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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


In December another unit was sold in that big (mid-rise) condo on Riverside Drive with the breathtaking view of Brew River and odor of the Perdue Plant. That makes 3 sales closed last year – the same number as in 2007. And, now, only 36 are left unsold or sold but not closed.

It looks like the developer has cut prices – here's the data:

Date Unit Price

2008- Dec. 18 301 349,900

Aug. 21 103 349,900

June 3 601 650,000*

2007- Dec. 20 401 400,000

Dec. 20 302 439,900

Dec. 7 501 494,370

this is a 2,600 sq. ft. unit on the top floor – the others are about 1,600 sq. ft.

Should you buy one now or wait for further price cutting? And how low will they go?


  1. Wouldn't you just feel stupid if you paid $100,000 more than the last guy to buy?

    If if you just paid $100,000 less than the previous person, wouldn't you wonder why?

    And how will you feel when the next person pays $100,000 less than you did?

    Wow at least it is a quiet neighborhood - no neighbors!

  2. Why do I need a condo on the river for when I can build my own outhouse right here? We should all build small sheds in our backyard that resemble the crapper.

    Flushable toilets by John Crapper - the inventor.

  3. Even at 349 they are still over priced. That doesn’t even include the condo fee's which can reach an additional $400 per month. This building was built cheap (price wise) they can afford to lower the prices. For 349 you buy a four bedroom house in a nice neighborhood. You can even buy a condo in OC for that price.

  4. Wow you people whine and cry! You aren't buying so leave those people alone. Geez. Such babies on here!!!

  5. When they get to a dollar a unit, let me know Joe. I'llbuy two or three and rentum to become a slumlord too!

  6. Perdue is a major quandry. They provide good jobs which we need during this time, but they absolutely kill one of the best (potential) "areas" in SBY, and are polluting our river. Who wants to move or swim/waterski down there with Perdue right there, let alone fitzwater's poverty. I think they should move Perdue to Hebron (lots of land, farming, etc.. out there and the smell won't really affect the local populace).

  7. 2:44

    It is rude of us to talk about the building you and your two neighbors live in!

  8. Anon 450pm,
    You don't know what you are talking about concerning the Perdue plant. That plant doesn't discharge into the river. All of the water Perdue uses is purchased from the city and after use it is treated by the plant and discharged back to the city. So don't blame Perdue for the dirty Wicomico river. Do your research before you run off at the mouth.

  9. Actually perdue has been charged several times for dumping into the wicomico. Now if someone would only charge the city. And as for nice view, thats ruined when brew river is in full effect blasting music out the deck doors. You can hear it from Beauchamp St (for those unknowing that is past St Francis)

  10. anon 4:50
    you can ski up there any way b/c of the 6 knot zone and the docks. go back to school and get educated then post a comment that is factual.

  11. 4:50

    Are you effing kidding me??? The only one polluting the Wico river is the city of Salisbury you jagoff!!!!!!

    Why don't you move back to Baltimore or Jersey you freaking moron!

    How can someone this stupid know how to type?

    Perdue was here providing jobs long before an out of town idiot developer with borrowed money bought the most blighted piece of property on the shore to swindle idiot Jersey newcomers who are now rightfully under water. Now another newcomer tool thinks that one of the few industries we have left should move to Hebron?

    Please duct tape a plastic bag around your neck before going to bed tonight!!!!!!

    I truly weep for the future if this is what is coming out of our schools

    Perdue is a major quandry. They provide good jobs which we need during this time, but they absolutely kill one of the best (potential) "areas" in SBY, and are polluting our river. Who wants to move or swim/waterski down there with Perdue right there, let alone fitzwater's poverty. I think they should move Perdue to Hebron (lots of land, farming, etc.. out there and the smell won't really affect the local populace).

    Pure unadulterated stupidity

    An Obama voter I'll wager

  12. Wow. A lot of anger on the lower shore. I guess once a slave always a slave. Wean off and realize when something is harming you and your city. Reminds me of when I was in WV, and the locals worshipped massa coal.


  13. id buy that for a dollar!

  14. LOL 11:45. However, you couldn't afford the taxes!


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