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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Photo of What Brought the Plane Down on the Hudson


  1. I knew those Muslims would have somehow been involved!

  2. Thats in such bad taste its ridiculous.

  3. Please don't be so intolerant.

  4. Osama Bin Goose?
    Osama Gooseladen?

  5. Isnt that kind of.. ignorant.
    Im not muslim but am tolerant of other religious views, being former christian.
    Seems bad taste Joe. I thought you were better than that.

  6. anonymous 2:48 & Others,

    I lost a Cousin in the World Trade Center, so I have no problem with this Post. HOWEVER, I didn't Post it.

    In the end, I think those nay sayers here are Idiots anyway because NO ONE DIED in this crash. Funny thing too is, why is it OK for so many Newspapers around the Country making jokes or taking pot shots like this in their cartoons, yet you see no humor in this. Get over it.

  7. The sect of redical muslims killed those people, you cant blame everyone in that faith for the crimes of a few lunatics. Otherwise I'd be blaming all the christians for the crusades.
    However you do have a point. All in good fun.

  8. Ok, I'm as liberal as they come, but I have to admit this made me laugh, especially the comment Goosama bin Laden. I guess I'm a bad person.

  9. Let one of those SOB's show up on my private property and I can assure you his family will hate all Americans when I'm through with him too.

    They didn't just pick and choose certain Americans to kill. They wanted to kill ALL Americans, if they could.

    I'm not prejudice either.

  10. Anon 2:48pm...did you formerly have a sense of humor?? Just asking...That there is funny, I don't care who you are!!! BTW I wonder how far this conspiracy cover-up will go LOL!

  11. These same guys are bringing down the Salisbury FD new SUPER STATION. As if it wasn't bad enough that those guys are on TOXIC SOIL , they have to contend with goose poop. It's evrywhere around the station. On the sidewalks, the parking lot and the grass. What a mess. Its been so bad the firemen have been washing it away with fire hoses. They have overtaken the City.

  12. To the A-Hole who attempted to make the following comment:

    "So...because you lost a cousin in the terror attacks, that gives you the authority to say what is, and what is tasteful? I don't think so. We all lost something that day."

    I'd simply say, I lost more than you did. I'd add, I own this Website and by all means, don't ever come back. That's what gives ME the right to say and do what I want here. No go back to your Anti Albero Blog and keep ragging on me. The more you keep writing the deeper you get yourself. Your time is coming, believe me.

    As for the rest of your comment that proves you are an Anti Albero Blogger, it won't get posted. You're one sick group of SOB's not man enough to say your names because you know I'd beat you out of your last breath.

    Sorry Folks but they beat up my Wife, our Grandson, our Family and now they'll stoop so low they'll pick on our dead Family members who are heros as well. Let me say this publicly as well. These are people who are supported by Barrie Tilghman, Louise Smith and Gary Comegys. They'll do ANYTHING to stop me and shut me up. It won't work, period.

  13. It was overheard that the lead goose was named Hussein and was seen pallin' around with William Ayers at an Obama fundraiser.

  14. All bird owners will now be subject to warrant-less wire taps & will be randomly searched at the airport. They will be profiled and anyone seen with a bird will be subject to scorn and ridicule. All bird owners will now be seen as anti-patriotic.

    Remember these geese are Canadian geese & we all know what a hotbed of terrorist activity Canada is.

  15. roflmao!!!!

    and at the "Goosama bin Laden"


    maybe that'll improve my baglimit...


  16. This is one of the best posts I've ever seen on this site.

    Joe, don't fret over some of these people commenting who have labeled this picture as intolerant.

    I assure you that they are in the minority. Any true American worth his salt realizes the connectivity.

    Great post. I'm emailing it to all of my family and friends.

  17. Golly gee whiz...

    After all the hate that has been spewing about our kids and the inaguration, I thought a little humor would be in order.

    More than a few people noticed the tag line HUMOR!

    There was zero commentary just a picture.

    Everyone recognized Sully as a hero...

    To those who think this is "Intolerance" lighten up...

  18. I bet they got into our country by way of Canada!!

  19. It's called HUMOR. Enjoy.

  20. In honor of those in the plane crash and the pilot. I think we should organize a goose hunt off the Wicomico-Sailsbury airport, to show that we won't let this happen again.

  21. I hope all those people who died in that crash canceled their credit cards on the way down!

  22. Sorry, forgot to leave my name.
    Barry G

  23. BOSSHOGG might be on to something... Could be reason to attack. And Bush thought it was going to be a nuke attack!

    Little did he know it was trained comando goose attacks ! Dam terrorist!

  24. BossHogg said "Everyone recognized Sully as a hero..."

    No they didn't. I'm waiting for the final report to not say "Pilot Error". THEN, I'll call him a hero. We may find out that no birds were involved at all...

    Yea... and the anti-muslim post really is in bad taste.

  25. **Sigh.** 10:30pm, it's already been on the news that remains of what appear to be a bird have been found in one of the engines.

  26. Oh, I forgot---I thought the picture was funny, and laughed out loud at the "Goosama bin Laden comment!

    If anything, the photo shows the irony of people's willingness to blame everything on Muslims. All Muslims are not terrorists, and all terrorists are not Muslims.

    Joe, I'm so sorry for your loss in the 9/11 attack.

  27. Sweet Jesus Mohammed we need to clean the gene pool. What ever happened to popular sovereignty? Power of the people? Power in numbers? Hell, what ever happened to freedom of speech? Last time I checked it was part of the bill of rights. We have a few nut jobs that cry every time someone says something slightly insensitive that it makes the rest of us walk on egg shells with everything we say and do. Good Lord, what ever you do, DO NOT see Gran Turino. You will then want to kick down the doors of the Supreme Court SCREAMING racism!

  28. Yea... and the anti-muslim post really is in bad taste.

    What did I say that was anti-muslim in that post?

    Why don't you accuse me of being anti Sikh while you are at it.

    Maybe I am anti-Canadian because those are Canadian geese.

    Or you could accuse me of being anti-American because the picture was taken in a US waterway.

    All I did was post a picture that I found humorous...

    There had been way to much tension about politics and it was time for something 'lighter' to laugh about.

    The tag was 'humor' why not look it up in the dictonary...

  29. BossHogg,

    There are some people in this world that are literalists. They are incapable of the subtleties of humor like sarcasm, hyperbole, wit, etc.

    If it's more sophisticated than, "There once was a man from Nantucket" they won't get it.

  30. Humour or humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement.
    Death to the infidels. honk, honk, honk.

  31. Too many people get their panties all twisted and look for things to be offensive and to be offended by. The PC police -Take a breath- It is meant as humor. Get a life.


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