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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Princess Anne Dog Catcher Being A Jerk

"Dear Mr Joe,

I hope you read this letter and help me out.

My family and I have had the unfortunate meeting with the new head guy at the Somerset County animal rescue and I was just wondering if you have heard anybody else talk about how this ya-hoo has disrespected, demeaned, and was just plain rude to them?! He is heartless and has no right being in the position or authority he is at right now. Frankly, all familes with pets should be warned about him! My dogs got out last sunday and are now being deemed "dangerous" because this guy was in a bad mood. My 9 year old sister was sobbing as he drove away with my dogs and he laughed in her face! I dont know his name, other than possibly "Jim". We just want our dogs back whom we love and have grown up with. PLEASE HELP!"

Ladies & Gentlemen, letters like this come in all the time. They always want to remain anonymous and you must take them with a grain of salt. For instance, when I look at this particular letter I notice them stating, "My 9 year old sister was sobbing as he drove away with my dogs" and then I notice the language being used throughout the message and I thought, there's no doubt in my mind this was written by an adult and not the Sister/Brother of a 9 year old child.

Nevertheless, there's no way for me to prove any of this happened and or the circumstances behind it at this point and time. I simply thought I'd allow them the opportunity to see what others have experienced. They can't remember the guys name, yet they know he's new to the job, that was another thing that bothered me. Is someone out to get this particular person? Let's just see where this Post takes us, shall we.......


  1. It won't take long to see where this post leads. James Henderson. He plea bargained his way out of prosecution at ECI and the Detention Center for cruelty and abuse of inmates, so that he wouldn't face prosecution. Then the County Commissioners rehired him, even though he was under criminal investigation, to be the dog catcher. (Remember BTK was in with animal control also.) Henderson is still the subject of a federal investigation, but the county continues to cover for him. He reminds you of a ticking time bomb getting ready to explode. During the initial investigation, his second in command at the detention center, told investigators that she didn't want to participate in the investigation because she was fearful of her life and her family's life. I think that this explains it all.

  2. Yea, good ole Henderson. He used Logan Widdowson's dog for target practice on the ECI range... Hope yours isn't next!!!

  3. Don't assume because this person claims to have a 9YO sister that they can't be an adult. Lots of blended families out there with kids of all ages.

  4. Leash laws are there for a reason and more people need to adhere to them.
    I don't know this guy, but I will say IF he was rude and acted wrongly in any way then you should be reporting him to whoever he answers to, not on the blog. (This ALWAYS makes me suspicious of the post)
    Then the real blog post could possibly be about what happened to the dog catcher in Princess Anne due to inappropriate behavior.

    Much more believable.

  5. The dog catcher just doesn't TAKE your dog for no reason. I am sure there was somthing wrong for the dog catcher to take your dog, like a call to 911. Listen to your scanners people! Was someone bitten AGAIN by these dog?

  6. first i would like to say why was the dog catcher there on a sunday when their office is closed on the weekends except for the emergencies. second what happened that made that facility deem the dogs dangerous, did a by stander get hurt? Third i have dealt with those fine people and found no one there to be nothing but professional. So what is the real story here maybe someone should try to find out......

  7. The real story is that Henderson has been reported to his supervisor, Mr. Powell, on more than one occasion and nothing was done about it. After all, Mr. Powell was instrumental in the rehiring of Henderson. I believe this is a good forum for Mr. Powell or Mr. Henderson to explain this entire situation. If they do not, maybe it is just because it would be entirely to embarrassing for them to do so.

  8. The dog catcher can take your dogs, but it should be done professionally with dignity and respect for the owners. Mr Henderson is incapable of showing respect for anyone other than his friends and superiors.

  9. I agree 10:47 that the real blog should be about what happened to the dog catcher after he was reported but unfortunately nothing ever happens after he is reported. He is a friend of the commissioners and they protect him. I suspect that this situation may have had some influence on Mr. Powell's decision to resign his position. It's hard to work with a bunch of crooks if you are an honest person.

  10. Anon 11:45

    You would not believe how fast elected officials will "do something" when they are brought out into the light. I know this because I have done it.

    You people need to get yourselves on the meeting agenda for this purpose.
    Then publicize the fact this matter is going to be dealt with during the meeting and get as many people at that meeting as you can....even if they are not there for that reason....just get them there!

    Mr. Powell has bosses too and they are not going to want to hear "publicly" that concerns were not addressed. If they do, then you go at "them" too.

    Once you bring stuff like this into the light at a public meeting with a public record, if nothing gets done then you can go higher than that, but you must do this first.

    But from what I've seen on the blogs, people don't want to go to all this trouble. They would rather just sit at their computers and complain on a blog Anon.
    If you're not willing to do what it takes to change things, then shut up and live with it.

  11. Does anyone know for sure if Mr Henderson was on the scene? There is more than one person that works at the shelter. And I am sure that he doesn't not go on every call, My goodness they have the whole county to cover.

  12. 11:45 is correct in saying to
    get things "out in the open" for
    the publics knowledge will inspire
    your officials to get things done
    in a much more efficient manner.
    Way to much is brushed aside when
    only one voice is heard. That is
    why this site is so good.
    However, finding out the entire
    truth of the matter is of upmost
    importance to everyone.

    If this man is as callous as has
    been said about him----he needs to
    be taken from this job immediately!!
    For injustice to pre-
    vail, all it takes is for one
    good man to say nothing.

    Keep us informed , please!!EW

  13. Beautifully stated 12:51. You are so correct. I to will be interested in the outcome of this situation. Unfortunately in this case, even if there is one good man, he can only address the problems with the commissioners and they lend a deaf ear.

  14. What dog catcher works on Sundays?

  15. Probably all of them if they are called out to handle a specific situation. Any animal report to 911 would be directed to animal control.

