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Friday, January 09, 2009


"Buckingham Elementary School
100 Buckingham Road
Berlin, MD 21811
Phone 410-632-5300
Fax 410-632-5309

January 8, 2009

Dear Parents,

I hope your family had a nice break these past two weeks. It is great to be back and to move forward with our school year.

I am writing to let you know about a special event we have planned here at BES. On January 20th, the students and staff at BES will all get together in the cafeteria/gym to watch the inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama. We are asking the students to wear either their "Sunday Best" clothes, or to dress in red, white and blue. We will be calling the students down to the cafeteria beginning at 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten will have lunch in their rooms 15 minutes earlier than usual. The rest of the children will have lunch in their rooms after the inauguration is over.

There will be no student performances during this event, and we are sorry to say that we cannot invite parents and other family members because we simply do not have room with the entire school already in the cafeteria/gym area. We appreciate your understanding, and we ask that you support our efforts to make this a special day by encouraging your child to dress for the occasion.

Although we can't ask you to join us for the actual inauguration, I would like to encourage you to visit us sometime before January 20th. The students have done a great job in creating posters, collages and writings to commemorate this event. The are on display in our hallways.

As always, please feel free to call me with any questions you might have.


Roger Pacella

I don't care what you say about how we should show respect for such an occasion, this is just wrong and now you have PROOF. This is being asked by Schools around the State, as well as around the Country. I mean NO disrespect towards Obama at all. I'm simply stating this is WRONG and unfair to MANY Students across our Nation.

What do YOU think they mean by SUNDAY BEST?

Once again, JUST BECAUSE THE BOE SAYS IT'S NOT TRUE DOESN'T MEAN THEY'RE TELLING YOU THE TRUTH! Just because the Daily Times says it is true, doesn't mean that it's true. It's one thing to make a mistake but it's another when you flat out get caught in a lie!

I'll have ALL of you know, the WCBOE has BLOCKED SBYNEWS.COM again today! Its no wonder why they would cut off those telling the TRUTH?


  1. No body likes a liar. You can all take this for what its worth.

  2. I have the Willards "January Dolphin Press" and it says under January Dates and Events
    "Inauguaration Day
    January 20. The day that the new president takes office. (next part in bold)Everyone is asked to wear Red, White, and Blue to school.

    My question is, did they do this at schools with any other president? I think its good to show the kids what its all about, but to do it just because he is the first bi-racial president?

  3. hey joe. can someone scan this and post it so they wont call you a liar? I Will scan the one from Willards if you like.

  4. Come on...man! What's wrong with a little respect? He's the President of the United States.

  5. Thanks Joe, we all(at least those of us with a brain) knew it was true but thanks for proving it. Are they saying TOLD as reese bobby loves to repeat, no, but they are definitely being told in their own subtle ways. I'm sure these elementary kids feel pressure from their teachers to follow this to the letter.

    Also my elementary child's class was not told the picture of BHO was optional, they were told it was their assignment for the day!

  6. The Salisbury City Council has even rescheduled their work session!

  7. For the record, Buckingham is in Worcester county. Not Wicomico.

  8. I'm not sure I understand your objections to this. Would you feel as strongly if it was McCain who were being sworn in? I don't see this a particular support of Obama but as support of the presidency. I think it's nice to encourage the kids to show some patriotic interest, especially since people all over the nation have been paying more attention to their own government this past year. Maybe you could clarify your issues for me?


  10. What luck for rulers that men do not think.
    Adolf Hitler

    This seems fitting for the heads of the WCBOE and this inauguration.

  11. Just curious, does anyone know if there are alternative activities being offered for the kids who don't want to watch or is it mandatory?

