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Monday, February 02, 2009

Bob Caldwell For Mayor Meet & Greet Tomorrow

There will be a "meet & greet" for Mayoral candidate Bob Caldwell on Tuesday, Feb 3 at the Office of Martin & Moore Realty on the Downtown Plaza. This is an excellent opportunity for those who haven't met Bob or are not familiar with his stand on Municipal issues to ask questions and get answers. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. For more information or to contact Bob, visit his website at www.electbobcaldwell.com



  1. You should probably crop around his face so that the logo isn't showing... remember your new format. Looks like you are showing favorism.

  2. Sorry Bob, my support is going to Ireton.

  3. That picture is the one used on Bob's website. The same as the one of Gary and Debbie came from Gary's website.

  4. Do I make the check out to Caldwell or Superman ?

  5. Make it out to Caldwell Campaign, that will do. :)

  6. Just don't write a check with "Kryptonite" ink

  7. Please reconsider the use of the Superman gimmick. It looks silly for someone who wants to be taken seriously as a candidate for any office.

  8. I love the pic! A sense of humor and super-human powers will be necessary with the mess the city is in! Go Bob!

  9. Crime has over taken Metropolis. Who can save us?

  10. Anonymous 6:25 I agree with your comment; I like Bob Caldwell but think it's time to get serious now. What is he really going to do about crime? Will he get Salisbury a more effective police chief? How about the next fire chief---where does he stand on that issue?

  11. The Superman thing come from him having survived two cancers, the second caused by treatment for the first. Not even Kryptonite chemotherapy took him out. I saw him on PAC14 talking about it when he accepted something from the mayor for Wellness Community.

    I'm okay with it. I'm backing Ireton. But I'd rather Salisbury get media attention for a cancer-surviving mayor in a red cape than a blogger-suing one in a red coat.

  12. I think you have it backwards 9:30. It is a mayor in a red coat suing a blogger. Free speech as long as Mayor Tilghman is in office. Shame on that dirty rotten blogger who exposed the sewage spills and so much more, not.

  13. go bob! you have my vote.

  14. Stop with the "I like Caldwell, But I'm voting Ireton" nonsense. Vote for BOTH of them in the primary- then we'll sort it out.

  15. I'm also supporting Ireton, but I think Bob Caldwell is a tough guy for surviving two bouts with cancer. ANYONE BUT COMEGYS!!!!!

  16. 8:06, You can't vote for both of them in the primary.

  17. You only get 1 vote, make sure it isn't for Comegys.


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