. They seem to blend in.

  18. 6:14, your message was professional.

    However, everyone saw what was done to Larry Dodd, and all he did was moderate. Everyone knows about Barrie's fury after the career firefighters held the forums. Everyone knows about Barrie Tilghman pulling the plug on firefighter raises at the last minute.

    You said:

    "Good luck to ALL the candidates in ALL the races and should ones win that we did not endorse, we hope that they will "hear" our message as well."

    In a normal place, that would be the case. But if Comegys gets in, you will be hearing his message.

    You guys and gals just keep doing what you're doing. The people will worry about you for you.

  19. 6:14

    "It simply states that we support the endorsed candidates based on the stances each took during a recently held question and answer session."

    Wouldn't it be more prudent to actually look at each candidate's record, instead of what they say at one meeting?

  20. Praise to you. With this kind of help, Salisbury stands a chance for a comeback.

  21. So much for your raises this year

  22. anonymous 9:01, now how many people do you all think would have mach such a statement? More intimidation from the Tilghman Administration, as usual.

    Guess what though, what's the difference. You promissed them raised the last election and then denied them anything anyway.

    Yeah, Help Is On The Way, finally! At least this go around when Jim Ireton make a promise, he'll keep it. Vote for Jim Ireton Firefighters. He'll never let you down. Comegys has and will say and do ANYTHING to get into Office. Oh, that's right, not enough of you vote, so why even show up for a Forum or meeting/interview.

  23. The little Birdie never uses periods.

  24. 8:19

    I agree with your comment about bsing things on their records. To some degree, those comments are their own stances and should reflect their records. Just FYI. That's all. Their "records" have yet to truly be tested. Time will tell.

  25. Brian Records for Fire Chief!

    I guess the city police will have their usual gag order and won't be able to publicly endorse any candidates.

  26. 9:01 Raises, are you kidding me,
    any intelligent individual knows the raises went out the door when the first shovel of dirt on the new station.


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