  16. What jail warden works on Saturday nights? Answer, James Henderson when he felt like beating prisoners.

  17. first i would like to say is that the officer was NOT Supervisor Henderson the officer on the scene was Officer Ford. And knowing something about Mr. Fords' demeanor i highly doubt that he laughed in a childs face since there were no children on the scene. The scene consisted of officer ford arriving to the sight of a PAPD officer with a drawn weapon on at least one of the dogs in question because the animals had bitten two pedestrians and a third man on top of his car out of the dogs reach. And as for the animal control office deeming the dogs dangerous,, so be it the dogs have a past history of biting and its about time someone has gotten them out of the public eye. It is my understanding that the department as a whole decides if it is necessary to deem an animal dangerous. Apparently it was. And i commend them for doing so. So thank you guys and gals for doing the job you do. And as for the rest of you if you dont know all the facts mind your own business and leave these fine people alone!!!!

  18. 5:42 Don't you have any thing better to do than dwell on the past? He was just doing his job and maybe they deserved it!!

  19. Just Remember,

    This is a conspiracy against Mr. Henderson because he was gonna run for Sheriff of Somerset County. I believe the conspiracy is being run by Davis Ruark and Mike Lewis because they want their own guy in the office. Of course this "conspiracy" (prisoner abuse, etc) allegation is from Mister Henderson himself. Let see Dog catcher or Sheriff which one would you wanna be? And what excuse will you make up for not getting the job.

  20. i would like to mention that there is no such person known as the Princess Anne Dog Catcher!! LOL Is he a masked banidit that rides around looking for dogs to carry away!!! LOL Now there is, Somerset County Animal Control, is that the enity this person means? Apparrently they do not even know who took their dogs!!! Why should we believe anything this person says?

    You know what else you people should leave the Henderson man alone. There is always two sides to every story and the people who had negitive things to say about him had to hide behind an anonymous signature, why is that? Is there something we should now about them or do they just like to gossip? Grandma always said that if there is something you cannot say to someones face then don't say it at all, maybe some of you should try that someday.

  21. sounds like someone has a personel vendetta against Mr. Henderson and will will twist and spin a story to suit their own agenda. not even believable.

  22. To 6:32 Does just doing his job consist of being so incapacitated that he threw someone out of jail.
    What if this had been a murderer or a rapist? What job perk consists of driving a county vehicle while reeking of alcohol? I certainly don't think that it is the warden's job to hand out the punishments, the judge does that.

  23. 10:44 Were you there? Do you Really know hat happened? I don't think so! I you did you would surely have your story straight! There is always 2 sides to EVERY story! Maybe you should find out! And further more if Mr. Henderson really did somthing wrong then he would not have another job with the county. I truely believe if you work for a county and youare found GUILTY then the county WOULD NOT REHIRE YOU!

  24. 8:42 am Shows how much you know. It was NOT Logans DOG!!!!


  26. I'm shocked that the animal control personel in this county can carry weapons. What qualifications do they really have? Do they have permits to carry weapons? It doesn't matter if Henderson killed Widdowsons dog or someone elses dog, the fact is he shot a dog and there is no excuse for that. Keep in mind he was a correctional officer at that time and not a dog catcher.

  27. All the negative comments about Mr. Henderson are true, proveable, and a matter of public record. The only reason he was never charged and found guilty is the fact SA Hickman protected him.

  28. If Henderson is in charge of animal control, then he is ultimitely responsible for anything that he or his employees do. He is the captain of the ship. It sounds like the ship might be going down. Mr. Powell had complaints about this individule and did nothing about it. I would hope the new administrator, Mr. Boston would rectify this problem.

  29. If you read correctly Animal Control Does NOT carry Weapons. It was PAPD Princess Anne Police!

  30. 11:04 Maybe you should talk to Mr Henderson yourself, so you can work out what really happened.

  31. I am just a casual observer and enjoy reading this site. It is not my job to work out what really happened, that is up to the administrator and the commissioners. However I am familiar with Mr. Henderson's past and will say that as long as he is a county employee, there will always be problems and controversy revolving around this individule.

  32. He's being a jerk because he is a jerk. Case closed.

  33. 7:50 am is theorically correct!
    If Henderson smashed a tv over a prisoner's head, Somerset should NOT have hired him as Warden.
    But, remember, THIS IS Somerset.
    If Warden Henderson is under investigation for prisoner abuse, civil rights violations, prisoner beatings, macings, etc., Somerset should not have rehired him as Animal Control Officer.
    BUT,REMEMBER, this is Somerset.
    The County Commissioners knew. It was public knowledge of his saddistic behgaviors, yet the county did nothing.
    This is Somerset County.

  34. And they continue to do nothing. Maybe the new commissioner that will be appointed by the Governor to replace Boston will try to remedy this lingering problem for the county. As long as Henderson is empoloyed by Somerset County in any capacity, they will have serious problems with him.

  35. I have two dogs that are special to me. I also have a Remington 700 PSS fitted with a Zeiss 'scope. Guess which one will be awarded to a dog control officer that comes for my two dogs.

  36. I spoke to Henderson regarding a dog that kept running loose and asked him who it belonged to so I could let them know when their dog got loose; which is a matter of public record and should be divulged when requested. He refused to tell me and acted like a really rude moron about it. Turned out the owners live a block away and I could have easily informed them rather than waiting for animal control to come and look for the dog after he had roamed all over town. Why would you hire a guy who was known to abuse prisoners, I wouldn't trust the guy with an animal if he can't even treat humans with dignity.
    Another case of the bad ol boys of Somerset sticking up for one another. And you Albero are in way too thick with one of the most corrupt ones. Wake up and smell the coffee Joe, you know who I'm talking about.


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