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Monday, February 23, 2009

Very Cool

Imagine the granularity the military cameras must have. Wait for it to focus'


Remember to let it focus when you zoom


  1. Very cool indeed!!! I could only imagine how much clearer and detailed the governments cameras could zoom in

  2. It is too bad the military didn't use any of these types of cameras (or any cameras!) to monitor the Pentagon Building on 911. They have no video or pictures of flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. It is the most heavily guarded building on the planet, but on that day, no video of the attack on the Pentagon.

    I would hope they have improved the surveillance of the building since then. Perhaps they are using cameras such as this one. With such a camera, they could easily have seen the eye balls of the pilot!

  3. Did you happen to catch a pair of disembodied legs in that photo?

    Look at the bottom of the TV camera/journalist tower, just to the right, next to the fence.

  4. Anonymous 9:51
    Are you an idiot? Of course they have video of the plane hitting the pentagon. Just because they don't show it to us, doesn't mean they don't have it. There are many very smart people working in the federal government and the military. They know what they are doing. If they say the Iraquis attacked us, then, I for one, am going to support our troops. I don't need to see any videos.

  5. I've been staring at this for hours and I still can't find Waldo!


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