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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where Does Time Go?

Max Baer, Jr. Became famous playing Jethro Bodine Clampett on the '60s TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies."

The 70-year-old resurfaced at an event in Vegas

Donna Douglas became famous for playing Elly May Clampett on the '60s TV series "The Beverly Hillbillies."

The 75-year-old today.

Mike Lookinland from "Brady Bunch:

The 47-year-old today.

Cindy Williams became famous for playing Shotz Brewery employee Shirley Feeney, in the '70s sitcom "Laverne & Shirley."

The 60-year-old actress turned up at a holiday party for her new Broadway show "The Drowsy Chaperone"

Bobby Sherman's first single "Little Woman" went gold in 1969.

Now Bobby Sherman is 65 and fightin' crime.

For 11 seasons, Loretta Swit played Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan On the hit series "M*A*S*H."

The 70-year-old blond bombshell turned up at a charity event in L.A.


  1. What happened to growing old gracefully??? Donna Douglas looks like something out of "Nightmare before Christmas."

  2. Ellie May seems to have had a few too many facelifts. Her skin's been pulled tight to the point that she can't even produce a smile that does more than bare her teeth. Nothing graceful about that.

    Hey---how about pics of Charo then and now?

  3. Time is soooo cruel

    Maybe Bama can stop it.

  4. "CRACK THE SKY' Cindy dont you come around here.
    (Hot Razors in my Heart)

  5. Cindy Williams still looks great, and my hat is off to the Man in Blue, Bobby Sherman! (both are still cute, too!)

  6. no one aged as well as "hot" Sally Field at 62!

  7. Ellie May (Donna Douglas) doesn't look like she's had face lifts. Same smile she's always had, but age has added more flesh to the face.

    She kind of looks like she was dressed for a Beverly Hillbillies reunion show or something.

    Be kind, folks. Someday, we'll be there. Some of us will look good, some won't.

  8. Poor Loretta needs to stay away from the knife....she's starting to look like a freak.


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