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Friday, January 09, 2009

A Letter To The Editor:

"Ladies and Gentlemen the issue Joe has posted here is one of great importance. Joe has stated his opinion on the issue and many are arguing that his opinion is incorrect. By defifinition an opinion can not be incorrect.

That aside, here is the meat of the issue. In 1981 a new persident was inaugrated to office. Ronald Regan's first inaugration was not seen in Wicomico Public Schools based on my personal experience. Nor was his Second. In 1989 George Bush was inaugrated. I was in high school as a junior. I clearly recall NOT WATCHING that inaugration. So for my entire public school career presidential inaugurations were not school events, we were not asked to dress up, nor did we report to an assembly.

Why is this inauguration different? Because President Elect Obama is the nations first black president. That is a historical achievement and it should be recognized. If the school system sent home a letter stating "We intend to celebrate this historic election of a black president by..." I would not have an issue with what the schools are doing. State the truth and I will have no issue. The way the schools are acting is like this is normal for an inauguration. It is notthe schools normal procedure for an inauguration. By acting in this manner the school system is hiding the fact that this is about race. If they made it about race then they are a crisis of public out cry and possibly tort issues in this litigious society. Thus the school solution of asking to celebrate the inauguration.

If you don't believe me see if the schools televise the next Anglo-American inauguration.

BTW For all of you arguing he's the president show some respect, you should argue it next time a white male is inaugurated also, but you won't because it is another white male. Every presidential election in this country is historic. To argue one is more important than another without some contributing factor such as the first African-American president is a baseless arguement.

In summation just say the real reason it is special and move on with life. Finally, maybe, we can put race away as an issue and see each other as the human race, some good, some bad, but all human, even Jesus.



  1. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

    The truth, finally!

  2. But, he is NOT African American.

  3. I do remember stopping class while we watched the OJ verdict. The school I went to was 80% black. I have never been more fearfull in my life; and this was after Rodney King.

  4. The school stopped what it was doing to hear Bush read "My pet Goat," the biography of Dick Cheney. Then the whole country stopped.

    In the fifth grade my teacher let us watch the Baltimore Orioles play the Miracle Met's in the world series. Good thing she's been dead 40 years or she'd be blogged!

  5. The truth be told is the school system has been typically left winged. I remember in school teachers tried to shove there opinions down our throat and if you dared to disagree you were deemed a problem student. Nothing has changed here except we have this blog to vent our anger and displeasure about what is being done to our children's generation.

  6. ALL:


  7. 3:39,
    How is President elect Obama not African American? His Father was Kenyan, and the U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out arguments that Mr. Obama is not an American citizen, eligible for the office of president. Do those two facts not make him, by definition, African American?
    Polly Markis

  8. He is NOT African American this is true, he is just as much WHITE as Black. So lets get on with life it is an Historical Day in a lot of respects. Lets all live together and just hope Mr. Obama can change the things that need to be changed. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  9. Polly Markis...Marxist?

  10. 3:46. Ironically, if you Google the photos/video of "My Pet Goat" you will note that the mostly minority children at Booker Elementary appear to be wearing patriotic/"nice" clothes; perhaps as requested by their teachers/local BOE...as a measure of respect for the OFFICE, even if not for the man himself. FYMAYAWF.

  11. I agree with 3:33. Be truthful, it is the first. We just need to remember this and when a woman becomes President, that too should be viewed by all. Frankly, I could NOT believe that when man walked on the moon it was not televised in schools, but then that was a looong time ago. Right? My child would have been kept home from school to see it, but at that time, she was 3 and got to see it anyway. Spice

  12. Polly, his father was also part Arabic! making him even less African.

  13. not african American, but maloto American. dam he's still American.

  14. Reese Bobby, you've got a good point right there. These kids are dressed nicely because of respect for the office if not the man himself and because the local BOE of Booker Elementary asked them to wear their best because the President was there-physically there. This getting dressed up to watch something on TV is ridiculous. It's a TV it doesn't care what you wear.

