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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests". ~ George Washington (1732-1799)
Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country' -Source: Farewell Address, September 17, 1796, Ref: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (521)


  1. Looks like an apt comment on our relationship with the Israel and Palestine situation.

    Was this your intended meaning?

  2. Alas, its not lessons from history that may guide the judgement of our leaders, but lessons from lobbyists.

    Truly enjoy your posts.


  3. Of course it's a comment on Israel and Palestine, including a veiled "I'm a patriot and you're not" self-praise of the Wymzie, for the Wymzie, by the Wymzie.

  4. 9:47, I bet you have contempt for any quote from the founding fathers. Their views and ideas about government and world affairs were very specific, and timeless.

  5. 10:29...I have great respect for quotes of the founding fathers.

    I detest the employment of them for justification of an argument ill understood by its maker.

    However, forget not that our founding fathers opted to maintain slavery for political purposes.

  6. What's the old saying? It the shoe fits...
    Actually, my feelings on foreign policy are that we shouldn't have any other than completely free trade, of goods that we want and need.
    Our foreign policy is such a convoluted massive mess, that I would venture to say that only way we can fix it at this point is to become isolationists for a short time and re-group.
    We don't have the money or the manpower to police the world, and we need to stop.
    As applied to the situation in Gaza today. How are we really helping the situation by arming one side?
    These two peoples have been fighting since the begining of time, and by assisting them only brings war to our own door. Israel has received billions of dollars from us. Our financial support justifies their behavior, and give them a sense of righteousness.
    I am a Christian.
    I believe that the Jews are God's chosen people.
    I also believe that many terrible things have been done in the name of God and Righteousness.
    The Orthodox believe that God does not need our help in order to fulfill His prophecy.
    My God is big enough to do whatever he wants to.

  7. I agree Wymzie, I'm an isolationist when my money is funny, hunker down and regroup. Let's clean up our own back yard before we call code and compliance on our neighbor's dirt pile in their back yard.

  8. Hey, I need a dirt pile...we should talk!

  9. Wymzie. You want to take a couple moments and explain to the class exactly how a de-clawed Israel and the resulting new, unchecked Middle East fundamentalist "Super Power" 'HAMASISTAN' {now ballin' in the same 'hood as Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Saudia Arabia} does the slightest to improve our/our allies international security interests-let alone help the Israelis follow through with their attempt to live as the chosen people? I just really am curious....{BTW-no fair trying to call Roseanne as a 'lifeline'}

  10. Hamas actually hurt's Eygpt economically because many Americans have to live in fear visiting the ruins of history there and many more just won't risk it. Hamas is Iranian backed.

    The vice and virtue police of the Taliban would probably want to cut all their heads off for being muslim capitolists and wearing western atire. Remember the woman in the crowded soccer stadium in Afghanistan that the Taliban shot in the head for not wearing a burkka?

    The Taliban still rules much of Afghanistan, just not the capitol. Another Mission Accomplished?

  11. I believe God OFTEN uses people & nations to accomplish his goals. The leading Jewish Rabbi at the time of the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948 told President Truman, “You were put in your mother’s womb for this very purpose. Truman didn’t disagree, and Truman was no fool! He had enough sense to save thousands of American lives by nuking the Japanese terrorists of the day.
    Einstein believed “nationalism is an infantile disease.” Washington was a GREAT leader and unifier…maybe the only man who could have held the factions of our fledgling republic together. But it is pretty well accepted in academic circles that he was no great intellect and was probably controlled quite a bit by the genius, Hamilton. In many esoteric circles it is thought that although they didn’t know the outline of the whole plan many of America’s genius founding fathers knew they were setting the stage for “a new world order.” That may sound scary, but if Wymzie is truly “Christian” and has read the Bible she knows and understands that there WILL be one world government, headed by the Messiah and administered from Jerusalem. The Jews will possess Israel and they will not persecute Arabs or anyone else because the Messiah will crush all those who would destroy Israel and all other disobedience to God. That means democracy as we know it won’t exist. If the we come to live in a peaceful world where sin is not tolerated and all nations benefit from the benevolent worldwide leadership of, the Messiah, that is, by my definition, a theocracy. It will be a time when we won’t judge others as white, red, black, brown or yellow, but only as fellow humans. It will truly be the realization of the transcendent ideal put forth in our Declaration of Independence, a “self evident” truth that “all men are created equal!
    Polly Markis

  12. We've gone way beyond "Code 'Fruit Juicy' Red" Kool-Aid terror alerts here....Please don't eat the brown acid, my children...pretty please. Oy.