  12. See that is the thing. I work in a world where words have very specific meanings behind them. And to use the wrong one, at the wrong time, even accidentally, can have dramatic costs and penalties. Compare the memo here to the post allegedly from a Pittsville parent. The inflammatory post {in bold print} and your post headline said their kids "WERE TOLD" to dress up. This suggests mandatory action {such as the word 'will' or 'shall'}. This memo uses words like "ASK" or "ENCOURAGE"- words indicating choice of action {similar to the words 'can' and 'may'}. It may not seem like a big deal...but {also respectfully} you are familiar with the law and know just how much devil is in the details. You do a lot of good work here, and I agree with you so much that I am sure many think we hang out together. But when you fall for a stinker like this one it sets back all the good work you do for lost pooches and setting up things like volunteer bell ringers. I am assuming the reason we all had to table our potty mouths was because BOE censored you based on foul language. I am cool with that, as I can turn circles around someone in a debate without saying those types of words. But now, it appears they gave you a chance and allowed your blog to be seen again, but have taken it down like the next day-most likely because someone fed you inaccurate information that subsequently got spun into one of the most hateful comment threads I have ever seen. The BOE and teachers have a LOT of things that, in my opinion need community outrage and oversight on {class sizes too large/not enough teachers/security/buildings with dubious health and safety issues/kids going to school with INAPPROPRIATE clothes daily}. But you picked a topic to battle on that was as ill-advised and conceived as Pickett's Charge. I hope you see where I am coming from on this. And as a bonus, whatever advice I provide here is completely free....it is up to the readers whether they want to act upon it or not.

  13. I remember when I was in elementary school we were asked to wear patriotic clothing on inaugurations and other special occasions like this. The kids are not required to wear "Sunday best", they are given the option to CHOOSE to wear "Sunday best" or red white and blue if they WANT. What is wrong with showing a little patriotism now a days? inaugurations are important events in this country biracial president or not.

  14. I had to think how I would feel if it was reversed, if McCain had won. I hated the idea. I am Obama supporter but this is wrong.

  15. Ok liberals send all of your kids to school in their sunday best or red white and blue. The rest of us will send our kids to school dressed as usual, in clean clothes...like it or not. Just because you voted in a 7% black man does not mean the rest of the country or our kids have to kow tow to your fantasies. When Obama wears the flag lapel pin, when Obama salutes our national ensign, when Obama denounces his questionable cohorts, maybe then will I change the way I dress my kids to go to school. Until then, you can all pucker up to where the sun don't shine.

  16. grow up joe...I see they were "asked" not required

  17. ANON 12:02 FOR PRESIDENT!!!

  18. This is down right crazy!!! All because a man of another race other then white (which I'm not sure how to describe now after reading all the comments yesterday). If this event is considered to be such a historical event to the school system, why wasn't this marked in the school calendar?

  19. Maybe I am missing something, because I really don't get it. Why is it so controversial to wear patriotic colors when students are asked to do it for other noteworthy events during the school year? The inauguration is a huge event and I think the schools are right in celebrating it. It is not about whether Obama or McCain was voted president. It's about being patriotic and SUPPORTING OUR COUNTRY. We have too little support of our country anyway, we could use some bonding together! This is an important event, just as all of the other presidential inaugurations have been.

  20. Anon 11:52 leave Jesus out of this... well at least until he is done raking my yard.

  21. Mr./Ms. 11:47

    Have you heard anything about Salisbury giving its employees the day off?

  22. I think being asked to dress in red, white and blue is appropriate. Sunday best, I'm not sure, but the kids are asked to wear certain things for special events all the time. Inauguaration Day is a special day. If the parents would just chill for a minute and think with their head instead of their mouths, they might realize the children might actually like to dress up for a day. To look official for the big day. I really don't see the big deal all of you are making.

  23. We stay in our pajamas all day on Sunday. Is that appropriate to wear?

  24. "hey joe. can someone scan this and post it so they wont call you a liar?"

    We're working on this but it won't be till later today. One of my Contributors has it in their hands but is at work right now and doesn't have the time or ability to scan it and forward it.

    "Come on...man! What's wrong with a little respect? He's the President of the United States."

    Did they show this "respect" towards every other President? NO! YOU people are making this into a Cult, not a Presidency! Dress up the impressionable for the new Messiah. Get outta here! This is a bunch of crap!

    "For the record, Buckingham is in Worcester county. Not Wicomico."

    We know that. The point here is NOT what County it's in.

    "Would you feel as strongly if it was McCain who were being sworn in?"

    ABSOLUTELY! I don't care what President is being sworn in, you don't take encouragable CHILDREN and force such things down their throat! Let me ask you this. Why are the najority of parents AGAINST School Uniforms? Ahhhhh, we're getting somewhere now, aren't we!