  15. Wicomico County is not requiring its high schools to show it. I do believe they are changing the schedule a few minutes to accommodate those classes that wish to show it, but there's been no requirement.

  16. I wish people would do there homework and the big media would print the truth. Google Kenneth Lamb and Reading between the line to find out the truth about the ancestry of "Obama"nation

  17. When will the big media outlets as well as the general population, start accepting the truth on the ancestry of "Obama"nation. Check out Kenneth Lamb and Reading between the lines

  18. I remember watching the inauguration of Bill Clinton when I was in third grade. He's Anglo-American. He's also a Democrat, but he was white. So please, let's not discuss race. It's an issue of partisan politics. The union is in with Democratic party. If Kerry had won, kids would have watched that inauguration as well.

  19. 3:39, see Polly's post, he's an Afro American mutt by his own admission.
    4:41, We walked on the moon during off school hours. I know, because I recorded it on my tape recorder off the tv at home, and went to school every day. And I did not dress up for it at home, but I would have, as this was a great event in my life.
    I am also a mutt. Great Grandad was born in Germany, and other Great Granddad was born in France. That makes me either a Nazi or a puxxy, I guess, but I am COMPLETELY American, as mutts we ALL are. Read the plaque at the Statue of Liberty and get over it. Now, we are Americans, and need to start acting as if we were.

  20. Whatever. When I was in Elementary school they showed the Challenger launch with the first teacher in space. What happened afterwards wasn't planned.

    There are lots of historical moments that are worthy of showing children. You can't show it all.

  21. Mr. Obama is half black, half white, period! This fact would have, in the past, rendered him unelectable as president. The further back we look into our national history, the harsher the realities would have been for a person who was half or to any apparent degree black.
    I don't know if Mr. Obama will be a good or bad president, but the fact that America voted him president is a huge advancement of the trancsendent ideal proposed in our Declaration of Inependence...(paraphrased) "We hold it to be a self evident truth that all men are created equal."

    Racism still exists in our nation by people of all races, but considering how far we've come, it seems that anything may indeed possible in America.
    Polly Markis

  22. He is 50 % white ,35 % black and 15% Arabic. He definitely married a black American. Looks and actions tell the true story.I can already tell that the news the next 4 years will be my favorite TV shows.A people watcher's delight.

  23. lets just keep sending in post , this was just so albero could say he was the most popular blog with the most hits in the east. And it worked. It is called controversy. you idiots love it. What is really wrong with being patriotic, nothing i hope,maybe for most people on this blog ,it is racial.

  24. President-elect Obama is the messiah that was promised to free the black race, the Africo-Americans. He will bring equity to all Americans with preference to the down and trodden black race. First President Lincoln made slaves free. Then Dr. Martin Luther King, an angel from heaven, started the racial equity movement. Heil Obama, for he will make racial equality a christian reality.May the sun always light his way and our support and faith boost him to the status of a mortar.He has the backing of christians and muslims to build the new world order.May his name be on every set of lips and his face a beacon of hope.

  25. Deacon James Bailey shouldn't you be using the name Rev Jim Jones. If you head south you will surely run into Guyana sooner or later.

  26. 7:43, you're a deacon?? No, you're a moon!! Anyone with a religous bone in their body knows the commandment 'Thou shall have no other Gods before me.' Seems like Obama is your God instead of Jesus Christ.When you get to the pearly gates remember, the real God will remember that!

    Besides, do you know how many black people don't need Obama to 'save' them but obviously you're one of the ones who only stand there with their hand out waiting for others to give them something. What a loser!!

  27. I like the idea of the children knowing that this is going to be a historic event. I'm personally not keen of them watching it on TV. Growing up in the 80's the only event that I recall watching on live TV during school was the first space shuttle mission. Alot of classes were also watching when the challenger blew up in their faces. I think it is a Historic event but I don't think it should be treated as a dress up special day. As far as race goes until we can all drop the something-American and recognize that if you are anything first you are American FIRST and Proud of it we will continue to decline as a One Nation Under God.