  13. Yes Polly,
    If and when Christ returns his rule and reign will be theocracy, but until that time, the new world order is one contrived by evil and controlling men who only care about their wealth and their health.
    One escatologist could say that these times in which we live are the perilious end of days were we will see the evil that is forwarned to us.
    These people have been killing each other since shortly after the beginning of time.
    For the class...
    If the US hadn't gone to Saudi after WWII and started drilling, and showing those folks what they had under the sand I will venture to say that none of the infrastructure which they have there today would be there.
    It is because of our ever growing global economy that is able to make these folks super powers.
    If we stop buying their oil, and stop buying all of that plastic crap from china, and stop provoking every nation in region by supporting Israel, then we really wouldn't have near as much to worry about.
    We need to cease being the financial support of the enemies of the Arab nations that surround Israel.
    In my way of thinking, if I am God's chosen one...heaven and earth will move on my behalf for the Lord to have his way.
    God certainly does use people to carry out his work, but one must wonder if God has ever said
    "That's enough, I'll take it from here", and are we going to trust that our last 10 Presidents were paying attention if he did.

  14. If the shoe fits, lady, then it can be said that your chosen quote fits you in your consistent "anti-Zionist" rants where you pay a little lip service, then repost the ravings of a jackass like Roseanne Barr comparing Israeli Jews to Nazis.

    By giving credibility to that sick comparison, you are comparing the Hamas terrorists to the peaceful Jews rounded up by the Nazis.

    You do no service to the cause of bringing peace to the Middle East. All you've done is stir up more hatred of Jews.

    Good work -- NOT!

    I can tell you from my growing up in a neighborhood with a number of Jews that you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Jews, Zionism, Israel, terrorism, or Middle East developments. I learned more about it when I was 8.


  15. Joe, nice post. Wymzie & Polly, you take all the entertainment out of watching the anons spill stupidity by stopping them with truth! Reese, I'm glad you're around! I say, send them a bill for the national debt it has cost us and call it a day. Leave them to their own wars. In fact, sell all our old nukes to all of them equally so they can blow each other up equally. That will create a nice smooth palette for God to govern from.

  16. Take Israel out of the equation, take U.S. support of Israel out of the equation and guess what?

    Arab nations will still come for the U.S. At least the terrorists will.

    Why? Because dear Christian Wymzie, you are an infidel. Americans are considered infidels by the extremists.

    The U.S. already sold arms to many of the Arab nations, too. Educated many in the Arab nations.

    This is not a bash on all Arabs. Many just want the world to leave them alone, too.

    But sadly, many of them are overrun by extremists.

    This isn't a discussion you can boil down to black and white very easily, no matter how hard you try.

  17. Reese Bobby,
    You sound kinda cute and might even have better than average intelligence. Are you single? Blush....Polly.

    Now that I've had my kool-aid, I will offer some personal thoughts that I admit, with a smattering of knowledge of esoteric ancient prohecies from many diverse ancient cultures and religions, are pure conjecture on my part, but would probably make Timothy Leary jealous.

