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Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Answer To Tonight's Question

Evander Holyfield had *more losses* in his amateur career than his professional career.

Amateur record: 160-14

Professional record: 42-10-2

Tonight's WINNER is, Billy Wootten! Congratulations Billy! Your 2 tickets will be at the Will Call Window in YOUR name for tomorrow nights fight.


  1. Joe, Lennox Lewis is also correct (75-7 as an amateur, 41-2-1) as a pro.... you gonna dish out another set of tickets???

  2. Hey joe so was my guy Ingemar Johansson,8 losses as an amatuer 2 as a pro,
    OK Joe whats the catch?
    Rick P.

  3. I know I'm missing something here. The only thing I can see is Holyfield had more losses than Lewis and Johansson. It says the heavyweight that had more losses as an amateur than a pro. Could there be more than one answer? Its driving me nuts Joe, Help a brother figure it out here.....
    Rick P.

  4. There is no trick question. It says, What Heavyweight boxer had more losses as an amateur than as a pro?

    Holyfield has the highest number of losses in his amatuer career than he does his pro career.

    Johansson was close but Holyfield had more losses as an amateur.

  5. I correct myself Johansson:
    He finished his career with a 26-2 record, including 17 knockouts.
    Johansson went 61-10 with 31 KOs as a decorated amateur.
    Reference source:

    Rick Prouse

  6. damn i was close with andrade 13 am 2 pro been a challenging week

  7. What about Rocky Marciano? He had 4 amateur losses but no pro losses. Doesn't that count?


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