  28. Everyone in America is a mutt of some kind. We have no "purebreds". There is no one on this blog who is 100% anything as far as genealogy is concerned. We are, however, all brothers and sisters; and we are American brothers and sisters with the right to our opinions. Be careful with that, my brothers and sisters; with every right comes a responsibility to your brother and your sister. Use the Golden Rule, and this economy will turn around. Life can be good, or life can get bad. It's all in the faith we hold. In God we trust should be remembered here, and kept holy.

  29. Barry G I beg to differ with you. Not everyone in America is a mutt. There are still quite a few full blood indians in this country. In fact there are quite a few right here in Salisbury.

  30. I dont see this as an historic thing either. I mean its another president. And he is not fully africian. All that matters is the fact, is he going to do what he promises?? nope. I think he is all talk. He wont be able to do anymore than the rest. And well I dont see where he will have time really. 2 kids in the house and a new dog and his mother in law moving in. WOW!!! next he will be moving in all his family and making the white house green with purple shutters. Sorry but he does not need to be taking on the USA with all the distractions. And what about his kids? what kind of life will they really have?? they will lose alot of their normal childhood. And lord knows His wife has already made comments about how she will be making alot of Obamas decisions.. So now we will have double trouble. But who knows maybe he will surprize all of us. but dont hold your breath. I think we all are in for a huge disapointment.. So yes.. may god be with us!!!

  31. 9:55 Donna,
    dating must suck for them.

  32. Let gets back to the topic at hand. As for children dressing up to watch him on Tv, ridiculous. It is obvious that it is being done because the media has dubbed him the first black president. It is a shame, because someday a true black american will take office and they will not get the recognition they deserve due to Obama using his false heritage to get into office. Good thing my daughter is out of school, she would definitely make a statement in her jeans and t shirt.

  33. Anon 726 why would dating suck for them?

  34. To Anon 4:41:
    Regarding the non-televised moon-walk--It occured on July 21, 1969. Schools, especially in those days, are not generally in session in the summer. Also, I recall watching it in the EVENING with my family and friends, so the live event was not during normal school hours.

    Folks--Please check your facts before you make fools of yourselves.

  35. Obama's father was an arab muslim born in Kenya, Africa. His grandmother was white and his mother was Asian I thought?

    The man even called himself a "Mutt," on national TV, I doubt he cares what anyone thinks of him.

    He wants more troops in Afghanistan and I agree. Al-Quaida and the Taliban rule Afghanistan with the exception of the capitol, Kabul. Another bumper crop of opium in Afghanistan.

    I do believe we will get Osama under Obama's watch, luck or not his number is going to be up.

  36. My status as mortar, via ole buddy Harvey wallbanger, created, not with Galiano, but with abscinthe, making my heart grow fonder, will not allow me to respond to any of these remarks...Hic!

  37. Donna,

    You would be inferring that for the last 500 years, no native American ever dated or had children outside of their own tribe in order to stay full- blooded. This would make for a small dating pool; not even tribe to tribe! I think the odds on that are too small, and they are too, mixed mutts as are we all.

  38. [Q]uality absinthe

    Properly distilled, does have a different effect over and above the results of alcohol, though at up to 70% or 140 proof, the effects of the alcohol alone can be considerable. Absinthe's effects, despite popular conception, are not due to the wormwood (Artemisia Absinthia) alone. Absinthe's constituents consist of a very delicate balance of various herbs, most of which contribute in one way or another to its intoxicating effects. [Chemist and absinthe expert] Ted Breaux once explained it that it is a push-me, pull-you effect of the various herbs, as some are of an heightening effect, and others are lowering. The effect on the individual is subjective, and can best be described as a kind of heightened clarity of mind and vision, mildly ponderous and sparkling, and warmed by the effect of the alcohol. This seems to wear off after 20 or 30 minutes, leaving one with an alcohol buzz. 2-3 glasses seems to do the trick. More than that, depending on the proof of the alcohol, will just make you very drunk.

    Wow that sounds like the electric kool aid ROFLMAO


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