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Monday, March 16, 2009

Barack Obama "Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"



  1. Pork or Bull, how about both? they've spent Trillions in less than 60 days!!

  2. Must of forgot that one. It hasn't happened yet. They rush the Spending bills through before anyone reads them. Including Congress. All under the guise of emergency. Same ole same ole. Nothing new or changed here. Just another talking head President from where I sit:
    Dear Mr. President , Remember us???

  3. I remember the right-wing saying Obama 'didn't care' about the country because he went on a 4 day 'vacation' the day after Congress passed the spending bill.

    Hmmm... sounds like 5 days of public review to me. So, no matter what he does, the right-wing will skewer him for it.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's why he needs to stop engaging in 'bipartisanship' and just push through the Progressive plans that he has. No matter how much he tries to 'compromise', Republicans have a vested interest in his failure. So, don't work with them anymore. They won't work with you, Obama.

  4. im sorry this all seems too familiar where have i seem this before?????????? CLINTON DING DING DING didn't he immediately raise taxes as soon as he got in? well he never spent a trillion dollars in 6 weeks but in order to been seen i guess obama is trying to out due the clinton administration.

  5. Chuck:

    Wow rhe government /union led schools must be in worse shape that we ever imagined. Obama promises 5 days , he goes on vacation for four after telling us the country would collapse if the bill wasnt passed immediately or sooner, and according to your math four days equal five. Obama sucks and so do most of his supporters.

  6. 10:23,

    And I would argue that Obama haters have problems with reading comprehension. So, let's look at the quote that I originally wrote:

    "he went on a 4 day 'vacation' the day after Congress passed the spending bill."

    A 4 day vacation that started THE DAY AFTER the bill was passed. That equals 5 days. So, if I need a math lesson, it would appear that you need a reading lesson.

    Now, if you'd like, we can discuss the facts and issues, but if you want to continue insulting me, then we're done here.

  7. Chuck, you are apparently a lost cause, he wanted Congress to pass a bill that they had not read and should have gotten 5 days to read. The public gets to look for 5 days between something that was passed and only needs his signature so we just see how royally we got screwed-because there was no way we could stop him from signing it. Enjoy the ride til 2010!!

  8. Every time that I see B. Hussein Obama or hear his droning voice I throw up in my mouth a little...thank you America, thank you for voting this turd into office...

  9. 2:12,

    I have never called you a 'lost cause' because we disagree.

    Do you think you can keep the personal attacks out of your arguments?

    Now, Obama promised a 5 day period between passage and signing so the public can read and think about the bill. He has upheld that promise, so this is a non-issue. If you want to spin it to say that, somehow, MORE transparency for you, the voter, is somehow a BAD thing, then I don't really know what to tell you.

  10. Chuck:

    Its not Obama haters, its America lovers. We on the right love our country and are afraid of what Obama is going to do to it. The man in many of our opinions is dangerous and his policies are scary. He has already made several blunders in people he appointed to various cabinet posts. He bashed McCain during the campaign for saying the basic foundation of our economy was strong, yet he is now saying the same thing after telling us how bad of shape the economy is in.
    Where was your partys indignation when Pres. Bush was bashed on a daily basis. He made his #1 priority of keeping us safe and he accomplished that. Obama I fear is eroding our safety on a daily basis. The dems in congress virtually cheered for our military to loose in Iraq, with the senate leader saying the war was lost about the same time the surge began. The left renamed Gen Petreaus Gen Betrayus and called him a liar. Hilary Clinton said it would take the willing suspension of disbelief for the surge to work. Yet it did work and we are safer for it. Obama said the surge would fail too. Yet for some reason the people of this country elected this man and we have to hope he doesnt make this a country that is unrecognizable in the near future.

