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Friday, January 02, 2009

John Travolta's 16 Year Old Son Has Died

John Travolta's Son has died of a seizure in the Bahamas. From what I have read on line, his Son had a history throughout his lifetime of having seizures and hit his head on the bathtub. A caretaker for the Family found him unconscious and was pronounced dead at the Hospital.

Man, that's really sad. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Travolta Family.


  1. My sincerist condolences to the Travolta family. I hope he is able to "deal" with his loss. It is a road few are asked to travel and has alot of pot holes to avoid.

    You are in my prayers.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. I can't imagine losing a child at any age

  3. Your prayers go unanswered because of your evil heart and your lust for revenge. Every time you invoke God into your satanic rantings, you are one step closer to spending eternity in Hell.

  4. Sad. Medicine can curb seizures. Unfortunately, Scientology doesn't allow it and has strong guidelines for doctors and hospitals. It didn't even allow for proper diagnosis. Very sad and unnecessary.

  5. 7:14, have you been sniffing too many tubes of glue, or what? Off your meds?

  6. I almost feel that this comment has been directed towards me. A hatefilled person responsible for the death of our child. Looking to skirt blame for the lack of concern for our child. Dont let them stop any pray or wishes for healing in regards to the loss of Travoltas' child. He is hurting , beleive me.

  7. Son was on anti-seizure medications, and the Church of Scientology told the Travoltas to take him off. They did. Their son is now dead. I hope they feel the blame.


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