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Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Kind Of Sheriff


Some 'dirtbag' in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state wide manhunt ensued.
The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times.

Now here's the kicker:
Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel: “That's all the bullets we had !!” (Talk about an all-time classic answer !!!)

Justice Served. Bullets are much cheaper than 40 years of meals, cable and civil rights.

Here’s the best part of this story: It’s TRUE ! ! !



  1. I have not problem at all with this. He was a murderer, who cares how many times he was shot! As a matter of fact who cares how people are put to the death sentence. When these people kill it is not humane it is cruel. No one is ever put to the death penalty becuase they charmed someone to death. I'm proud of that Sheriff for saying what he did. You kill you get killed who gives a crap how the death sentence is carried out.

  2. This all happened not too far from me. There of course was the normal hue and cry from some of the populace about this being an overly extreme measure but the vast majority of us agreed with the good Sheriff. Wish I would have had the opportunity to donate a box or two.
    Jack K Richards (former Salisburian)

  3. The thuglovers are going to hammer this guy.

    The true Americans are going to cheer.

    Unfortunately Thuglover out number us.

    Tom Sawyer

  4. Best news I've read in weeks. Yes, you've all heard my voice before. The willfull taking of innocent life REQUIRES the death penalty.

  5. if it was the city police, how do you think the public would of reacted...do you think anyone in their administration would of backed their men, like that sheriff did?

  6. We need a guy like this in Salisbury.

  7. People don't realize that automatic weapons fire much much faster and deliver more bullets in a very short amount of time. 9 officers shooting, that is only about 7 to 8 bullets each. Heck, that is less than a minute shooting.

  8. The rest of this story is that 9 of 10 SWAT officers shot, and out of 110 rounds shot, only 68 found their target.

  9. 11:49am, that is called a burst, one quick squeeze of the trigger, 1 r 2 seconds.....and of course some accuracy is lost

  10. 12:47 - ok so around 12 bullets per officer, still less than a minute shooting
    1:07 - my thoughts exactly - just researched and an article said that around 15% of police shootings the police officer hits the intended target. Good shooting then guys.

  11. thats awesome ... i definitely like that sheriff.. great response

  12. Charles Bronson would be proud.

  13. RIP Matt Williams and Diogi...A lot of good has come from this incident


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