    When our solar system moves into the center of our galaxy on Dec. 21, 2012, the violent upheaval caused to Earth which occurs every 26,000 years when this centering happens may render administering a world government from Jerusalem not that big a deal. Humanity may be reduced to let's say 144,000, with Israel being the place where humanity survives. Perhaps that ancient esoteric knowledge is why the tiny nation of Israel is becoming the most contested and prized piece of real estate on the planet. Is it possible that our 26,000 year solar alignment with the black hole in the center of our galaxy will cause a polar shift on Earth? Perhaps the oceans will leave their current positions and much of the current land mass will be the new oceans. This would leave Atlantis and the other newly emerged continents as super fertile grounds of resources for mankind to spread out from Israel and re-populate the new Earth. "A new heaven and a new earth." The heavens would also appear new and different from the newly aligned Earth.
    Yes, Reese Bobby, I do read and think too much, and would somebody please pass me another pitcher of Colorado kool-aid....I really do enjoy it!
    Polly Markis

  18. Maybe we should subscribe to the Tel Aviv Times, and check out how much apartments are over in Petra.

  19. My lovely wife, Fawn Liebowitz, was killed in a horrible kiln explosion during her pottery night. I believe she was making me a chamber pot for Festivus. I am pretty sure Hamas substituted Semtex for her clay. And I am quite a hottie!! {This is my story, and I am sticking to it-unless you are really a dude!}

  20. Reese Bobby,
    Polly Markis

  21. Reese Bobby,
    Yes, Hamas is a terrible evil!
    I understand that you aren't ready to move on after such a devestating loss, on pottery night no less! I hope your darling, Fawn, was able to finish your festivus chamber pot. I know how indespensible they can be. I'm sure the aforementioned chamber pot will be a comforting reminder of the love you and Fawn shared.

    I recently lost my husband. He was a hottie, too! But he was a bit uncouth, much like Roseanne Barr. I don't like uncouth behavior in a person...won't tolerate it! He always said, "only sissies get out of the bath tub to piss." He always drank too much beer, and one night he was peeing in my just cleaned bath tub when he had a terrible, fatal fall.
    It took me weeks to get over the trauma of losing my Friedrich.
    Perhaps we should confine our correspondence to comments on posts until you have had time to properly mourn your loss. You have my deepest sympathy for your personal loss at the hands of terrorists.
    Your friend,
    Polly Markis

  22. I still can't tell if you have an Adam's Apple yet, so I will just smile uncomfortably for now...{not that there is anything wrong with THAT}

  23. Bobby,

    For what it's worth. I just saw that particular show for the very first time the other night and couldn't stop laughing!

  24. BTW...it is not technically considered a "fatal fall" when detectives find the plugged in toaster (with your fingerprints on it) next to poor Friedrich's floating chalk outline...For the record, I am not a savage and would never pee in my own bathwater, but somehow loosen my own rules if standing in the shower (or in a swimming pool large enough to have a diving well). {Disclaimer}However; before you eventually do me in too, I should mention that despite my sense of humor and rugged good looks-I am desperately poor and lack significant life insurance!!

  25. Reese Bobby,

    Is Bobby your first name?
    Oh my gosh, and lady Godiva!! I think I might have seen you. Did you use to be heavier but lost a lot of weight to become the hottie you say you are now? Do you live in Delaware?

    People tell me that I'm quite the looker, too. But I take that with several grains of salt. Physical beauty is a fleeting thing , and at 33, good looks & my girlish figure will soon pass me by.
    As a Christian lady, I believe true beauty comes from God, is within us and is shown by how we treat our fellow human beings.

    If I made you smile, uneasy or otherwise, I have accomplished my goal in our exchange of comments. My goals in writing are to be provocative, make people think, make them smile and laugh, and, sometimes even make them angry. In this case, you seemed smart enough and wrote with enough of a satirical edge that I decided to test you a little. You passed with flying colors. You really do have a sense of humor! Could I trouble you for one more little test, reese bobby? Where is the Kingdom of God?
    Now, back to my reading and kool-aid! Wait! someone's at the door. Never mind, it's just that darn Timothy Leary; He's always "on the outside, looking in!"
    Your friend, Polly Markis

  26. Sorry babe/dude..you lost me at "As a christian lady"..In case you missed my ramblings; I'd much rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints {Fawn and Fawn Jr. would prefer it that way}.BTW..based on my travels; the true "Kingdom of God" was either on Megan's Beach in the Virgin Isles {before Fawn died, her parents had a condo overlooking Fleetwood Mac's old recording house when they were undergoing their 'love triangle'.....or because four of them were involved I guess it was more of a 'love square'}or at unruly Yank Table #3 inside the Greenhouse Cafe in Amsterdam....Honorable domestic mention to 6th Street in Austin, Texas. But I am not here to talk about the "coffee in my kitchen", jules, but rather the comments you just "left in my driveway"..I AM a pretty smart apple and this isn't my first rodeo; people who really know me know that one thing I have never, ever suffered from was a weight problem-except particular lame syncophants {possibly laid off} shousebags from a local floundering paper resource-the fingerprints on the toaster aren't the only thing giving you away}. Am I on the right track you "icehole?"

