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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As most of you already probably know, I have been reading each and every Maryland Legislature House and Senate Bill synopsis for each of the past 5 legislative sessions.

If there is one thing that I cannot tolerate. . . it is an elected representative who portrays himself to be in the best interest of his constituency when in fact he/she sponsors legislation that is detrimental to the general public.

Thus I'm looking for one good politician who will 'step-up to the plate' and sponsor legislation that will impose penalties and punishment on those legislators who propose to do harm to our citizenry and small businesses.

HB-819 is one such Bill. The Bill is labeled Workplace Fraud Act of 2009 but in reality it is pure unadulterated Socialization.

I propose we solicit an elected Legislator to propose a countermeasure to the above noted bill and entitle it - PENALTY IMPOSED ON LEGISLATORS FOR ADVERSE ECONOMIC IMPACT LEGISLATION.

If the sponsors of the above noted legislation are so bent on a complete reclassification of all Federal Express Independent Haulers, Chicken Growers, Chicken Catchers, Construction Trim-out crews, etc. . . then they shouldn't mind having to ante-up the employers portion of Social Security, Workman's Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Federal Unemployment Insurance benefits as a result of their proposing such a sweeping Socialization package.

Thus I propose that we have one of our RESPECTED elected representatives sponsor a sweeping comprehensive legislative Bill to monetarily penalize the sponsors of this Socialistic Bill - HB-819 with the price tag they are going to inflict on our small business community.

In addition, it is interesting to note that another Maryland anti-business bill is in the works that has received very little publicity. HB-1188 rescinds virtually every Maryland incentive a business would receive for employing more employees, business expansion, creating business Enterprise zones, by adding adverse penalties.


  1. I fully support this, but isnt that like asking a fox to vote for a more secure hen house? A criminal to support harsher sentencing? 90% of our legislature are crooks with ties!

  2. this would certainly separate the honest from the crooked, via who supports it and who dosent......but can we find one honest, dedicated legislator?

  3. what about fisher's arrest back in 08


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