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Monday, March 09, 2009

Are You Watching PAC14?

Are any of you seeing this BS?


  1. I like how shanie voted "Aye" and then asked a question proving she had no idea what she was even voting on...just following the lead of bubba and louweasel! And this piece of crap got a shot at gettin voted back in!



    Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen were the only ones who tried to protect the public from the SFD moneygrabbers.

  3. A real glimpse of what will be the SOP if Bubba Comegys becomes R Necks Mare.

  4. I really like how Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen work together! And I think Ms. Cohens idea about surplus items like bicycles being used in other areas was great!

  5. Shanie needs to pay attention... at least a few more weeks!

  6. $600,000.00 because they missed the verizon wire, now thats engineering for you.

  7. Shanie is a MORON. She ask them when they told her truck 16 is made in 1980, how many years is that. Why do you people vote for idiots like her. Louise Smith is not that far beyond her in the MORON category.

  8. What you saw was the biggest falicy ever. The equipment on that truck is fine or they wouldn't be using it now. They are just spoiled brats that want a parade piece with all new equipment. Thats Gordos way. You cannot in your lifetime wear out a Haligan bar. Its forged steel and you can beat the hell out of it. Theres a savings of $185 if you keep the old one. The list goes on and on and nobody will stop the madness.

  9. Shanie is the most discusting piece of crap to have ever been
    in the political arena.
    I'm so glad that I don't have to see her when I used to visit the
    times for advertising . It's
    a shame the times is going under , but look at the crap they hire.

  10. what the hell kinda name is "shanie".

  11. Same ole stuff. Nothing changes. We continue to be screwed, and we continue to just lie down and let it happen.
    I am so sick of See, Gordo, and that dimwit of a lawyer-Wilburrrrrrrr, but you know what? They continue to stick it to us. I wish they would at least wipe off their smirks.

  12. Isn't it a wonder, so many unanimous decisions during an election year? They are all C & C followers now!

  13. 8:50 --

    It's short for "Shameless."

  14. Dont worry Hannibal is coming soon.

  15. you can take a perfectly good haligan bar cut the tip off and weld another tip on wrap it in surgical tubing and have your own personel tool

  16. Anonymous said...
    you can take a perfectly good haligan bar cut the tip off and weld another tip on wrap it in surgical tubing and have your own personel tool

    9:55 PM

    Name Names?

  17. after comment from 9:55 sounds to me that is probably what happen to last one now sfd needs a new one before anyone sees it

  18. Three greatest lies ever :

    Checks in the mail.

    The equipment is worn out.

    The thermal imager doesnt go with the truck.

  19. Since some of us don't get PAC14--would you care to share a bit more in detail there Joe?

  20. The tools are safer and lighter for less fatigue on our members. bulls**t! The new haligans, saws and fans are no lighter than the old ones. Your nose looks like Pinokio Troll.

  21. I watched this farce tonight. I also heard Ms Cohen ask Mr Wilber if there were legal ramifications concerning the advertising of the truck. Mr Wilber stated the buyer has expectations. That is not an answer.

    The advertisement of the truck with equipment was fraudulent. The equipment could not be listed with the truck at the time of advertisement because it was not declared surplus until tonight. Who is responsible for posting the advertisement and solicitation of bids? That person just cost this city a good sum of money and should at the least fired, at the most charged with fraudulent advertising.

    Is Ms Campbell and Ms Cohen now complicit in what could be construed as fraud?

  22. The memory of Michael McMullen was all I could think about tonight. That walrus mustache hung over the Chiefs lip like a fool. I remember Mike telling the Chief he needed to trim his mustache to conform to the departments rules. He scowled at Mike and he stared the Chief down. R.I.P. my brother.

  23. What was S. Records role in this sharade ?

  24. At the end of the meeting, the Council retired to chambers to discuss the "upcoming litigation". Could this be from the Marina management company recently fired? Inquiring minds want to know!

  25. 11:42pm, no. What they did was protect the city and its taxpayer from getting sued for fraudulent advertisiing. That's how I read it anyways.

    I think what we saw last night was the administration and the FD leaders getting caught pulling a fast one and they had to come before council to make it right.

    If the Three Bozos had just compromised a little with C & C, the taxpayers and the vollies would have saved a chunk of change.

  26. That's what being a lawyer is all about, non answers. Scumbag

    It's obvious he is not looking out for the interest of my tax dollars and needs to be replaced along with the legislation he crafted putting non residents against true residents and taxpayers.

  27. It appears to me that C&C relied on the advice of the city solicitor, so Wilber is the one who has liability.


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