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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Mr. Albero:

First my compliments – you have performed a public service in obtaining and publishing the letter that certain “slumlord” types and their coalition (“SAPOA”) plan to distribute to their tenants. Please also publish the following information that should be of interest to anyone who rents his/her place of residence in Salisbury.

The “4 to 2” law was not intended to (nor does it) prohibit the rental of property. In fact, it does not even apply to the apartment complex sites. Nor does it apply to actual families.

You have exposed the plan to scare and trick tenants into voting for Comegys that was the brainchild of Richard Insley in the last City election (2007). Besides keeping your spotlight on him, please be vigilant about similar conduct by a member of the SU faculty who also engages in rental (mostly to students, I understand) and used the campus e-mail system to importune students.

It appears that “Prof. Landlord” is still at SU. His infamous e-mail of March 4, 2007 is attached.


  1. All the 4-2 rule does is monopolize the existing slumlords, which lets them charge $400+ per bedroom. Does anyone think its strange that the city council has meetings at the owner of Advanced Property's office, as well as receive large campaign contributions from him?

  2. Mike Dunn used his SU email to chastise citizens while he was council president. This doesn't surprise me one bit.

  3. 9:09-


    It protects single-family neighborhoods from the avarice of slumlords who have controlled the City government for way too long by means of puppets like Bubba Comegys.

  4. Looks to me like the landlords think their tenents are uneducated and can't make their own decsions. I would take letters like these as an insult.

    It's is really exploiting hispanics and the truly uneducated or mentally handicapped that are registered voters that live in rentals that are not truly informed.

    Their attempt to sway votes for the fear factor is so sleazy it's fascist mentality will bite them back. Really brings out the slime and sleaze AKA SAPOA

    Next time you step on a roach think - lawd lawd squash my lanlawd

  5. I dont think out of state students should have a vote anyway.

  6. 9:09

    "Does anyone think its strange that the city council has meetings at the owner of Advanced Property's office"

    Whaaaaaat? Tell us more.

    I'll bet my car that if such meetings have happened, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen have not been part of them.

  7. Everyone SAPOA supported 2 years ago voted for the 14% tax hike then wanted to raise our water bills when there was $1.2 million of surplus in the water department. Tax asessments are going down, is your rent going down?

  8. Money won't win this election, it's the people that are going to win this election

  9. Insley hasn't just ruined salisbury, but he has been on the board of GreenHill CC for years and it is now in real trouble. There has been mis-management, embezzlement, fraud, and deceit there for years

    I am a member for many years.. and the problems with Greenhill and the nepotism can be directly linked to the Board of Directors for which he has been a part for decades.

    They want to assess us thousands of dollars for their crooked ways.

    It truly disgusts me

  10. Anonymous 9:16 - unfortunately you're wrong. According to Judge Davis' opinion in Case No. 22-C07-000068, the 4 to 2 law is ineffectual to protect the single family neighborhoods. It's full of loopholes, written for the landlords, puts an untenable burden of proof on the residents, and is completely unenforceable. The crooked landlords worry that the loopholes will be closed with a new administration.

  11. I was "lucky" enough to be a tenant of Richard Insley for a couple of years. I had no heat for a month and a half and my toilet was falling throught the floor. I called and called and nothing was done. When I finally moved, Insley came to inspect the home and tried to charge me for the problems that had stemmed from neglect. I had replace the carpets and the place was spotless except for the rust covering the front of the refridgerator. Also, not my fault, but it was on the list of things that I was expected to pay for. I fought and made calls and did not pay for the items such as the fridge, the floor in the bathroom or the heat. I had to remind him that it was illegal for him to rent me a home that is not heated in all rooms. It has been many years but I will never forget the way he tried to screw over a decent person whose rent had been paid a month ahead of schedule. I am not surprised of anything i have read here in these postings. He is a creep.

  12. Anon 10:01 you forgot to mention that Barrie and her Good Squad paid Paul Wilber big taxpayer dollars to write that law. It took a judge to put it on record that the law was written to protect the landlords, NOT the tenants.

    We need to form a citizen run tenants advocacy group to provide renters with information regarding their rights.

  13. 10:15,

    How long ago was this? You may still have legal recourse.

  14. As a taxpayer, I take offense to a State employee using his company E mail for this purpose. He is using this means to spread scare tactics for SAPOA and further ruin our City. Janet Dudley Doright should can him for this. Just one more example of the crooked politics in this City. Thank you Joe for exposing this matter

  15. 10:19, I think that's part of what Jim Ireton is thinking with his proposal of a "landlord/tenant board." Ireton has recognized tenants need a voice, too. And he knows there are few good landlords in Salisbury (though few and far between, I think).

    Can you imagine how red-faced Insley and his crew would be if homeowners and renters join together to battle the blight these rats have brought us?

  16. 12:16 this was about 10 years ago. i dont even think about it anymore, until i read the posting and it brought such "fond" memories back. believe me, i raised 10 kinds of hell and got my deposit back. it didnt go legal but i would have if i had to.

  17. 1:00 pm, that's probably exactly what needs to happen. Jim, are you reading??

  18. "As a taxpayer, I take offense to a State employee using his company E mail for this purpose. He is using this means to spread scare tactics for SAPOA and further ruin our City. Janet Dudley Doright should can him for this. Just one more example of the crooked politics in this City."

    Sadly enough, Professor Horne is beyond Janet's ability to fire him, he being an Emeritus (retired) tenured professor. She could, however, have permanently suspended his email privileges on the University's servers, not that he wouldn't have found another route to do his deed. Funny that a guy with only two rental houses would try to do so much damage, and pull the wool over students' eyes. I smell SAPOA money talking here.

  19. SAPOA is pulling all stops to try and unseat Campbell. They will spend all the money they need to to spread the propaganda and throw money at candidates whose palms are itching.

    There aren't many who truly love their landords, this slime just rises to the top to be clearly visable of fixing an election with money. They will probably spend more money to attempt to unseat Campbell than they contribute to all three candidates put together.

    At the end of the day they will get what they are asking for, a giant can-O-worms and many new regulations. They are going to hurt really honest landlords that do take care of their proprties and run a straight up business. Where's Frank Kratovil? We need his ear.

  20. Hey Joe,
    I was wondering if you could do myself and im sure some others a favor? could you give us a little local voting 101 class. like where to register, when to register by, when and where voting takes place, do you have to live in city limits to vote: if so how can we find out if or if not infact we live in the proper limits, how about if you own a business in town but dont live in town ect.

    Thank you in advance,

    -Adam Stanley


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