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Monday, February 23, 2009


Maryland State Police in cooperation with the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force began the first of many high intensity criminal enforcement patrols in the Salisbury area of Wicomico County. This initiative was implemented to identify and arrest criminal violators, prevent violent crime and identify subjects related to more serious offenses already under investigation.

The areas targeted were identified as known high crime/high drug areas of the County. K9 assistance was provided from Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputy Lewis. Despite the cold weather, Troopers netted a total of eight drug arrests, two DUI’s and two warrant arrests.

Adults arrested for drug violations were:

Michael Steven Gordon, W/M
Marquis Javon Downing, AA/M
William David Wilkes 3rd, W/M
Andrew Robert Parsons, AA/M

Those arrested for DUI were:

Marquis Javon Downing, AA/M
Andrew Robert Parsons, AA/M

These patrols will continue in an on going effort to reduce violent crime in Wicomico County.


  1. Thank you, Sheriff Lewis and your deputies, and thank you MSP! Signed, a Salisbury resident

  2. and what is SPD doing??? You shouldn't have to thing about it, it rolls right off the tongue just like a teenager being asked what he did at school today...that's right, NOTHING!

    Hey Joe, on a more positive note, I caught wind of a new task force that Mike Lewis is implementing? Can you verify or provide details?

  3. When did these arrests occur ?

  4. yeah, where did this happen?
    how were the criminals apprehended?
    lil more info on this please. curious how the suspects were targeted?

  5. I believe this all happened over the weekend. Probably not a good idea to give away too much info, might spoil the surprise for next time.

  6. Who cares how they were targeted. The facts remain they had dope or were drunk driving or warrants for their arrest were on hand prior. The press release gives plenty if you DONT try to read into it.

    Very quiet at night around here last few nights. Hmmm Think maybe the word is out and the hunters have become the hunted.

    Sometimes life just makes your heart smile.

    A little proactive policing goes a long way.

    If you are a honest clean living American there is nothing to fear. As for the thugs that have sucked the life out of so many for so long your days are numbered.

  7. These are just the people they caught-which tells me there are alot of drunks driving in this area!Scary thought.Police can profile all they want,I feel safer with these guys off the road.

  8. blutojthetotmom

    who are they profiling??

    If people are driving drunk, selling drugs, etc. I don't think that is profiling---but catching the offenders period. That's the problem. Everything is profiling related, not just the CRIME. I don't know about everyone else but if I drink I drink at home, don't drink and drive, and don't do drugs therefore I believe the police should catch whoever does break the law however they can. We have common sense here.....selling drugs, DUI, etc. are against the law. Don't do it or suffer the consequence!!

    Thank you MSP!! I am glad the Troopers have my back and safety as their top priority! Keep up the good work.

  9. thank you Sheriff's Office for your enforcement in Wicomico County the Deputies make Wicomico County safer

  10. MSP deserves the credit here. All Troopers, ONE Deputy- K9 unit. Thank the Sheriff's Dept another time as they too deserve credit where credit is due. I lilstened to it all go down on the scanner. Sorry, this time the credit goes to the State Police.

  11. I was responding in part to a comment that asked how police targeted these guys-and I dont care how they did it,long as these people are off the road.


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