  27. Reese Bobby,
    Calm down, sweetie.
    I didn't say I knew you, I just thought I might, evidently not!
    If you thought you saw fingerprints, they aren't mine, since I honestly don't have a clue what you are talking about. You must certainly have me mixed up with someone I don't even know exists.
    The only answer I was looking for was Luke 17.20-21:
    "And when Jesus was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation.

    Neither shall they say, lo here! or, lo there! for, behold the kingdom of God is within you."
    Peace, out!
    Polly Markis

  28. Don't take the bait, Reese Bobby! It's a TRAP! You need not pass a "test" anymore, because you already have.

  29. Really, Barry G. Don't panic!
    You boys seem a little scared of pretty woman with a brain who compounds that by extensive reading and Kool-Aide drinking.

    How could my question be a trap?
    I gave the answer, for heaven's sake! Many people, even Christians, don’t know what the kingdom of God is, nor where it is located, nor when it will come.

    When I tell them it’s a state of mind and within the person who has achieved it, I’m tickled when they tell me that’s a crazy, liberal, new age idea, and want to know where I got such a silly notion. I reply, “Why, I got it from Jesus, of course,” and give them chapter and verse. (Luke Chapter 17 V 20&21) My real point in asking that question Of Reese Bobby is that when discussing the Middle East, those who have read and understood the religious texts of the 3 Abrahamic religions that drive this conflict at its most visceral, incoherent, reason proof level have a deeper understanding of the unlikely chance for any peaceful resolution to this thousands of years old conflict over Israel. Understanding these books allows us to understand the insane, diplomacy proof fanaticism that drives radical Islam. You might as well try reason with a starving lion that he should share a steak with you. Good luck with that!
    Another example: You know the snake handler "Christian" fanatics in West Virginia? They say the Apostle Paul was bitten by venemous snakes but God protected him and he "shook them off." That may be true, but these crazy folks bring venemous snakes to their church services and handle them to prove they are holy. When some handler dies from a bite, it is attributed to being the will of God. They seem to forget that when Satan tested Jesus in the wilderness and told him to throw himself off a cliff because God would surely save him, Jesus had the good sense that snake handlers lack, and told Satan, "It is written, thou shall not tempt the lord thy God!" Snake handlers must have missed Jesus wisdom on that score. Anyway Muslim extremists are exponentially more crazy, irrational and dangerous to the world around them than these misguided, self destructive "Christian" snake handlers !

    Radical Islam is bent on totally annihilating Israel. They are savages, twisted by hatred to the point of insanity. They would gladly destroy themselves if it meant destroying Israel. Israel is trying to survive on the land the Bible and Koran says belongs to them in the midde of rabid, insane terrorists attacking them daily. How many know that the KORAN also says “ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWS?” So why are these wicked “Muslims” so intent on ignoring their own book and taking Jerusalem for Islam? It will NEVER happen!

    There’s, what? 5 million Israeli Jews surrounded by 350 million rabid Arabs and Muslims who want them annihilated. Damn straight,Roseanne, if those who hate them, fire missiles, blaspheme like Iran’s President, “We will annihilate Israel, and continue their attacks, Israel should respond with a vindictive vengeance, even to the extermination of their enemies. Terrorist lovers like Roseanne Barr should go "Get Some," too. Before you scream at me, remember, EXTERMINATION of Israel is the openly stated goal of a majority of their enemies.
    Peace?.......”Men will cry peace, peace, but there is NO peace!”
    Polly Markis

  30. Polly. I ain't done with you by a darn sight. And we all know you really pee standing up...don't you? We will speak again soon...


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