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Wednesday, March 18, 2009




  1. Ahhhhh, the good old days when you could buy a newspaper for 35 cents!!!!!

  2. the revolution will not be televised.....

  3. It's a sad day in America when a man owns 659 acres and the Government tells him what he can and can't do with his own property.

  4. To Anon 5:54 PM - The guy built the cabin in 1999 in the marsh without a permit and no septic system. That cabin has been in use for 10 years without a septic system. Everyone else has to have a permit in order to build and a septic system in order to live in a house. Why shouldn't he have to abide by the rules like everyone else?

  5. I heard the story was this guy's blatant disreguard for our environment. He bought this land with the intention of building cabins when he knew it wasn't allowed. Do you want to drink his sh** or for your kids to swim in it? Most people don't want that. His disreguard affects everyone's standard of living. Glad everyone doesn't treat the environment like this! What a worthless piece of crap, probably has lots of money.....what's new?

  6. If the septic is the issue, then that should be the issue brought forth, not the total destruction of the whole building.

  7. He had 10 years to get a septic system. He lived there all that time without one. How long do you let someone live in a house without a septice system? It needed to be torn down because he will keep using it without the septic system.

  8. It's not clear but he probably was not allowed to put in a septic system. I'm glad there are some who will stand up and fight for their rights. If we continue to let the government tell us what we can and cannot do we are all in for a lot of trouble. Just because the government says something is right doesn't mean that it is. Congratulation on your victory. I doubt that using the bathroom on 650 acres will ruin our enviroment. How do you think we survived in the 1800 when everyone had a outhouse?

  9. How many animals urinate and deficate on those 659 acres? Is this a place the guy lives year round or only wants to use a few times a year? I really dont think its a house per se...

  10. 10:23 "It's not clear but he probably was not allowed to put in a septic system."

    The land doesn't perc. Do you know what a percolation test tests for??? He's going to have sh** all over the place even with an outhouse. There's a reason for the rules.

    The "It's my land, and I can do whatever I want" guys have always been the problem in a civil society.

  11. I don't see any porto potties out in the woods during deer season or see any out on the wetlands during duck hunting season? Where does everyone go potty?

    I was under the impression it was a hunting cabin. He should comply and now days you can buy an above ground septic tank so a perk shouldn't be a requirement, yes he should get one. Pay a fine and get on with life, wonder how much this all cost the court system?

  12. i say tear down any structures on the property, let the govt take the land from him, pack his bags and send him back to upper marlboro. he knew he needed permits before he bought the property. this is where big money talks and the locals and environment lose

  13. the governement demanding a structure torn down on your own 659 acres is too much government, what next? take our guns?

    how much more would the government spend in court trying to force him to tear it down? That's stupid. Don't be jealous just because the guy has money.

    Force him to comply, take his fine money and be done with it!

  14. The reason you get tough and tear down buildings where code violations were willful and deliberate is to discourage others from going there.

    It's the same reason we have jails for non-violent criminals. Or maybe you also think we should just fine Bernie Madoff and then let him go live in his wife's mansions...

    If you don't enforce your zoning and permit laws, you get a huge mess on your hands.

  15. 4:53, I do know what a perc test is and frankly if you have 650 acres it shouldn't require a perk test for a cabin. You obviously think that if the government makes a rule, it is automatically correct. P&Z have some rediculous rules and I'm glad people are standing up to them and winning in court. I guess you are willing to let government tell you what to do but fortunately some are still willing to fight for the few rights that we have left. Congratulation Mr. Bunting.

  16. There are tens of thousands of birds and wildlife defacating on this property every day. Do you seriously think one man using the bathroom on 650 acres will destroy our enviroment? Wake up - get real and don't let the enviromentalist whacko's feed you this garbage.

  17. Sounds like some are just jealous that Mr. Bunting has a little money. More power to him. We need people that will challenge the establishment and keep them honest.

  18. Thousands of hunters crap in the woods and on the marsh every hunting season. What next, porto poties required every where. Let nature take it's coarse. We have more pressing problems in this country than a little crap in a marsh. How about trillions of dollars of Obama debt to start with.

  19. Anyone here ever heard of a Clivus Mortrem? It's a dry toilet that makes compost. He could do that, but I agree with a lot of posters here; I poop in the woods because we don't have bears to do it for us!

  20. Fine. Lets just let EVERYBODY build what they want, where they want and crap anywhere. That would be a world worth living in.

  21. right on mr bunting. your lawyer is great!

  22. We are talking about a privately owned island in the bay. It's not going to become the next Smith Island! P&Z has enough problems here on the mainland to be working on like spills from wastewater treatment plants, even new ones. Tear down the hoards of crumbling slumlord stock here in Salisbury then get back to me, or I'll have my people call your people, maybe we can doo doo lunch.

  23. 6:26 "Fine. Lets just let EVERYBODY build what they want, where they want and crap anywhere. That would be a world worth living in."

    I've seen it. It's called "India".

  24. We need fewer laws and less regulation. Government, get off our backs. Good work Mr. Bunting. Hope all you wimpey liberals have a nice day.

  25. I'm poster 8:31AM, 9:12AM and 8:43PM. I'm somewhat liberial however this is just too much government. I've been called the tree hugger for environmental issues but no I don't expect porto potties out on the marshes or in the woods for hunters I was being sarcastic. The flys and maggots will eat it! You ever seen the flies out thar on them islands?

    I go out to islands like this a lot looking for Indian Artifacts since the islands used to be part of the mainland and will one day be gone and washed out along with a lot of history.

    People also camp out on those islands, where do you think they go? Been there done that too, when you've been bitten all day by those flies you'd wish there was a pile of something else for them to nibble on Hahahaa

  26. Good common sense 8:44. To bad other liberals do not have any.


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