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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Excellent Observation

"I just saw on Yahoo that the Obama's are trying out different churches. They can't seem to find the right one for them. Interesting, they can't make a decision on a church, they can't make a decision on a dog, however, the country has given this man the right to make decisions that involve our country. Interesting thought, huh?"


  1. maybe he's too busy running the country for his personal life?

  2. They are not religious, they use religion to help them with their goals.

  3. They're just waiting for the lastest polls to let them know what everyone thinks they should do

  4. So you would rather have a president who just makes impulse choices just to reach a decision?

    Personally, I would rather have a president who thinks through decisions and finds the one that works the best for the situation.

  5. He also couldn't make a decision while a Senator....he kept voting "present". Is he really as smart as so many people think he is??

  6. I would like to have a President that honors his promises, especially the promise of transparency and allowing the public 5 days to review any legislature before he signs it. Instead we were lied to and the Porkulus and Omnibus bills were crammed down the taxpayer's throats.

  7. Unless you joined the church you were brought up in, did you join the first church you walked in?

    And it took our family months to settle on a dog that was right for our family.

    Has anyone heard of making an informed decision? Would you want a leader to just recklessly do the first thing that comes to him without careful consideration. If so, you might want to make sure he doesn't have his hand next to the launch button.

  8. 1:29 PM: "They are not religious, they use religion to help them with their goals."

    Many of us would argue the same about the last president. For someone supposed to be as pro-life as he was, he sure didn't do anything about it, did he?

    He had Congress under Republican control for 6 years while naming friendly judges to SCOTUS. Yet no meaningful attempts at change in abortion rights - not even an attempt to limit or outlaw abortion. Not one.

    So who was using religious folks to get elected again?

  9. Well it would seem to me that with 2 children they are raising that they might have put some thought into church ...oh that's right... Rev. Wright.. we forgot....

  10. he needs his advisers to pull his puppet strings and make his choices for him. Maybe some day he will be a "real boy".

  11. consider the church he belonged to
    with the revvvv. jerihmia whoever.
    I'm not surprised.

  12. I don't think he is very smart at all. All he does when asked the tough questions is stutter and dance around them. He economic spendulus will be costing not only our children but our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Just think about that awhile.

  13. He is to busy filling out his NCAA Basketball brackets...

    Also never been in the Military but now he is changing up how us soldiers are going to fight in Afghanistan...give me a break

  14. 7 CommentsClose this window Jump to comment form
    Anonymous said...
    maybe he's too busy running the country for his personal life?

    1:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    They are not religious, they use religion to help them with their goals.

    1:29 PM

    Reconciled1 said...
    They're just waiting for the lastest polls to let them know what everyone thinks they should do

    1:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    So you would rather have a president who just makes impulse choices just to reach a decision?

    Personally, I would rather have a president who thinks through decisions and finds the one that works the best for the situation.

    1:56 PM

    He had all his life to find religion and a church so it shouldn't be difficult for him. His informed decision some are mentioning is about what church hates white people and closely connected to the muslims.

  15. The Washington D.C. Churches are simply too conservative. After all those years of Hateful Screaming sermons from rev. wright. Our President can hardly stay awake for the quite simple messages of brotherly love from the Pulpits.

  16. The Bilderberg Group is running this country, as well as most of the industrialised nations on the planet. They are the puppetmasters.

  17. Anon 5:04

    I'll tell you who he sold his soul to...the devil!

    I'm a firm believer this man is the AntiChrist!

  18. If he's keeping the promise of the dog, he's taking longer to think about/consider and pick a dog than to push through a stimulus package without accountability...

  19. Much of the nation observed President Obama on the Tonight Show making fun of handicapped, ("SPECIAL OLYMPICS"), people and just laughing uncontrollably over and over as if he were under influence of something. I mean, President Obama is, to me, a very personable, likeable guy, but is having a sitting president act like Pee Wee Herman in front of the world really best for our nation in these most perilous of times?

    Understanding that President Obama and former president Bush the 2nd confessed that they "used" to like cocaine, I do not hold it against them if they "relax" in private. I do think, however, that a sitting president would be well served to put the blow away a few hours before going on national television. I just can't imagine that Washington or Lincoln would have acted so silly in front the nation during such serious, and for many, devestating times.

    The un-American twosentz describes how emabarrased we must be when some someone from another country asks if we aren't ashamed to be Americans. I'm really ASHAMED to hear of a so called American who wouldn't knock such a rude person on their ass and respond, all nations have their problems and disagreements within. I won't tolerate chirpers, like you, from other nations who we support and protect throwing their two cents in my face in a disparaging manner! A patriot wouldn't tolerate it for a second! Disagreeing with policy is one thing, but someone from another country asking an American to be ashamed of this great nation is nothing more than trying to harrass & instigate a fight. An "American" who wouldn't oblige the rude bully is a coward or perhaps an unpatriotic ingrate who should go live in France, Mexico or Hell.



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