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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus Bill Letter To The Editor


People need to call their representatives today asking them to hold up voting on the stimulus bill in Congress without a public hearing. Four days notice is not enough time to read this bill and most of it offers no relief to us in 2009. Just more government spending and a politician's wish list."


  1. I did exactly that, but most mails got kicked back from the "name.house.gov" email addresses.

  2. How about if we send them something else...

  3. Not one Republican voyed in favor of the bill. But it still made it past the "House".

    Its up to the "boyz" in the senate now .

  4. Rep. Frank Kratovil (MD-1st) voted AGAINST the bill.


    Remember that next election. I'm guessing most readers of this blog would be relieved to know he voted that way.

  5. Every single American should be really ticked off that this bill passed.
    What's in it for the "working people". The ones who will be paying for it.

    While we (and our children and grandchildren) will be paying for this so-called stimulus bill, and are losing our jobs left and right, how many in Congress volunteered to take pay cuts, or give up their grand health care benefits? None!

    I wish people would wake up! Vote ALL of these people out of Congress who voted for this bill.

    I'm registered Independent so I'm not just coming from the right wing group, I'm coming from the open-minded middle.

  6. Remember what you said Pres. Obama ? 75 % to go to the economy with-in 4 to 6 monthes! And no pork!

    Will he keep this promise!, I bet you not. Just like all of his other paper promises. Up in smoke.

    Its stealing plain and simple.

  7. enjoying your Obamanation?


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