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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Daily Times Article


If you havent yet, check out today's Daily Times article on Delmarva Power offering "incentives" to limit power. http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20090207/NEWS01/902070306/1002

I'm all for conservation too -- but this is either bad reporting or idiot policy or both.

I just installed an energy efficient heat pump and if I want to cool my house and can pay my bill, I should be able to do so without this kind of nonesense, which is clearly an attempt to guilt those of us who aren't "green enough" to satisfy the nutcases who would have us living in caves and eating roots and worms if they had their way. Utility companies should just do the job their government-approved monopoly requires of them, rather than charge more for doing less (although that does seem to be especially in vogue these days, witness the Wall Street criminals who have taken down our economy and nobody in government seems terribly concerned that actual crimes might have been committed).

btw, I do conserve water, electric (68 degrees in winter is cheaper and healthier too), and I compost and use minimal yard chemicals. I do get weary of (as I think you'll agree) of the far-fringe environmental left who pigeon-hole us conservatives as a bunch of environment-destroying, non-thinking religious fanatics. They are of course mistaken in their conclusion -- as they are about most things.

Just my chance to vent a little and keep up the good work. I dont always agree with you, but at least your blog is the closest thing to a free press we have had since probably the American Revolution.


  1. This is no different than what DP&L did 10-15 years ago, when they were installing all those load control boxes on water heaters and AC units. The credits offered on your electric bill was much less back in the 1990's however.

    Some of those old load control boxes are still out there, although many of them have since failed, and been disconnected.

    Choptank also had a similar program, but with less incentives of credits on your electric bill as well.

  2. From reading the comments, nobody s in favor of "Big Brother"

  3. All this because the Democrats with their environazi puppet masters, won't let us expand our energy supplies to meet the needs in this country.
    Soon this country will be just like the former Soviet Union just before its fall.

  4. The facts of load control by the power company have been way too far misrepresented. Before letting the power company control the equipment you run by electricity talk with a reputable electrical contractor (electrician) and get some facts from them. What the power company proposes to the consumer to save them money will actually cost them in the long run. I am not saying that all of what they are saying will cost you but the load management control of your equipment will end up costing you in the long run. The best thing you can do as a consumer is to get educated on how you yourself can be proactive to reduce you consumption of power. Most of the boxes Delmarva Power and Choptank installed years ago failed to operate properly and caused damage to the customers equipment in some cases. Think twice before you let the power company install any management or monitoring equipment on what you own!

  5. All the old d.p.l. boxes did was break the 24 volt lead to the condenser contactor, hence not allowing it to pull in and energize the equipment with line-voltage power. Ive been un-hooking them for years. If you want to save money on your heating and cooling the best place to start is with the ductwork, most ductwork around the shore leaks and is improperly sealed. In many cases losing as much as 60% of your conditioned air, or your drawing air into the system from outside of the conditioned space,(under house or attic). Because there are no inspections for hvacr work in Maryland the work that passes as O.K. is really sub-par and in some cases done so wrong it should be considered illegal. If you want to know how much air your paying for and blowing under or above your home have the ductwork air tested, the results will shock you, then do the math for your bills times 5 years or 10 years, staggering. Can you believe with the cost of new hvacr systems today that there are no inspections done, is that not crazy or what. Not that it matters much, they inspect the wiring and plumbing and the quality of that work has slipped to the point where if we had done that type of work 25 years ago, we would of got fired. Careful what you buy people.

  6. No, I didn't see that. I did see the outrageous, sickening article attempting to ease our anger over this horrid criminal animal, who took from us an angel. this filth took an innocent life with no more concern than most of have for a housefly. As you know, I support the death penalty. Painfully.

  7. If customers are voluntarily signing up for this program, it's just not a Big Brother situation. Golly. Has ANYONE here read 1984?

    Also plenty of folks live in tenement/apartment buildings where they have no control over the heat in their own unit, so it's hardly out of the ordinary.


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