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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why I Voted Republican

Because I believe we really are a monarchy, not a democracy and that the President should have the powers of a King.

Because I believe the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper.

Because the rule of force trumps the rule of law.

Because we need more poor people.

Because an obese drug addict with a radio show told me to.

Because I love catchy phrases like "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" and "BRING 'EM ON."

Because clean air is so darn overrated.

Because the thought of torturing people brings me close to orgasm.

Because "habeus corpus" was dreamed up by a bunch of men wearing tights.

Because I think my chances of getting salmonella are very low.

Because facts are for liberal weaklings.

Because when I finally get wealth and power I damned well aim to keep it forever.

Because the idea of bombing Iran makes me salivate.

Because gays don't deserve civil rights.

Because rape victims don't deserve abortion rights.

Because the unregulated free-market is working so well.

Because I like Big Brother reading my emails.

Because we don't have enough Nukes yet.

Because America rightfully belongs to white Christians.

Because hate is more powerful than hope.

Because $75 billion profit in three months isn't enough for Big Oil, I want to give them more.

Because I love the tax loop holes we created that allow Big Oil to keep all that money.

Because I believe greedy corporations will do the right thing for me.

Because if you don't think exactly like I do you must be a socialist commie.

Because Sarah Palin really knows what she is talking about.

Because "white guilt" is an actual thing.

Because I believe repeating the same disastrous harmful policies and approaches over and over again are good for the country and if the Democrats have a good idea, I'll pray that it fails miserably regardless of who that hurts because better a miserable conservative American than a prospering liberal one.

Because my head is so firmly planted up my *** that it is unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.


  1. no...not priceless. $700 billion should cover it.

  2. how bout this...

    Why I Voted Republican but lost in the election

  3. yes, drive4success. You do know that is over ten years and the last four we will actually be making money, right? That is if republicans don't decide to give that away to the corporations too.

  4. Didn't Obama flip flop on FISA Two Sentz? didn't Eric Holder just visit Gitmo and determine that it was humane and satisfied all conditions mandated by the Geneva Conference? Didn't ACORN just advocate the breaking of padlocked foreclosed homes and brag about it being illegal but just try and stop us? Those are Democrat actions? Didn't Welfare reform passed by Clinton reduce the number of people on the welfare rolls dramatically, the policy was just revoked by Obama? Doesn't not paying income tax like Geitner, Richardson, Daschle who are wealthy sound like they want to keep wealthy by any means possible? Hope and Change aren't catchy slogans?? (Worked for Castro!!)

  5. {With all due respect} this piece does nothing to ultimately bring us together, as a community or nation, to find helpful solutions. It's not funny enough to be funny {go big or go home...like Joe's Juicy Badunkadunk piece today}; and the entire Red/Blue bit got really "tired" enough to be a turn-off, like, around last November 5th. You blindly partisan guys are like two toddlers fighting over the same chew toy. Go to time-out!!

  6. I love the part about the constitution just being a piece of paper. If that were really true, and DEMOCRATS believe in the constitution, why did they not make sure he came up with a birth certificate (which is plainly stated in the constitution that you must be BORN in the United States to be President) before giving him the nod for the Democratic nomination? But I guess that the birth certificate would have been a fact, and us Republicans don't believe in those anyway...

  7. Smack down by Two Sentz! Awesome.

  8. Reese Bobby,

    Why didn't you post the exact same comment on the post that this one is mocking? Is it ok for Republicans to disparage Democrats, but not funny the other way around? You all can dish it out but can't take it. My favorite: voting because a fat drug addict told me on the radio!

  9. 11:51

    Arguing with the person/people that posted/believe in that tripe is like nailing Jello to the wall.

    They have all swallowed the golden serpent.

    Rational people they are not.

    And to think they accuse Republicans of "hate" speech.

    Go figure.

  10. The venom is running deep on both sides of this"joke" now isn't it??

  11. BTW...You may come out of time out. I am not angry at you-just kind of disappointed. But you must listen carefully-Now it is obvious you have Dora the Explorer computers and Go Diego Go wireless internet, or you wouldn't be making these divisive posts. It is very early in the day, and I usually reserve this "exercise" for bar fights after the third {sixth} pitcher of margaritas during Friday fajita night; but I want all of you to sit in circle time and learn the lyrics and bass/bongo line to the song "Brandy" by 70s powerhouse artist "Looking Glass." If you guys can't sit down and sing this song together in funky harmony...you must go to Gulag.