    As an ADULT, you have that CHOICE, don't you. These kids as well as their parents are being STRONGLY encouraged to do what they say or, more than likely, your kid will be an Obama Outcast!!!!!!! I won't be wearing red, white & blue that day and I most certainly won't be dressed up. However, am I proud of Obama, YOU BETTER BELIEVE I AM! I don't have to be a FOLLOWER or in a Obama Cult to PROVE to the world that my Government can tell me what to do and I support them. Next you'll be tellikng Students into wearing white Nike sneakers and drinking the Cool Aid!

  25. Liberalism will fill your head with fancy dreams and then it will get you killed. I wonder how many private schools are going to this extent. I wonder...

  26. This is disgusting. You can be assured my kids won't be in school that day.

  27. Scan this willards mom !

  28. Really? I mean ...really? said...
    Come on...man! What's wrong with a little respect? He's the President of the United States.

    11:43 AM

    He is YOUR president, not mine.

    Really, I mean... really!!!

  29. Anonymous said...
    For the record, Buckingham is in Worcester county. Not Wicomico.

    11:48 AM

    You are correct and Worcester has an elected BOE so they now have the opportunity to get rid of those dead beats.

  30. You are trying to make it seem that someone was making the children dress up. That was never the case.

    I think you are too sensitive on a non issue. A more important issue would be the racist comments you allowed to be posted.

  31. This is an historic event, but what the children (or adults) wear could not be more immaterial. It doesn't matter if it's Sunday best or Saturday best or regular school clothes. This is another example of form being preferred over substance. That is the way it is in public schools today. When the actual learning might be difficult or "heavy," it has to made into something involving clothes or food or both. We do sell kids short if we think they can't grasp the inauguration unless they're attired in a certain way.

  32. Who cares? You wouldn't be complaining if this regarded Bush or McCain. I think it's appropriate regardless who is the president elect. The man will be our president and deserves our respect.

  33. It doesnt sound like it is a requirement. I'm sure some will and some won't. And in the highly republican rural area we live, I bet there are more non-obama kids than obama ones.

    It does seem like a waste of resources to make this request but overall I am for the assembly to watch the events on Jan 20...regardless of who won. The one good thing about this election, even though all the division it caused, was the heightened awareness of the national political process by many who didn't give a hoot before. If we don't educate our kids about this process, then we can really kiss our country good bye.

  34. Really i mean really , if you dont like our president and our country, and can show some patriatism.
    Then move to china or mexico thats where everything else is going. really, really really really really really really...................

  35. anonymous 12:07, I don't care who you are, that was funny!

    Bobby Said: "But when you fall for a stinker like this one it sets back all the good work you do for lost pooches and setting up things like volunteer bell ringers."

    Look Bobby, let me respectfully say the following. I did NOT ring a bell to make believers out of ANYONE! Do NOT imply or bring that into the subject of my OPINION. If people think they're going to come here and believe I'm EVER goping to BOW DOWN to others simply because I like them, they're wrong! I will NOT become anything like the Daily Times where I can be influenced for whatever reason, just ask many of my friends and associates. This is MY opinion and guess what, you have the right to your opinion and I respect that. Just like not everyone voted for Obama, or didn't you realize that?


  36. Are they sure that Obama's gang colors are red, white, and blue?

  37. Wow Joe! You are something else!

    Kids can't dress in red, white, and blue for the day???

    You are a piece of trash!!!!!!!
    Please move out of this country. You always bring down a good thing!

  38. I expect all of you to also dress up for me...Al Franken..when I am gloriously seated in the Senate.

  39. I think it is an excellent idea to be patriotic whenever possible, but this is a farce because the lawless teachers union and other liberal think they have a wonderful victory.

    I remember just 4 short years ago there wasn't a big to do about the Bush inauguration. As a matter of fact I don't remember that happening 8 short years ago. Eight years ago the liberal left wingnuts were to concerned about their failed rigged voting plot in
    Florida and around the country.

  40. The fact is my child, which goes to school in Wicomico County, is being sent to the cafeteria to watch this inauguration. They have NEVER done this before in the past and is unprecedented. They are told to bring a bagged lunch or will be provided one at normal lunch price and will eat in their classrooms afterward. So the question arises is WCBOE and the schools showing preferential treatment because it is Obama that won not McCain?

