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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today's Daily Times

"This ought to bring a smile to your face! Everyone on our street got Feb. 15's paper delivered this morning. Keep up the good work."


  1. How else would you expect to get "OLD NEWS".

  2. Thank you. There is always hope. Let's pray things continue to improve. I truly believe that we need our local newsparer as well as your blogs and the TV media. All of these news resources need to work together. Any chance of a fresh start? It is imperative that the citizen be literate and informed to safeguard our freedoms.An informed society is our only hope to retain what freedoms remain in our grand nation.

  3. Today is the 22nd. Everyone got today's paper or last Sunday's which was the 15th?

  4. How about we get a post going to get comments on how the Daily Times could improve? Can't hit us all for bashing if we're trying to give constructive criticism.
    So, what would the Times be if it was the paper you wanted to read?

  5. It would be delivered on time, including the right day.

  6. It would print a normal sized paper.

  7. It would print stories as if it was an independent entity, without the help of people like Mayor Tilghman.

  8. How about editorials are editorials and news is news. And who cares about some person setting his house afire in Ohio or other lame stories like that? If I wanted to read garbage like that, I'd get a copy of True Detective. A little less of the AP's moron-level feeds and a little more news that makes a difference. I mean, really, how stupid do you think we are?

  9. More local news with some in depth reporting, instead of he-said she-said?

  10. No spelling errors.

  11. no more stupid play on word headlines.

  12. Some news written from the high schools, not just about them. Get the kids involved.

  13. This is clearly ONE person sending these all in.

  14. I'd like to see the Times do less dumbing down of its stories. We don't often see words of more than two syllables or stories that have much insight. I don't know if the reporters turn them in that way, but they sure do come out that way.

  15. Yeah, too bad nobody else seems to give a crap.

  16. Sorry folks they had to read up to date news posted by Joe before they could print anything worth printing.

  17. Better pictures! I've seen many sports photos of local events messed up once they appeared in the DT. This would make many kids happy to be able to keep a great pic which was in the paper and seen by all.

  18. My parents live down the street from you, Joe, and they didn't get one AT ALL. consider yourself lucky!


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