  12. awwww . . did some Republicans get hurt feelings? Funny how you don't protest when posts on this blog go off on Democrats! Two Sentz nailed you. Quit yer cryin'

  13. 12:08 {first one}. The FCC has been known to put a 20 second {day} pause in my replies..But I confront heaping piles of horse excrement from both extremes of our "current party system" that are paralyzing the majority of us normal folk from having a good time and functioning at least as well as Finland. BTW...can your dumb {Shaft...he said shut your mouth} sing "Brandy" yet you {SHAFT!!!!!!!!!!}.

  14. Love the video. kudos to Joe for letting the opposition post here, even though I'm sure it is irritating the regular customers.

  15. 12:08,

    I find it ironic that you didn't post that very same comment in the post entitled "Why I voted Democrat(sic)". Is it because you agree with that kind of extremist language, but not the opposite language in this post? Are you so consumed with hate towards Democrats that you can't see your own bias?

    Two Sentz is making a point. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. While this is all extremist rhetoric that we all know is untrue, some of you don't agree that the other post is just the same. I find that disconcerting, and think that some of you need to engage in a little bit more self-reflection.

  16. Secession never sounded so good.

    And yes, I can sing "Brandy" in falsetto.

  17. 1:20. Sorry, dude-Wrong key for my ears. I gotta' bring "Brandy" in my baritone;...I'll let you know when I need you to explore the space, you know-like, really explore the space, with your falsetto on "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee-Gees. BTW...you are also really going to want to have that cowbell/triangle solo on the final track.

  18. 1:20,

    If the Red States seceded, they would instantly become North Mexico: impoverished, poorly educated, tiny GDP. Those states consume far more federal dollars than they produce, so go for it!

  19. "How Deep Is Your Love" would be too easy in falsetto.

    I think you singing it in baritone would be much more interesting.

  20. 1:43. Haven't you ever been to happy hour karaoke grandisimo/el tango noche at the "Blue Oyster Bar?" The guy in the third stall can also sing the bass line from "Elvira" from the "Oak Ridge Boys." {something to the effect of giddyup-um-pachum-pa-pachum-pachu mamma-ma-hi ho' silver away}. This is when you know it is best to ask for the check before the sound techs start tuning the banjos, and banjo accessories.

  21. This is interesting: From a New York Times article dated Sept 11, 2003 and titled "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Man" by Stephen Labaton.

    "The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing financial industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago."


    "among the groups that denounced the proposal were the National Association of Home Builders and the Congressional Democrats"


    "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not facing any kind of financial crises" said Rep Barney Frank, Democrat from MA.

  22. Reese Bobby...You indicate all you do is drink and your afternoon drugs seem to have really kicked in....Nothing else to do?

  23. I gotta' tell you-if you put down your horrible party lines and collaborate; you seem to have the potential for a dyno-mite sound. But I've got a fever-and the only prescription is compromise. Don't hate me because I consistently laugh at your unfrozen caveperson ways with satire. Really, you crack me up...and I am as sober as the local judge that you would have to address your anonymous accusations to when the metal hits the meat.

  24. Democratic Congressman Frank went on to state:
    "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we see in affordable housing.

    He, by making the above statement, was admitting there was a problem, but that the Bush admin was exaggerating the scale of the problem.

  25. 2:52, this is from the same article:

    "The administration's proposal, which was endorsed in large part today by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, would not repeal the significant government subsidies granted to the two companies. And it does not alter the implicit guarantee that Washington will bail the companies out if they run into financial difficulty; that perception enables them to issue debt at significantly lower rates than their competitors. Nor would it remove the companies' exemptions from taxes and antifraud provisions of federal securities laws."

    Did you actually have a point to make or do you just like quoting old news articles?

  26. Reese, try to stay on topic man.

  27. 11:51, Are you for or against FISA?
    Are you for or against Gitmo? If you say for, then what in the hell is your point? Do you just wish to bash Obama even if you agree with his decisions?

    BTW, hope and change are catchy, "Mission Accomplished" was a foolish statement and a lie.