  41. just because it hasnt been done in the past, doenst mean that it shoudlnt be done now and into the future. What is happening is people are saying "a black man is getting more than us whites". Well, maybe that is true but stop the hate now! Deal with it and quit whining.

    I still dont see the problem. it is a good idea. the world is too casual anyway. if we didnt do this for past inaugurations, we should do for future.

    the election of Obama and the dire circumstances that our country is in right now seems to have lifted this country out of its slumber and actually give a crap about what is going on.

  42. Do you think you get a choice when you go to work? You wear what you are told to wear. It's not mandatory, just suggested. And it would be nice to see students trying to look nice, rather than rolling out of bed and going to school without attention to their clothes.

  43. anonymous 12:30,

    Leave it to an Anti Albero Blogger to only read a portion of the letter. Perhaps you missed the "Sunday Best" portion of it.

    The children deserve better than to be subjected into what some wet pants liberal tells them to do in the BOE. Did they recommend everyone wear red, white and blue for the 4th of july? Did they recommend everyone wear green for St Patrick's Day? NO! So they write a letter home to ALL Parents telling them what they want these kids to do.

  44. I asked my son (who is 9) last night what he would draw for the art assignment, he said that he doesn't want to meet Obama, he really wants to meet Palin, he said that she is a really pretty girl, he said that Obama's ears are too big and he has a goofy smile. I laughed my butt off!

    In all seriousness, about the kids wearing their "Sunday best", my son picks his own clothes out every night, sometimes it isn't what I would have chosen but it's called self expression...right?!? If he CHOOSES to dress up for school on the 20th so be it, but it definitely isn't right for the school system to tell children how to dress just to watch TV. While they are watching TV most kids won't see the importance of this being an historical event, they will see it as free time from their school work. Do they really think that filling the whole school in the cafeteria will go smoothly and quietly?!?

  45. Joe. Are you OK..seriously? You know I would never question your motives regarding the animals and such. You also know I wouldn't walk across the street to wee-wee on the DT if it was on fire. I admire your strong voice regarding your opinions. I just think you are a little over the top on this one, and as a result you stand to alienate new/faithful readers who may have noticed and appreciated your "kinder, gentler machine gun hand lately." And someone get Jesus {Hay-Zeus} some hot chocolate..it is cold enough to damage a brass monkey out there!!

  46. anonymous 12:36,

    YOU ARE AN ADULT, NOT A CHILD! Use your head here, will ya. The CHILDREN should wear whatever they want while they're CHILDREN so that one day when they grow up they can wear what is appropriate. LET THE CHILDREN BE CHILDREN and STOP controlling them!

  47. Perhaps you missed the word "OR"!

    "Sunday Best clothes, OR to dress in red, white and blue"

    Sounds like a friggin option there Joe!

    AND for the record... when I was young we did do something special for holidays! Like you have ANY friggin clue what schools might do on St. Patricks Day! We know that your investigative skills aren't that good!

    I just simply hate how you beat a subject to friggin death!!!! The guy hasn't been even sworn in and you've probably posted 200 negative posts about the man! (of course after the election you did a 180 and said nothing but great things about him)

    You just make yourself look bad. You honetly do come off as rasict.

  48. What a crock. Glad my kids go to private school...if they were in Wicomico schools they would not be attending that day. This Obama worship has gone too far.

  49. alot of times the kids are asked to wear green on st pattys day. just so ya know.

  50. It's rough times out there... what about the kids who don't have "sunday best?" Seems like an insensitive idea that will only serve to separate the "haves" from the "have nots." The red, white, and blue idea was nice because it celebrates our country. You can definitely achieve that without "dressing up."

  51. anonymous 12:46,

    "Sunday Best clothes, OR to dress in red, white and blue"

    YOU posted that so I'm going to respond to it. OR is NOT a choice in America. One OR the other is a CONTROL issue. If you don't wear one OR the other you'll be disrespectful and an outcast. One day when you have children and they're in middle school you'll completely understand.

    Bobby, I'm perfectly fine my Friend. It's clearly evident how the Italian/Bronx in me comes out when I feel someone is being taken advantage of.

    Not everyone agrees this is right Bobby. I can appreciate others who support it but clearly no one has come back with anything convincing to me that shows we should accept this from the BOE anywhere in the United States.

