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Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Shopping Center That Collapsed In Princess Anne Yesterday

Here's a photo and video clip of the Shopping Center that completely collapsed in Princess Anne Yesterday. Thank God no one was injured but here's the end result.


  1. I just got off the phone with a friend, he said someone he works with lost a garage to something that looked like a tornado around dark last night....somewhere off of Melson Rd

  2. Hmmmm...built by cheap, under the table, illegal Mexicans?

  3. grannydragon, I am not sure you should automatically assume that an "illegal" is a "Mexican". There are plenty of hispanic folks coming to the Eastern Shore but you would be surprised how many come from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatamala, etc. Just because one speaks spanish, doesn't mean that they are from "Mexico".

  4. The democrat commissioners are blaming this on George bush. They said he caused Katrina and he probably caused this as well.

  5. Illegals are illegals no matter where they come from. Whats the point?

  6. Whoever TEMCO builders sub contracted the framing to had no names on their vehicles or state lic numbers, it looked like they were working illegal to me.

  7. Does anyone know who built it? Who did the structural design?

  8. Chill, people. It was just a joke. Sorry if it offended you.

  9. I'd say at the stage this building was at it was ready for roofing,plumbing,electrical,windows,doors etc... and the builder is less in question than the Engineer that designed and stamped the prints. The comment from the Hebron writer makes it seem like the problem is design and spec oriented.

  10. Lets find out who they subbed the framing out to. Were they legal workers, were they licensed by the state, were they properly insured, were they properly bonded, Theres nothing wrong with the design and specs on that building, didnt have all the inside walls built I bet and the exterior walls pancaked. Thank your lucky stars that no-one was in there at the time, they would of been killed or hurt real bad.

  11. Just think when the Stimulous hits the streets we can have more construction built below par like this. Viva los Mexico...

  12. The last blding like similar to this one collapsed also. The sub for Temco is legal, yet everyone/99% working for him is not! Whether they are paid by the hour or sub...is unknown. I bet your paycheck they dont have green cards either.

  13. I've seen first hand at what straight line winds can do on three separate occasions. Regardless of who built it I do know how damaging these winds can be and how quickly they can cause damage. It's a shame. As far as whether there were illegals building it or not, that's a whole separate issue.

  14. No, That is the issue when your losing your company and home and way of life because they hire illegal aliens. Its the only issue.

  15. To be honest with you i think that is the one of the reasons that the whole work force is down right now is due to illegals. 1st the money they make doesnt stay here in america, it is wired or transferred back to help more of their buddies come over. If it was up to me all the money transfer sites like western union would be gone. Its used for more wrong than what it was intended for. It is also too easy for someone to receive money. This is the reason that the american dollar is worth close to nothing now days because the money isnt staying here its being used in other countries to help them out. It doesnt go to stimulate our economy or help our local state and federal governments. 2nd they dont know any better so they will work for a hell of alot less than what should be paid. 3rd their work quality is poor and i know from experience from having to go behind a mexican crew and fix plumbing that they messed up doing drywall. They then overpopulate an area and drive the housing market down because they only rent. Doctors are going broke as well as the hospitals that they work at because they dont pay their hospital bills. Most of them are paid under the table which means no taxes which also means they are not contributing to the economy nor the state which houses them and gives them welfare and pays for the "anchor" babies that they have. Ya know i never knew that mexico was sooo close to north carolina lol. They also do that so they dont have to pay car insurance. If it was up to me they would first have to become "legal" then they all would learn to speak proper english before they were hired anywhere. After that shut down all western unions and money wiring services and then watch our economy level off and start rising. It sickens me how much of a hand out they get and how many jobs that are being taken from hard workers that are more qualified for the position. I also believe that they should be banned from construction sites unless they can speak proper english. My point to that is that they are a hazard in the business. Lets say there happens to be a fire or something goes wrong and the non speaking illegal sees it but i dont. How is he going to properly communicate with me to warn of the danger? How is he going to tellme if the crane boom carrying a load of wood that i didnt see is going to hit me possibly knocking me off the building. They all pose a threat when there is a language barrier. They are all reaping the benefits but have none of the burdens we as americans have. We need to change alot before anything will improve

  16. The other subs on the first job were in this country legally and were from Brazil to be exact. If you knew the truth on the first incident it was poorly constructed pre-fabricated trusses that gave way and the sub was no way liable for that. Please get your facts straight before spouting off.

  17. Granny you struck a nerve !! Go girl. I know for a fact they prefer Brazilians in good ole P/A. Code inspector must have been at Peaky's eating opossum on the half shell. Somerset needs to look at New Orleans the man might want to wash that septic tank out. You can only be wrong so long and things will come to roost. The sad thing is there are some hard working people in that county. They have had to eat the Sh*t Pie so long they just deal with it. It is time for political reform. The good people of that county dont need to throw stones they need to throw boulders. I heard I.A.D. is knocking on the door at the P/A barrack again. Wow maybe it was not the top after all. Sounds like Lil E has his work cut out for him.

    There was an official there in P/A that used illegals to work on numerous housing projects. Including his private ventures. Crooooked. I guess when you pat a crew boss and he gives his illegals 7 bucks an hour its all good. You are a big part of why this country is suffering. Untaxed funds dont make it.

    The people are watching clean up your act.

    Joe stay on them.

    Hey yall come on into the 2000's it is O.K. It wont hurt much.

  18. Anon 10:09

    "The democrat commissioners are blaming this on George bush. They said he caused Katrina and he probably caused this as well."

    You got it backwards:

    The Republican Commissioners are blaming this on President Obama.

