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Friday, January 09, 2009

What A Week For Comments, News, Hard Work & Surprises!

It's not even 7:00 PM and we've already had 326 comments accepted today. There's no question in my mind that this week is a record week for comments and I'm glad to see so many people getting involved and sharing their opinion. I can tell you one thing Folks, I had a meeting at 9:30 this morning and comments were flying in so constant, it was 3:39 PM before I could finally call the people I was supposed to meet and explain why I couldn't make it. They completely understood because they had been following the Blog and saw just how nuts things were. I've got to do something about this because I'm so overwhelmed with comments, I can't get out and do many of the other things I need to get done.

It's now close to 7:00 PM and I have yet to leave this computer after 12 hours today. I still have Posts to get done for tomorrow and Sunday and I have to get to a location for yet another upcoming story. I will say this however. I have been approached by an Advertising Company, (yes, the big boys) and we have discussed some serious yearly contracts but nothing is set in stone as of yet. The way we agreed to advertise will make everyone here very happy as it won't be the kind of normal advertising you'd see on general Websites. I'm not going to give anything away but as many of you have been contacting me with interest in advertising, you might want to start contacting me again and we'll share this new concept with you and see if it fits your wants and needs.

So yes, we're growing and gaining more and more recognition, even away from the Eastern Shore, believe it or not. The idea of trying this out would allow us to actually take that money/income and apply it to our own advertising elsewhere to bring in even more traffic. Better watch out Daily Times because the Ad Agencies are more interested in Salisbury News than they are with the old style print ads from the Daily Times. Besides, you couldn't afford to advertise the way we're looking to and you'll never deliver the same impact.

2009 is going to be a BIG year for us Folks and I think you're going to like what we deliver.


  1. If you will have income from advertising you can afford to hire someone to work the comments for you.

  2. My sister told me about this Richard Chapman stuff and now I'm hooked.

    Thanks for the new Joe.

  3. Congrats. Im new to the site, i just started reading 2 weeks ago and it definately keeps me entertained and up to date. keep up the good work

  4. Its Alive, Its Alive, Hope its not a monster you created.

  5. You'd get more comments if the BOE did not restrict the site again.

  6. Just think in 101 days you could hire the Mayor to post your comments!! (Yeah right, lol)

  7. I hope you are able to stick with local business ads.

  8. So far they'll only be local ads and that's what we plan on sticking with. None of that filler ad crap, it's not worth it and I don't want to bother any of you with that junk.


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