    And some of you other Parents who sit here and say this is acceptable are the same parents who bring their kids to Church on Sunday's in regular school clothes. You don't have to dress nice to respect God or believe in God. Churches have learned to accept that, as should our very own Federal Government.

    I understand they're not forcing children to do so but formalizing it with a letter to the Schools/Parents is enough for me to say enough is enough.

  52. LET THE CHILDREN BE CHILDREN and STOP controlling them!

    12:44 PM

    Are you for real. That is the problem with them all know. There is no control over the children. Dressing nice one day at school is not controling them. Asking them to dress in red, white, and blue is an awesome idea. They are asked to do special things for all the other occasions why not this too. And while I like your blog most of the time, I think it should be blocked from wcboe. This is not an educational site and there is nothing on here kids need to see. The schools have no reason to have acsess to non-educational web sites.

  53. If you think you are fiery sometimes, you should have been at the Bobby Festivus dinner table during "The Airing of Grievances" this year {it turns out we were all very terribly disappointed with each other}. On a serious side topic; watch out for the onset of seasonal depression these days. It has been frigid since November and is getting colder, the sun sets at noon, the holidays are over, the bills for the gifts have arrived, the stock market is still circling the bowl, nobody has money and/or a job, and the tax man is lurking. And we haven't even figured in the animosity from the national and upcoming city elections yet. I noticed myself freaking out a little bit like Jack Nicolson in "The Shining" the other day...my wife still won't tell me where she hid my fire axe.

  54. My Kids will be staying home on January 20th!!!

  55. I want to hear all you 'Massey-Fergusons' (how do you like that, Joe?) on the next inaugural...when it isn't done. DUH!
    WAKE UP AMERICA we're being railroaded.

  56. Just to stir the pot do you think the BOE would give an excused absence if you didn't want your kid to attend this because of your beliefs? Personally my kids will be in school but will be wearing clothing of their choice within reason.

  57. I thought every classroom had a television it. Why herd the kids into the cafeteria?

  58. Did the school do this when Bush was elected? Has the school done this for any other elected official before? How many private schools are putting out the red carpet so to say for this, How many Christian schools are going all out for this? It sounds to me like the someones private agenda is being shoved down the students and parents throats. Another tax-payer funded institution pushing an agenda that only some agree with.

  59. All you parents who are suggesting that you will keep your kids out of school so they can avoid the inauguration really ought to stop and check yourselves. The lesson you are sending is that if your guy doesn't get elected, you should be a sore loser. Why not just tell them that although you did not vote for Obama and that you do not necessarily agree with all of our policies, January 20 is about respecting the great democratic republic that is America, that we are celebrating a peaceful transition of power that other countries do not have. Seriously, people, get a grip! Grow up and teach your children that voting is one of the most treasured rights of Americans, a right that until 1965 was denied to a significant portion of America. That doesn't seem like an evil plot, does it?

  60. Anon 1:08,
    Great decision--teach your kid that if you don't like something, you should take your toys and go home. Nice parenting.

  61. I think it is a great idea for them to wear red white and blue AND I also think it is a great idea for students to wear school uniforms, I often wonder if you people have a problem with his skin color rather than him. I am not saying this because I am black,I AM WHITE and I don't expect you to admit it, just stay in the closet if you must.

  62. My Son goes to Buckingham and I have not yet seen this letter. Maybe it is coming home today. My BFF also works at Buckingham and believe me I'll be asking her if they have ever done anything like this before O'Bama. If it is normal for them to do this (I don't know my Son is only in 1st grade) then I have NO problem with it. However, if they are only doing it because he's a black man. Then YES I have a problem with it.

    My Son did come home the other day talking about making a banner for the his class and how he did the stamp for O'Bama's face in red, white and blue not brown. After that he dropped the subject.

    Now as a Mom of a 1st grader I know my Son is going to come and tell me he has to wear Sunday Best or Red/White/Blue. He will say he HAS to! 1) Because he doesn't understand he has an option. His teacher has told them to wear that and he will assume it is mandatory not that he has a choice. 2) Because all the other kids in school will be doing it and he will not want to be different.

