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Friday, March 20, 2009

God Bless Our Veterans


  1. Am proud of him, I would have taken the Mexican flag down and and put back the American Flag. If he gets arrested for stealing the flag, I will come bail him out.

  2. Illegals do a march and have the national guard come in and swoop them all up lol

  3. He did not know it was illegal? Well learn OUR laws or get the f*** out!

  4. That was funny! That little mexican thought he was going to get his azz kicked lol American flag, $25.00 Mexican flag, $10 pesos, The look on That mexicans face when the American Vet cut the American flag down and threw the Mexican flag on the grownd and walked away with the American flag,,,,PRICELESS!!!!

  5. But Nancy Pelosi thinks that our immigration laws ar UnAmerican and that illegal immigrants are "patriotic" Thanks Democrats for ruining our great country.

  6. He is RIGHT, but hes still going to get into a lot of trouble. What does that tell you. I think the federal goverment is talking to us, I can hear what they are saying loud and clear. Can you,(fill in the blanks),---- ---.

  7. Three McDonalds "raided" 50 illegals arrested. Leads to protest by illegals.

    Oh that they would do that here. 90% of the fast food workers here are illegal. Americans can not get jobs and are actively discriminated against unless black or Mexican.

  8. Obama just stopped that.

  9. Thank you very much!! This country needs more men like this, and less men like Pelosi!!!

    Illegal is illegal!!!

    Round them up and kick them out and defend not persicute our vets.

    Live free or die!

  10. I think a lot of the people leaving these comments are very ignorant. First of all they said that the store owner is a citizen...so for all of the people talking about illegals and border control that doesn't apply to him because he is here legally. Second, there are probably a lot of people that don't know every law so the comment that they need to learn our laws of get the f*** out was completely uncalled for... Third what the other man did was just as disrespectful just because you have pride for your country you can not disrespect someone else's heritage so for him to throw the mexican flag on the ground is just as bad as what the store owner was doing.

  11. The nice thing to do would have been to clue in the owner. One should resort to violence as a LAST resort. Instead these guys went at got their video camera to put on a silly little show. That was ugly even to those who love our flag.

  12. 8:55. If he was an American citizen, then why did he have the Mexican flag up in the first place? I guess he's not proud enough of this country to be here. Revoke his citizenship and send him back. south of the Rio Grande.

    11:23 What violence are you talking about? I didn't see anybody get violent. What I would have like to seen would have been to see the veteran Jim take down the Mexican flag, put back the American and hoist that bar owner up on the flag pole with it.
    Kudos to Jim the veteran. And thank you sir, for serving our country.


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