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Monday, March 09, 2009

Comegys Secures 2nd Place In Mayoral Race

According to my sources, Comegys is now ahead by some 20 votes over Caldwell, it's over for Bob. There's no chance at this point for Bob to come back so we'll have a Mayoral Race between Jim Ireton and Gary Comegys.


  1. Whos responsible for the protection and safe-keeping of these ballots? Where have they been stored?

  2. So watch the dirt begin to fly, folks! Congrats to Bob on a good effort--let's all unite to get Ireton elected.

  3. So sorry to hear this.

  4. What in the world is wrong with the people of Salisbury! I will move if comegy's gets in!

  5. 1:37, me too.

    Bob, I'm sorry, but thank you.

    Jim, I'm in.

  6. So sorry to hear this, but I am sure that Bob will now help Jim to get elected. He has great respect for the city and knows that Comegys would continue the Tilghman style. Bob, we supported you. Now, please help us to get Jim elected.

  7. Let's hope Bob's supporters will vote for Jim.

  8. I thought the final votes were not to be counted until Friday?? What's up with knowing what the counts are already. Are these ballots really secret??
    Don't worry, all the people that supported Bob, will now vote for Ireton. We can show Comegys how he really sucks as a politician.
    GO IRETON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. No reason to worry. This will help Jim for sure. Jim and Bob are both very good candidates and share the same belief that Salisbury can be revived from what it has become. It is my belief that most, if not all of the voters who voted for Bob with vote for Jim. If Bubba thought he got spanked last week, wait until April. The margin of victory will be huge.

  10. That free political ad for Bubba last week on WICO by Barrie Tilghman could have made the difference. It's outrageous that the staion management let her do that on a "public affairs" program.

  11. The shame is that we will still have to put up w/Comegys; for the next two years on the council. Wish we were getting rid of him like the Mayor in the very near future. Good riddence. They are both loosers. Just one sooner than the other.

    Then IRETON can focus to the issues with the fire department and police department. Department heads will ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

  12. 3:30 --

    On Barrie's WICO show this morning she said that it was a response to statements by Jim Ireton.

    This is another abuse of the free "public affairs" time that WICO gives her.

  13. Wow, I was really hoping Bob would make it to the general elections. He is a fine man and either he or Jim would make a great mayor. But, at least now we can choose sides! Let it fly!

  14. If you want to help Jim...


    Also, volunteers meet every Saturday at 11:30 am, at Karen Silverstrim's law office on the downtown plaza to canvas neighborhoods in Salisbury. Donate and volunteer to get Jim elected on April 7th!

  15. 3:46,
    Just one more reason she and Comegys need to go. She uses her time as a mayor to privilege one candidate over another? Very unprofessional. The good news is that the more she wraps her arms around Comegys, the more people will vote for Ireton!
    The nastiness is about to begin--don't fall for it! If there is a smear against Jim, just give him a call and ask him about it rather than believing the nonsense that Comegys and his ilk will have you believe. The latest one I heard was that all landlords will lose their property! Uh, first of all, the mayor has no right whatsoever to do that. Secondly, Ireton would never do that anyway if somehow he had the power. And finaly, the good landlords should support Jim! His idea for a landlord/tenant board will take a huge portion of the lawsuits between landlords and tenants out of court and into mediation. It will actually save everyone money!

    I wish Mr. Caldwell had made it through, but he did a very good job with limited resources--he came close to beating Comegys, who ha 5 times as much money as Bob did.

  16. I was in Salisbury today and was pleasantly suprised at the number of Ireton signs I saw being displayed.Maybe it was just where I was,but his signs seem to outnumber those red & white ones!Go Jim!

  17. If Comegys wins, so does See and Gordo....Come on JIM

  18. Can someone please explain how a portion of votes gets held back to be counted "later" but the results are leaked out ahead? Does anyone know if Polks lead held?

  19. It's a shame Iretons a Dem I just can't bring myself to vote for either one. No real fiscal conservatives.

  20. Campbell's a Dem and you don't get any fiscally conservative than that! Just because a democrat may be liberal on other issues doesn't mean all Dems are fiscally reckless!

    Signed: DEM

  21. Absentee ballots can be recieved by tomorrow, may be a few more coming in. They leave a few ballots, if Shanie was ahead by more absentee ballots than they have they wouldn't have to open them at all.


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