    I respect O'Bama for what he has done. I also think it shows this country has come along way by electing a black man, but would we be having this some debate if Hillary was the one. That should be the real question. Not if McCain won because he's just another white man becoming President (you know what I mean). But if Hillary had won it would be just as big of an historical event being the first Woman to every be elected President. Something tells me we would not be.


  63. Explain the on-line donations to the kids if you want to teach them about Obama and what it takes in this FREE country to become president. Teach them the truth.

  64. While I feel it is important for the children to see the inauguration as it is part of history, what difference does it make to have them dress up or patriotic? They aren't allowed to discuss religion in school so what's going to happen as he takes the oath on Lincoln's Bible? It's crap to force these children to do anything. Are they asked on a particular day to celebrate Veteran's Day or Memorial Day? If they are going to start dressing up for this one occasion, have them start dressing up to commemorate all holidays!! I realize they get off for almost all holidays, but they can still be patriotic on these two holidays too. Don't ask them to do something for one if they aren't going to do it for all. They are not having them go to an assembly to have a moment of silence while dressed in red, white and blue or dressed up so why do it for this occasion.

  65. Sadly, my sons school didn't do a darn thing for Veteran's day this year. That's when our kids should be wearing Red, White and Blue.

  66. Oh yeah, this is all some big conspiracy to brainwash the youth of the country- wear red, white, and blue and you will forever be in Obama's clutches. You people are absolutely crazy. Many schools are doing the same thing. There is not one individual trying to railroad an entire school. Get over it.

  67. BOY, this is a long discussion about kids dressing up in their SUNDAY Best to watch TV. That's right, there will be no ceremony or parade inside the cafeterias of those schools asking Children to dress up. NOthing special for the children because they could dress up and still not tell you what was going on at the end of the day. If this was a Civics or Social Studies class, maybe they could do something special, but not just to sit in the cafeteria to watch TV. Do you on the BOE Side of this issue get that?
    This isn't a racist, Obama's this or that thing, this is about school attire. Dressing up to show respect for the President or President-elect or Mayor or whoever is all good if the special person were actually going to see the effort in person, but last time I checked unless you're on the internet, the TV only works one way, you get to see the picture-the picture doesn't get to see you.
    For all of those namecallers out there pulling out the religious, political and race cards, get a grip. this isn't going to the Supreme Court, this is parents who think you all are making a big deal about a Historical event that does not require children to dress up any differently than any other day. The fact that they get to be alive during this event and see it on TV is and should be enough. One day in their old age they may appreciate it. Personally I don't remember seeing an inauguration on TV while I was in school, I do remember the shuttle Columbia(?) crash, I may have the name wrong, but there was a first time teacher going up with them. I remember 9-11-2001, watching it over & over in disbelief. It had nothing to do with what I was wearing.

  68. It's funny because when I was little "sunday best" was dress pants, dress shirt (pressed), tie, and dresses for the ladies. Now, Sunday best -- you can go in your jeans. No different from any other day.

  69. Does anyone remember this ever being requested for any other President? I have 3 children the oldest being 20 and I can't remember it ever being asked before. My family is very patriotic throughout the yr, in fact this was my daughters first Presidential election that she had the priviledge to participate in. Although the results aren't what we wanted, we still respect the office of the President. It doesn't mean you have to like the man, or in the future, woman that holds the position. It just seems ironic that it would be this election the schools want our kids to "dress in their Sunday best" and support the President's Inauguaration Day. I guess everyone has a Sunday best? Wouldn't want to be politically incorrect in our schools and hurt someones feelings now would we? Just my thoughts on the subject.
    Rick P.

  70. PS, I would like to remind some of your posters that this is not about OBAMA...so Obamabots stop worshipping and let the man do something first and all the Obamabashers, stop hating and let the man do something first-it's all talk til he gets the job officially on Jan 20th.

  71. Why is it the all these liberals who are demanding respect for BO, because he will be our president, didnt also demand it for President Bush? Arent they suggesting that even if we dont like BO, we should still respect him, WELL, it works both ways. Also, in the previous post regarding this topic, the "R" word was being thrown around (redneck), you see, why is it okay to call someone a redneck and throw that word around, but dont even think about using the "N" word. It is ashame that if we choose not to send our children dressed up for the "show", they will be frowned upon. I think this is a bad move on the BOE who is not to show partisanship and try to sway a developing childs mind in one direction or the other. ESPECIALLY TO THE LEFT.