    "Bring em on" is just a cocky, un-Presidential thing to say no matter who you are.

  28. Anon 338, I don't just like I love to quote Barney Frank's below statemant-


  29. 4:15,

    In 2003, no they weren't. What ever happened to Bush's proposed oversight? I guess the Republican controlled congress didn't like it?

  30. BTW Anon 338, my point is obvious, but I'll explain it to you since you asked. Frank either lied or is incompetent and uninformed.

    He and the other democrats who killed this measure in committee, thereby preventing a Senate vote, are at fault for the housing/mortagage crisis.

    You won't convince alot of people otherwise, with your no-basis/lack of good argument comments.

  31. There is absolutly no DENYING that the DEMOCRATS killed the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac oversight proposal in committee, preventing a full senate vote. Anything other than admitting this, would be an out and out lie.
    The question that everyone should be asking is why the proposal wasn't looked into more throughly before being killed. It's kind of like Obama's stimulus package that no member of congress seems to have read.

  32. 3:40. If I ask you a question; you will know as I will address you directly. As I am having a bad day; consider this a polite response when I opine that you take your planned agenda and jam it up your anonymous chocolate center...voters and commenters here will decide what issues we choose to address and comment upon. You will either lead, follow or go have a cola, and a smile, and shut up.

  33. Sentz fan "the point" is the incredible hypocrisy of the Obama administration and the lack of any fairness in reporting from the main stream media. Last night Chris Matthews muttered "Oh God" when Jindal appeared on set--the complete disdain for even the appearance of balanced coverage is what makes this administration so dangerous and bereft of a moral compass. The inability to recognise how wrong this entire presidency is, from primary to now is horrifying. Obama spouts historical inaccuracies and the young people of today don't even know its false. That is PATHETIC.

  34. You know what though, Anon 505, in retrospect the unfair reporting has been a good thing. FoxNews' ratings have blown everyone else's out of the water since the election. I know of no one who takes Chris Matthews seriously, Couric is a joke, & Oberman (or whatever his name is), even makes me speechless, by his unfounded ridiculous statements.

  35. Dude you have got to be kidding me. I respect your comments most times, but this is way over the top. Let those of us from both parties try to unite Americans for the common good of the nation rather than continued division of the American people by party status.

  36. 4:36,

    Thank you for finally making a point. I agree with you.


  37. Just try to post something like this criticizing dummycrats over on Too Dense's blog.

    And he has the gall to call Salisbury news "hateful."

    What a hypocrite.

    That goes for you too, chuckie.

  38. For those of you who keep pushing this "Barney Frank caused this crisis!" and "It's all about Fannie and Freddie!" false argument, I provide you with the recent FBI report on the subject:


    Here are the salient points:

    * nonprime lenders are overwhelmingly responsible for the epidemic

    * the fraud was so endemic that it would have been easy to spot if anyone looked

    * willful blindness was essential to originate, sell, pool and resell the loans

    * the worse the nonprime loan quality the higher the fees and interest rates, and the faster the growth in nonprime lending and pooling the greater the immediate fictional profits and (eventual) real losses

    * the greater the destruction of wealth, the greater the (fictional) profits, bonuses, and stock appreciation

    * many of the big banks are deeply insolvent due to severe credit losses

    * those big banks and Treasury don't know how insolvent they are because they didn't even have the loan files

    This problem didn't start with Fannie and Freddie. Period. Please stop spreading that around. If you knew the truth, and you're avoiding it for partisan reasons, then you're lying.

  39. No 10:01, if you had basic reading comprehension skills you would know that I was calling people like you hateful (i.e. dummycrats-that's a blanket statement about an entire group, therefore hate speech), not the entire blog or all its commenters. Joe knows this and so do most sensible people.

    On the other hand, this my trollish friend, is a personal insult. Don't confuse the two.

  40. One more thing troll 10:01, if you are so outraged by this post as hateful, why haven't you denounced Sunnyinoc's post "Who Voted Democrat" yet? Are ready to denounce it now? I'm waiting...

  41. Why was the "Obamabortion" comment pulled?

  42. Why can't Reese Bobby speak english? She can't take it like she tries to dish it out, typical Barry supporter!

  43. Republicans hate America

  44. How would you rate King Barack I so far?


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