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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Barrie Tilghman, PooGate, and Putting Lipstick On That $80+ Million Pig

"Ahead of schedule and under budget." How many times have we heard outgoing Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman and her ace partner-in-crime Gary Comegys make that claim regarding the city's new waste water treatment plant (WWTP)? Unfortunately for the water and sewer ratepayers (and possibly the city's property tax payers), the facts are starting to "leak" out.

Rather than come clean with the citizens of Salisbury, Tilghman is desperately trying to slather some more lipstick on that $80+ million pig known as the WWTP. Now that the cat is out of the bag (sorry for all of the four legged metaphors), Tilghman wants to divert attention away from the gross deficiencies and potentially disastrous fiscal ramifications of her "engineering marvel".

Her solution? Blame it on the blogs.

NO, I'm not kidding!

And WAIT! We haven't even been treated to Gary Comegys' spin on this yet.

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  1. Glad to read that Wilber stood silent when asked to confirm Tilghman's story about he had told the council this couldn't be released.

  2. GA:

    Bubba knows nothing -- and I'm not kidding!

  3. It's funny how after watching her interview with WBOC last night...I'm convinced she's so totally ignorant to the folks who elected her...she SHOULD hang her head in shame for what's she's done to the people of Salisbury...they trusted her and this is how she repaid them...she DID NOT have an answer to which I would have been satisfied with for the problems at the WWTP...and the additional costs only to say they are going to try not to pass the cost on to the residents....if the folks of Salisbury elect Gary C who is a mirror of what they currently are dealing with the folks of Salisbury deserve whatever they get...I'm not a resident of Wicomico County let alone Salisbury so I don't really care...

  4. G.A. Harrison, great job! Thanks for being there so that we'd know what the MSM wouldn't say.

  5. Hark, is that a canon I hear?

  6. Those darn blogs, its all their fault. How dare you expose the truth!!

  7. Blog, would you please post if Campbell voted yes or no on the Treatment Plant. All I hear is Barrie and Comegys, yet the Council would have to vote for the project.

  8. What about Campbell, was this one of her nay votes.

  9. In my opinion there were many important questions asked last night in the public comment slot regarding recyling and the WWTP.
    Will there ever be any answers to those questions. Futhermore, I believe these questions should be read again and answered at the next meeting.

  10. Somebody should fax the documents to MDE and all of our local representitives, congress and house of representatives. WE need EPA here ASAP. We need action imediately.

    I'm afraid this is going to cost a lot more than a consultant. The citizens of Salisbury shouldn't have to pay anymore fines to the MDE, the administration needs to be forced to resign. Criminal. The least the MDE can do is get down here and tell us just what's up before the election. Before this is over I bet we are talking millions!

  11. Debbie Campbell wasn't even on the City Council when Gary, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart and others votes yet to the WWTP.

  12. This is the final nail in the coffins. Timely reporting Joe Bro!

  13. 9:08-

    How Campbell voted on the WWTP project is beside the point -- the point is Barrie trying to cover up the problems while Bubba Comegys is touting his role in getting the nice new WWTP (that doesn't work) in his reelection campaign.

    The Council, including Bubba, was entitled to rely on the City's experts -- O'Brien & Gere and the Public Works Dept. engineers -- in approving the contract, etc.

  14. 2006 Debbie voted NO


  15. Campbell didn't vote on the project because she wasn't on the council. How many times does that need to be stated?

  16. How would you like to be stuck in a lifeboat with the two in the picture above {and Gilbert Gottfried} :(

  17. Campbell didn't vote for the project itself because she wasn't on council.

    But she voted "no" in 2006 as 9:37 to up the "blank check" amount on change orders.

    I talked to Terry Cohen about this. Her awful role was to agree to post the info on the website she shares with Debbie so there would be context for Debbie's answers on Reddish's show.

    Barrie Tilghman always makes sharing information seem like a crisis, an act of evil doing. Can't wait for her to be gone. Hope her clone doesn't get in.

    Your post on this is really great, G.A. Give 'em hell!

  18. Ah, vote taken during the golden good old days of Lynn Cathcart and that arrogrant, rude, unprofessional, crooked, obnoxious, and just plain STUPID Mike Dunn were there. That man should be given the middle finger award by anyone who loves the city for doing more damage to the city in less time than anyone in history. Cathcart will have to share a 3-way tie for second place with Bubba and Barrie.

  19. It's clear why Barrie does not trust the judgment of the citizens. How bright could they be if they elected her?

  20. Let's be clear, though, the WWTP is necessary and it some day will work well. So I have no problem whatsoever with people voting for it. We had to have it. Now, the problem is that the mayor and Comegys wanted to cover up the significant problems here rather than simply keep the taxpayers informed. Mistakes happen, we all get that, but to try to cover it up is a real problem. We want a transparent government, one that doesn't think it is terrible to admit when things are going wrong, and that really means it when they say "I take full responsibility." What does that mean to Tighlman? What does that mean to Comegys?

  21. 12:17, well said!!

  22. Fundamental problems means in the design of the thing.

  23. 7:05 well put! yes, that is the major part of the problem, while other issues are the controls and the ability to train the folks to be able to run it. In asking about this particular plant I have learned it isn't the only area one with similar problems. the mayor of that facility is also keeping the issues "under hat"

  24. Not enough lipstick in the world to cover the lips of that hog


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