  11. Sorry if you think I peed in the kiddie pool, I wanted to but I restrained myself. If calling you a lost cause is a "personal attack" Chuck, you shouldn't post on this blog, but you do post often and can't say enough about "your boy" Obama. What good does it do the public to have 5 days to think over something that is going thru and has no chance of being changed??? Transparancy in gov't would be nice, since that was his promise. How about the no earmarks promise?? You can say what you want about GWBush but these aren't his promises. If I had a bailout for every broken promise...Anonymous for a reason-

  12. 4:34,

    It's not 'pissing in a kiddie pool', it's called common courtesy. I extend it to you, and you extend it to me, and we talk like civilized people. Pretty simple concept.

    As for the earmarks comment: No, Obama never said he would eliminate earmarks. That was John McCain. Let me repeat: OBAMA NEVER SAID HE WOULD ELIMINATE EARMARKS. Go look it up. He never said it. And, yes, adding 5 days from passage to signing adds transparency to government.

    Why would you be against that? I mean, it's reasonable to expect other things if you want, or to set even higher standards, but how could you possibly think it's a BAD thing that he is giving a 5 day period? How is MORE transparency a bad thing?

  13. 4:02,

    I'm an America lover, so, no, it's not America lovers. It's Obama haters, plain and simple.

    "He bashed McCain during the campaign for saying the basic foundation of our economy was strong, yet he is now saying the same thing after telling us how bad of shape the economy is in."

    No. He did not say the same thing. Go compare the audio if you want, but Obama did not say "the fundamentals of our economy are strong".

    "Where was your partys indignation when Pres. Bush was bashed on a daily basis. He made his #1 priority of keeping us safe and he accomplished that."

    Why would I be indignant about bashing President Bush? I was bashing him, too. Look at what he's done to our country! The man was the worst President in U.S. history who presided over the worst recession since the Great Depression. And, 'safer'? Not according to the CIA who said the debacle at Abu Ghraib was the greatest recruiting tool that Al-Qaeda has ever had.

    "The dems in congress virtually cheered for our military to loose in Iraq"

    Absolutely false.

    "The left renamed Gen Petreaus Gen Betrayus and called him a liar"

    Wrong. ONE group, Moveon.org, bought an ad in the NYT that said that.

    "Yet it did work and we are safer for it."

    No. Paying off the Sunni warlords is what worked. Don't believe me? Here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19384.htm

    We're paying them $800,000 a day to not fight us.

  14. Chuck you're in the kiddie pool, I'm an adult and I know that saying someone is a lost cause is not name calling nor a personal attack, it means that I am no longer trying to convince you of my point. The rest of this message is not intended for you, though you may comment if you like. :)
    Transparency in gov't-yeah right...
    Those Who Voted for Him Will Not Notice the Deception
    " The truth is, our earmark system in Washington is fraught with abuse. It badly needs reform — which is why I didn't request a single earmark last year, why I've released all my previous requests for the public to see, and why I've pledged to slash earmarks by more than half when I am president of the United States of America." Barack Obama, September 22, 2008

    "Absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely." Barack Obama, September 26, 2008

    "But when they start characterizing this as pork, without acknowledging that there are no earmarks in this package — something, again, that was pretty rare over the last eight years — then you get a feeling that maybe we're playing politics instead of actually trying to solve problems for the American people." Barack Obama, February 9, 2009

    "I'm proud that we passed the recovery plan free of earmarks." Barack Obama, February 24, 2009

    Lies. All lies. Do you care?
    How about:
    Obama: No earmarks, after this
    He says the spending bill, which includes thousands of them, is too important to wait
    Steven Thomma and David Lightman - McClatchy Newspapers

    Every bill will be...I know I was going to do line by line thing but it just can't wait...ANYmouse

  15. 3:21,

    And, yet, nothing you posted.. no quote, or link, shows that Obama was going to eliminate earmarks, or that he every promised to do so. Not one. And the Recovery Plan WAS free of earmarks. Maybe you don't know the definition of an earmark? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, then.

    So, as an ADULT, are you going to now admit that you were mistaken?


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