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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Great Question

"Do you know anything about the Main Street Medical on Mt. Hermon Road

They are closed up tighter than a tick

I went yesterday and there is nothing on the door and the phone just advises of the hours

What are we supposed to do if we have prescriptions that are due to expire – and I realize that they are not like the traditional medical doctors but aren’t they required to allow us to get our records?"

Does anyone know what's going on there?


  1. Get a regular doctor like the rest of us.

  2. PRMC bought them out and the staff is attending training.

  3. 10:46, you say get a regular doctor?

    What "regular doctor" does DOT physicals and maintains the required records for trucking companies, or will stitch up a cut hand on a Saturday? I really would like to know.

  4. Its not just the general public but what about businesses that use this facility for various services that werent notified of the closing or changes.

  5. 10:46AM
    Get a regular doctor like the rest of us, Who are you and and why are you rude the person jst wanted to know what has happened. They didn't ask for your sarcasssummm

  6. Where is Dr. Burns?

  7. wow what a jerk anon 10:46

  8. Peninsula Occupational Health on Tilghman Rd in the Food Lion shopping center will do DOT Physicals and such

  9. Look folks. Everything is closing around here. If you haven't noticed, there are numerous vacancies in Salisbury's most elite outlet center, Twilley Center.

    They are dropping like flies around here. There is so much vacant commercial real estate its pitiful.

  10. Dr. Burns IS a real doctor anon 10:46!
    When I get a sinus infection, that is where I go...would you prefer I went to the emergency room?
    You were always able to get seen the day you needed to unlike other local doctors around here. The cost was less in some cases too.

    I went to the Salis. Immediate Med Center once since they opened. They charged me more money and a week later, I was still sick. They charged me full rate for a second appointment for the same exact illness. I feel I was ripped off and will not go back there again.

  11. Isn't the question "Does anyone know what's going on?"

    Are they closed up for good...are they on vacation....what's up.

  12. 10:46 anon - Your proctologist called....they found your head!

    For those of us that don't have a chronic condition, don't run to the doctor for every ache or pain, or can't get into see a PCP because they are over booked as it is, med centers serve us well. When I cut my hand and needed stitches I was in and out in less than an hour....try that at PRMC. After 2 years of my PCP telling me they couldn't squeeze me in for 3 days to get an antibiotic for my yearly sinus infection, I started going to a med center. They provide outstanding medical care, accept most insurance plans, and can always see you the same day, and usually get you in and out very quickly, and almost always have samples to give to get ya started and cut the cost of the scripts.

    Far From Home

  13. Anonymous said...
    Get a regular doctor like the rest of us.

    10:46 AM

    I don't think this comment is harsh at all. It makes perfect sense. Many people use Med Centers and Emergency Rooms and the family physicians and that is wrong.

    The point is to get a regular family doctor for you health.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Dr. Burns IS a real doctor anon 10:46!

    12:05 PM

    He didn't say "real doctor" he said regular doctor. Learn how to read before you rag on someone. Chill out dude!

  15. 10:46 I would gladly get a doctor if I had insurance and a doctor who would accept credit card as payment for services rendered.

    You are rude and inconsiderate. You probably are the one who can't sit still in a doctor's office.

  16. Anon 1:20 I have a primary doctor but sometimes you just can't get in with them. The next best option is a place like Immediate Med or Main St.

    You have get medical care where you can get it WHEN YOU NEED IT.

  17. Dr. Burns can retire now , PRMC
    will pay him high dollar for that business. I guess PRMC owns at least 2/3rds of the medical facilities locally.

  18. I don't understand why some of the people posting here would care where I got my health care.


    Now, if you want to pay for my health care, then you would have a right to tell me where to go.

    Until then, stuff it.

  19. I think you all will feel like total asses when you find out why he closed shop. Maybe there is a reason beyond your needs to get a script filled. Doc Burns is a great Doc. I wish he and his family well. God Speed

  20. You folks say get a regular doctor and that is what I did. I did not care for the way my "regular" doctor handled things so I decided to get a new "regular" doctor and do not like the way he handles things either. It seams to me they are all to ready to make the money and charge high fees and do not care about your true health. The first thing that every doctor I have seen wants to do is take over your medications even when a specialist is handling them. Then they are also to quick to give more drugs instead of trying other cures first. The term "regular doctor" around here is a JOKE at best.The most of them overbook and you end up in a waiting room longer then your appointment with the doctor actually is.

  21. main street med center will be relocating in the new building that is almost complete on the east side of phillip morris drive heading east next to the new peninsula orthopedics building.

  22. Thank You! Finally, a decent legit answer!

  23. you are welcome joe! i read your blog all the time and i thought i could share some info as you do for us

  24. joe, main street med center the location on mt hermon rd will be open for business tomorrow they have been in training for the last couple of dayz but tomorrow its business as usual.i guess details on the move can be inquired within there tomorrow

  25. Anonymous said...
    main street med center will be relocating in the new building that is almost complete on the east side of phillip morris drive heading east next to the new peninsula orthopedics building.

    5:33 PM

    That may be the case, but I was told the other day that I was her last patient because PRMC bought the Med Center and they laid off the majority of the employees.

    Typical of big business like PRMC.

  26. I understand there may be a good reason for Dr. Burns leaving his practice and I wish them well. I remember Dr. Burns from way back in the ER and him leaving that place was a change in personalities. He was a pleasure to be around as a friend and a patient when he was away from that PRMC H3LL Hole in his new practice.

    I also liked him because he was a D.O. and I prefer D.O.'s over M.D.'s.

    Jim I will see you around. God Bless you my friend.

  27. Dr Burns is the best doc in SBY. He is a real doctor, one who listens and tries to help. He has helped me with so many things over the past 13 years. If he has decided to retire it's terrible for me, but I wish him well. I will miss him.

  28. 4:08 I think you all will feel like total asses when you find out why he closed shop

    Nice mouth! Guess you didn't read Joe's request about what wasn't wanted here.

    Dr. Burns, you'll sure be missed.

  29. Anon 4:08 I happen to know why he is leaving anf for the insensitive people making comments about something they know nothing about angered me. I do apologize to you all. I think he has a situation that will require his attention and is far more important than work. Take care Jim you and your family will be in my prayers.


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