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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Important Delmar Meeting TONIGHT


If you could remind the residents in lower Sussex county, specifically the Delmar area, about the informational meeting tonight at the Delmar Fire Department concerning the MAPP project-the 500,000 volt transmission power line that is proposed by Pepco Holdings Inc (parent company for Delmarva Power) for the peninsula. A section of the line comes from Vienna, through the area near Packing House corner over to Racetrack Rd, and then through right-of-way headed east towards Gumboro. The informal meeting runs from 6pm to 8pm.

All interested/concerned citizens should try to attend. More information can be found at www.powerpathway.com .


Mark B. Naugle
Bay Region System Operations
Delmarva Power


  1. I have read quite a bit of information on this and what I don't understand is if they can go under the Chesapeake Bay, then they could put the entire project UNDERGROUND.

    This is going to look SO ugly in our flatlands here on the Shore but DP does not care and the ones approving this do not care either.

    This will also, in my opinion lower property values even more here on the Shore.

    There are some in Delmar that would not allow a cell phone tower.
    They said "Hell no, they are ugly".
    Well you haven't seen ugly yet.

  2. Totally a guess, but besides the cost to go underground, my best guess would be health concerns. There's a reason they are going 150ft in the air and that's to get the magnetic fields away from people. How deep underground would you have to go to do the same? Obviously not 150 ft as soild would impede, but i'm betting something like 20ft something ridiculous to try to dig that deep that far and the other problems you'd run into. I'm betting a 6ft. deep trench won't work.

  3. If anything this should expand the Eastern Shore, not lower any property values.

    You're right about the ugly thing though, these lines need fields as big as highways to run along the path.

  4. Yeah, I dont like the sounds of packing house corner to race track road line myself. They will probably follow the exsisting lines, I know a good portion of that from the ground.

  5. Well,Hell I always knew he had to start somewhere, I wonder if they know what zip-strips are. Man if that cancer cluster shit is real, no way, this is way to close to home. You to Joe.

  6. Mr regional systems operator, me and you are going to get to know each other real good. Your in my back yard now. You want to profit while exposing my Loved-Ones to god knows what and lower my already plummitting home value, I want compinsation. I want compinsation. Is that clear enough to you?

  7. There WILL be health effects from this. That you can count on.
    High tension power lines are not healthy.
    You know that buzz you can hear from regular power lines? What do you think that is?
    I was told you could stand under these high power lines with a lighbulb in each hand with your arms stretched up and out and the light bulbs would light.
    I do not know if that is true, but that is scary!

  8. This is not in my backyard, but I think most readers are forgetting that the power is for all of us.

    Have any of you thouught about the alternatives or even know what they are? The coal burning monster in Millsboro cannot and hopefully will not supply us forever, and this power feed from the other shore is a good alternative.

    If we stop wasting power, as we are now, we can avoid these power lines. And yes, most of us are guilty of wasting power in one form or another.

    One poster wants compensation. Compensation? Next you will want compensation because your neighbor painted his/her house a distastful shade of blue. Or how about me wanting conpensation because my child read a curse work in your post(you know we are not allowed to curse anymore).

    All I am trying to say is, the issue is a BIG one, and many times we are too quick to say no to something when we really don't know even a fraction of what it is all about.

  9. It looks like mr doug wilkerson has a real problem with this power line...funny thing about it is that by looking at the times that he posted he was too busy crying on computer instead of voicing his concerns at the meeting that started at 6pm

    I doubt the person who sent the message to joe about the meeting wants to profit from you doug, let alone give cancer to your loved ones. It is obvious he was asking joe to let people know about the meeting so they could voice concerns. But since you are going to get to know Mr regional systems operator really well perhaps you can provide joe with updates so we all can be as informed as you

  10. LOL.... "I want compinsation. I want compinsation. Is that clear enough to you?"

    Is that anything like compensation?

  11. Turn your computer off since you don't want the electric system upgraded, while your at it, how about the tv, refrigerator & all of your lights & sit in the dark. When you have no power, you will be crying about that too!

  12. Do you people have any ideal how big these towers are? When this is put right beside your house your property value will drop, I cant afford anymore drop. The reason I wasnt at the meeting is because I was watching my grand-child, who was asleep right next to me in the play-pen. Trying to explain energy efficiency to me, well your way out of your league. I have no problem with new power grids we need them, but I would like to know the reason that the power lines cant be underground. I didnt purchase my property to look out my window and see super structure. If they profit from their new power lines then they should compinsate you for the lost value in your home. Say 10% on utilitys for life. I am not looking for a hand-out, but your not going to fk me for free. The reason you here the humming is resistance, that creates heat. Electricity has one goal and that is to get to ground by any means possible. Im not done with this by a long shot. Im going to get my information straight and start making fliers a.s.a.p. so the people of Delamr are aware of this.

  13. The people posting here FOR this idea obviously do not live in the areas affected by this project!

    We do! Down the road, when people are starting to die of cancer, I hope someone is smart enough to link it to these new power lines.
    This will have a very negative impact on the Shore. There is a house right now on Old Stage Rd. which is situated on land adjacent to the existing right of way. They can't sell that house as it is!
    You know why? People don't want to live next to these high tension power lines! And the ones there are not even the big ones being planned for!!
    Now tell me it won't affect property values!!!
    YES IT WILL...and NOT for the better!
    You people that are for this project are for it simply because it is not in YOUR back yard! You'll come out in favor of it simply to keep it out of YOUR backyard and will go along with ANY alternative.
    More ES people who are asleep! You'll wake up when it is too late!

  14. anonymous 4:52,

    Were you at last nights meeting? There's going to be no cancer caused from these lines. It's a DC Current. Get your facts straight, I was there.

  15. Thank you Joe....It seems all of these people are so sure that they will now get cancer and they have no idea what they are talking about and werent even at the meeting.
    Another thing that bothers me is the constant mentioning of people having their property values going down and not being able to sell their land. Well guess what, maybe you should not have bought a house near the right of way. This right of way has been here for over 30 years. Since the power company owns the right of way, they can do what they want. Get over it and dont blame them because you live near their right of way. It would be different if they bought a new right of way that was near your property, but the new line is going on the existing right of way.


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