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Friday, February 13, 2009

49 Killed In New York Plane Crash


CLARENCE, N.Y. (Feb. 13) -- A commuter plane "basically dove" into a house while coming in for a landing outside Buffalo, sparking a fiery explosion and killing all 48 people on board and one person on the ground.

GO HERE to see more.


  1. I currently live in Buffalo. This is a horrible tragedy. Last night's weather was menacing: high winds, rain, and snow. My prayers go out to the victims and their families.

  2. This is terrible. As a former flight attendant and aviation lover, this event still hits close to home even after 24 years since my last on-duty flight. This Q400 was a beautiful, seemingly fail-safe airliner. My heart goes out to all involved.

  3. One of the victims of Continental Flight 3407, Beverly Eckert, was a Sept. 11 widow.

  4. Over the top media, once again, moved cameras into the terminal to interview passenger's families.

    Maybe, freedom of the press gives them the right, but cameras & electronic equipment ought NOT to be allowed. IMO, these families need to be isolated from the press, regardless of any "freedom" they (press) think they have.

    SHAME, SHAME on them!


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