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Thursday, February 26, 2009

All City Employees CAN Access Salisbury News, Like It Or Not Barrie!

You better believe we're going to fight back! The links below will allow each and every City Employee a way to access Salisbury News. If they buy/create more software to BLOCK Salisbury News or any of these links we've provided, we'll simply provide more. I am also reaching out to ALL City Employees to please send me a cell phone shot of the screen error page showing you cannot access Salisbury News. Our GOVERNOR wants to see it himself. I have sold him on the fact that our Mayor is trying to influence the local election. Please send that photo as soon as possible, before she opens it back up again.

Anonymouse - a very good free anonymizer. By using this CGI proxy you can anonymously surf web pages, send anonymous e-mails and look at news.URL (for proxy chaining):http://anonymouse.ws/

ShadowBrowser - anonymously surf the internet and protect your Internet history at the same time. No software to download and supports SSL websites.

www.HideMyAss.com - Free anonymous browsing, for the times when you REALLY need to hide your ass online!URL (for proxy chaining):http://www.hidemyass.com/

www.dzzt.com - This anonymizer always hides your IP address, so all sites will not be able to uniquely your identify or track you. You're able to access from your school, college, university, etc, the websites, which are restricted by your IT department.URL (for proxy chaining):http://www.dzzt.com/

www.ProxyHero.com - Fast and Secure US Proxy. PHP Based, and very easy to use. Completely free, and will keep you anonymous while browsing the internet.URL (for making proxy chaining):http://www.proxyhero.com/

ShadowSurf free anonymous proxy - Surf privately and 100% anonymously with ShadowSurf's FREE web proxy. You can access blocked sites while keeping your IP secret. No software needed.URL (for making proxy chaining):http://www.shadowsurf.com/

TheProxy.be - TheProxy always hides your IP address, so all sites will not be able to uniquely your identify or track you. It`s absolutely free. Mirror Mirror1URL (for making proxy chains):http://www.theproxy.be/http://www.newproxy.be/http://www.smartproxy.net/

ProxyPrince.com - Very fast US based PHP proxy. Very easy to use, and very quick. ProxyPrince will keep you safe and secure. Anonimity is our main concern, your tracks are sure to be kept hidden.

www.ProxyForAll.com - Free and secure cgi web based proxy site. Surf the net from Work, school or home. Keep your info safe from hackers.

Free anonymous web based proxy service - how to get on blocked sites - 100% FREE web based proxy service to help you get on blocked sites.URL (for making proxy chain):http://proxeasy.com/


  1. Joe I really hope the Gov finds a way to send this woman out to sea for trying to influence local elections. She's very blatant so shouldn't be too hard to prove. Wonder if she's related to the Sheriff in PA though, cause you know she'll try to lie her way out of anything anyone has to say about things she does.

  2. Hey, maybe O'Malley could have Barrie put under house arrest until after election day, and disconnect her phone and computer. That would also limit the amount of damage this lame duck goose could due to the city in her last days in office. Well, maybe not....there's always Fireboat Bubba out there on the loose. He'll do her bidding anyways.

  3. She must have seen what you said last Monday night on PAC14. You really drilled her Joe and you were right.

  4. anon 2:57 PM said about the mayor... "You really drilled her Joe and you were right."

    anon 2:57 PM, you're going to give Joe nightmares!

  5. Great move Joe. The Mayor is probably pulling her hair out today. Keep up the good work.

  6. Oh mercy, I hope my kids don't see this about unblocking web sites. LOL

  7. tell o'malley I'll foot the bill if he sends her to prison....I want my city back!!!

  8. https://www.kproxy.com


  9. Wcboe has blocked all employees also.

  10. Wouldnt the employees get fired if they are caught using a proxy? Would you get in trouble for encouraging them to use one? You may want to check that out Joe.

    Being a Government employee. We are forbidding from using proxys too. It's in our agreement when we sign on to our computer.


  11. Mr Chevrlier got her good at the last meeting, her calling him a liar. George always has historical facts to back him up. Go George : )

    That firehouse land deal sounds illegal as He**, property "Flipping is against the law." Attorney general should be looking at that deal real hard.

    No more deals with un-named LLC's, no compromises.

  12. so your telling us that we pay these goverment employees to surf the internet while they should be working, doesn't look like good use of the tax dollars to me, they should be surfing when they go home, not on our dime; wouln'd you agree Joe

  13. Thanks for the site addresses. I would hate for Brandon to have to help around the fire house instead of sitting on the computer all day.

  14. Our city employees are not paid to be on the computer. Heck they arent really paid.

  15. If someone hadnt taken the photo of the yellow engine/ladder off the dept computer and sent it to the blog to be posted you wouldnt have this issue

  16. Most hourly goverment employees do not get paid for their lunch break (or dinner depending on shift work). So they would not be on taxpayers time during that time period. With that said, if they were caught doing so on work time then punishment is warranted. Logs can be checked to see when & what computer was on these sites (Right Kara?). But a better question is "Do goverment employees read the newspaper during work hours?" Wouldn't it be the same as reading Joe's news site?

  17. All elected and appointed positions within Salisbury city governmeent need to be put on house arrest. That includes Pam Oland, who lost millions of dollars, or not actually lost, just didn't know where it was. I am glad she is not in charge of my check book. I am hoping that we can get either Ireton or Caldwell in the Mayor's office and then they can clean house. Get rid of Pick , his asst. and Oland, the 2 Chiefy's and maybe Gordo will follow suit. Then maybe we should start the count down for Comegys to be replaced 2 yrs from now.

  18. If I were the next mayor I would have every office checked out by the FBI for listening devices!


    I can hear her now, "I am not a crrok!"


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