  72. If you want to worship Obama ,
    that is your choice . He is not
    my GOD and he is not my childrens GOD. He is just a man with big ears.

  73. anonymous 1:41

    I believe it is racist. I believe if the children were asked in years past to dress up for this event for other President's, it would then perhaps be acceptable. However, it's never been done in all my years and now all of a sudden the black man arrives and we must show him respect. My child will not go to school in anything suggested.

  74. Hey Doug...if you are searching for truth-go all the way to the top. Teach them "Bush v. Gore" and how the Supreme Court could recognize a clear Equal Protection violation....and then tell everyone to ignore it..just this once!!

  75. What am I missing Reese, brains working slow today. Is that a rub or a cut?

  76. They did not do this for bush because everyone knew from the start that bush was going to sell us out to mexico and china, and that he stole the election.
    And he did all of the above, not to mention the state of our economy at this time. hell look what he left us with. oh and he is the worst president ever , i repeat ever on record. Why would you wear red white and blue for a trader like bush?

  77. Truth doesnt have anything in common with any politician or any politics Reese, Truth comes from with-in once you have no denial. Its not pretty sometimes and thats why it scares most people and they hide from it. But how does that old saying go, "Truth will set you free"...,all you have to do is read your reflection.

  78. How did Al Gore get caught up in this. Al's global warming brought in a record snow fall this year. I think it is because it was said it will be a cold day in he!! if a black man gets elected.

  79. I invite all of you out there who are insisting that there is nothing special about this election to Google the following: Emmett Till, James Meredith, James Chaney, Poll Tax, Mississippi Plan, and Fannie Lou Hamer. Do a Google image search for "Whites Only" signs. While there, look up a visual for "lynching." If you have school age children, your grandparents lived through this. I can't believe you really want your children to view January 20 as a negative event, even if you did not vote for the guy. Try being gracious for once, and teach your kids to be gracious rather than to be petty and mean.

  80. See, I told you this was all about race!

  81. Obama could solve every issue in this world and still you people would have something negative to saY. He has not even been sworn in yet and he has already started creating plans and negotiating with others about the economic issues we are facing. If you want your kids to be able to express themselves, then allow them to express themselves, be individuals. Don't force what you feel on them OR stop being a hyprocrite, my kids would be thrilled to dress in red white and blue but becauser they wanted to, not because I made them. I am a OBAMA supporter but never did I force my children to be.Kids, usually rebel against their parents. So, go ahead and force your ways on them and see what they do.

  82. This is not about who won or lost. It's about this guy being treated DIFFERENT because of the COLOR of his skin. That in definition is RACISM. Look it up!

  83. We should be more worried about what we are paying those WCBOE employees! Who cares what they want the kids to wear? They work 8 months out of a year excluding week-ends, holidays, proffessional days, vacation days. foggy days. comp days (ugh!!). Get over the clothes and save me some money..I am drowning paying for everybody but my own! Can I get a BAILOUT?

  84. Anon 2:16 you are nothing but a racist that can't let go of hatred. It was WHITE America that elected the Messiah. We have let racism go why can't you. This is about how the liberal school system try to mold our children into future Liberals. If you don't believe that liberal beliefs are being taught to the kids in school then you are nothing but one of the sheeple.

  85. I just called Willards Elementary and asked about inauguration day and asking the kids to wear red/white/blue if they did this at the last inauguration and she said she didn't remember, and that the board has asked them to do this.

  86. Mother of Buckingham 1st grader MA - 1:26

    I have a child in 2nd and 4th at Buckingham. I received the letter from one of them last night, so yours will be coming today. It's legit. I have it in hand, however I don't have a scanner so I couldn't scan it and get it on the blog.

  87. Did it occur to you people that schools are being required by State Government legislation to recognize the inauguration of the first non-white president?


    Stop blaming local teachers and local administrators and do your homework!

  88. SunnyInOC

    I wasn't questioning it's authenticity. I'm sure it will come home in my Sons folder today.


  89. i just heard that its dale earnhardt jr's inauguration on friday of next week, PLEASE wear your redneck nascar gear and that way we can figure who all of you are... and stand there and point at ya... go for it, bet you'd send your kids to school in one of those horrendously ugly jackets then, wouldnt ya.

    got 'r did.