  19. Come down everyone, bail out funds are here, the gov't is doing away with Nuclear intelligence and research, none of this matters, we are all going down with this liberal gov't and will all be affected by yet another attack....Keep posted....Obama is way off track folks.....

  20. 11:43 - There is only 1 lone republican comissioner and that is Paul Ward. Sorry, but you are wrong.

  21. Contractors can no longer get free inmate labor since James Henderson is no longer Warden of the detention center. Illegals are the next best labor source for the contrators. Business as usual in Somerset.

  22. 11:13
    poor and very limited bracing was determined to be the cause of the first collapse on john deere lane by a forensic building inspector who specializes in building collapses
    just thought id put that out there for ya
    my guess is this ones another example of "low bid syndrome"

  23. There are some really poor builders around here. They do everything possible to cut corners for a larger profit or to undercut other bids. I live in a house built in 1988 and in the past six years, that I have owned it, I have practically had to rebuild the whole place.

  24. Before you sell your self down the illegals road you better know for a fact that they were working on this project. TEMCO I doubt would let them on their site if they knew.

  25. now leasing........

  26. 4:24, If they sub-contract it out they are void of that responsibility. The sub company has liability now.

  27. Temco is a wishy washy company who basically slaps their projects together just to get the job done.They are a big outfit and keep getting major jobs...Must know some people in high places...

  28. Looks to me like they may have gotten ahead of themselves in the construction process. If you construct a roof of that size and shape without installing the interior walls and additional bracing and the wind blows through the structure, the roof can turn into an airfoil just like a airplane wing. If the roof is lifted and shifts just a little bit the whole structure will come tumbling down. The engineering was probably OK. The contractor probably didn't follow the assembly instructions in the right sequence.

  29. Ok...I know this will probably stir some crap up but it is NOT my intent! First thing is, I agree..the illegals come here and send their paychecks home to allow families to come over illegaly. BUT, my question is..if you suddenly lost your job and had to go to work for 6.55 or less an hour, cutting grass/landscaping or picking watermelons...would YOU do it to keep an illegal person from getting the job? Just a thought and let me remind you, I am against them taking over the local jobs here.

  30. 5:30
    I have had a professional business relationship with TEMCO for the last 4 years, and have in the past15 years,dealt with some of the largest construction companies on the entire Delmarva Peninsula and have found Temco the be the best. Your bitterness towards them makes me wonder if you lost business to them or if you are a builder/construction worker that did not measure up to Temco standards.

  31. 6:35

    I also have a business relationship with Temco. They have proved to be professional, trustworthy and quality oriented. We have worked with them on some large scale projects and with zero issues.

    Now to the illegals issue, I am not a fan of them but I do know this. Temco has an onsite Superintendant on thier payroll responsible for all jobs. I don't care who did the framing not one of their Superintendants ( and I am not sure who was assigned to this job)would allow something to go on that would cause this situation. Something other than labor concerns has to be the issue here. I would be suprised otherwise.

  32. 6:07 Is probably on the money. It's a venturi like effect in a strong wind that Ocean City condos with under building parking experience. The wind literally sucks the insulation out of the ceiling of their parking garages.

    I drive by this site every morning and it appeared as if the entire roof structure, intact, collapsed on the walls. I will also say that there is a lot of vacant commercial real estate in that area begging for business so this "setback" might be seen as a blessing for some individuals.

  33. I am tired of seeing Hispanic people slammed. Most are hard workers and grateful to be here and work. If they were working for TEMCO, I am sure they are able to do their jobs well. Without the Hispanics, many businesses and farms would be sol. How many of you who slam them want to take their places in the fields in the 90 degree heat and on construction jobs in 20 degrees?

  34. 7:58 it's not particularily Hispanics being slammed it's ILLEGALS. I don't care who they are they don't pay taxes and they bring this society down because they use the system. I have no problem with legal immigrants as they follow the rules.

  35. It was those inferier construction products if it werent the labor! Trying to save a buck in a failing economy.

    Besides, we all know its the drywall that holds everything together anyhow.

  36. We could set it afire and invite SFD and their new equipment down to put it out for us. Gordy could be down there in a flash with his new fancy light package and new motor.....

  37. if ed and jeff would put their tool belts on this would never had happened

  38. This is Typical of a TEMCO product. Second time...hummmm
    I have a project like this and it didn't blow over. Blew some scrap wood around but still standing strong. I don't think it's a Hispanic thing...it is what it is...a TEMCO project. Ed? Jeff? Was this a change order?

  39. 5:57 am

    Your lack of business knowledge is showing. Do you really expect the CEO and President of a large construction company to actually swing a hammer? They are responsible to acquire projects to keep their employees and subs working and retailers/wholesales providing materials to jobsites (to keep the suppliers employees with a job). Furthermore, for all the TEMCO signs on jobsites they are doing a great job. Also, according to sources close to the investigation, OSHA found no construction defects, cause of collapse was caused by isolated high winds. National Weather Service reports that at that time winds in that area were in excess of 80 mph. So tell me how if Ed and Jeff were wearing a tool belt how would they be able to stop that?

  40. Strange at 10:05 a real contractor would be working; not having the free time to blog.

  41. 10:14 ed couldve spread his super hero cape and stopped the wind and jeff could have just pissed it off so it went around the building dude, or should I say dudette if he got you to write this shut up it was a joke

  42. somebody decide to save some money and not put steel down the middle (the owners ) there for the trusse were designed to span but only when interior walls where constructed unfortunatly the wind got there first


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