  90. Not a cut...but a challenge do the definition of "truth in politics." I saw your comment about on-line donations regarding Obama; which I hear a lot as a plot/conspiracy to parcel out what would have been large and very noticable on-line donations to Obama on a smaller, more anonymous basis. I do not see any proof to this particular argument, and I always seem to see people who pound the table the most trying to "get to certain truths" often overlook blatant counteragruments/counterexamples. Bush v. Gore is the 2000 Supreme Court decision, which in my opinion is one of the top three stinkers in the history of their jurisprudence. I even voted for George Bush that cycle {he didn't fool me twice though}, but if you read the opinion, or at least watch "Recount" on DVD; you would become familiar with how President Bush really may never have EARNED the presidency to start with. After a bunch of county/state level fisticuffs, the case was accepted by the Court who found a clear 14th Amendment Equal Protection violation regarding the way the recount was being conducted throughout different counties in the State of Florida {you know, the "Jeb" state}. However, they were too lazy/partisan to provide a proper remedy so that a PROPER, THOROUGH recount could be done throughout the entire state. So they copped out and said in the very end that their {chicken poo} decision should be respected, but on a "one time only basis." The end result was the recount stopped and Florida's electoral votes given to Bush, which put him over the 270 number needed for election. That is how Al Gore got into this; because "truth" is....we never may have seen a "President W. Bush"-only you can look at your wallets and 401k balances and determine if this was ultimately good or bad. And basically, what Joe is making here on this topic is actually a similar "equal protection argument" that if these kids don't comply with the mandate of the masses, they will be viewed as an "outsider", and their protected freedom of expression/or not to express will be diminished. The ironic truth, if you catch it, is that by using this logic-anyone who is against the BOE request here actually supports the same type of argument Al Gore made regarding being given a chance for a proper recount. Heavy stuff, huh?

  91. Anon 2:16 here. You think we have let racism go? Have you been reading some of the comments here? My point was that if you bothered to look up any of the historical figures I mentioned, you would be able to celebrate with your kids HOW FAR WE HAVE COME in terms of race! That is the OPPOSITE of racism! We should celebrate the fact that there are people alive today who were absolutely prevented from voting soley because of the color of their skin (that's right, even people of mixed race as you folks all keep saying Obama is--you see, they didn't make any distinctions). In their lifetimes, we went from being a country where 3 college kids were brutally murdered because they were trying to get black people registered to vote, to a country where Obama can get elected. Shouldn't we be proud of that? Unbelievable how negative some of you folks are. Grow up. Learn about the history of our country and perhaps you will finally be able to acknowledge that this is a truly historic event, even if you disagree with every single one of Obama's policies. By the way--did you notice he is proposing massive tax cuts? I guess none of you would be in favor of tax cuts . . .

  92. It is not a statewide requirement anon 237 but nice try at passing the buck! Unfortunately not everyone simply takes the word of someone who doesnt even have the guts to post a name. There is nothing on the state board site saying anything should be done for the 20th. I know children who attend 8 different school districts and none of those except the ones here on the shore are asking children to dress any differently. Maybe because many people have a back bone and would have marched their butts to the school, most schools don't like to confront a parent who they know is right head on. Maybe these two counties are seeing the parental involvement as weak??!!! hmmm....

  93. Anon 3:09 pm

    Do you think they would be doing this if Hillary had won? That's a better question then any of our past Presidents. Hillary becoming President would have been just as historic of an event.


  94. Thanks for the details Reese, I think the entire system is an illusion. To much personal agendas, to much denial, not enough truth and no mirror. Was everything our grand-parents stood for and taught us b.s. as well? I think so. The America that we all want to get back only exsist in our memories and our hearts anymore. The kids that go to Buckingham are babies. Why shove politics down there throats, regaurdless of who the candidate is, its liberalism run amuck.

  95. Anon 3:09 back to answer the question posed. I absolutely think they would have shown the inauguration if Hillary had won. And then peole here would be crying about how sexist it was, and I would have to dig into the history of sexism in this country rather than the history of racism. In either case, it would be an historic inauguration. Every inauguration is pretty cool but when you are talking about a significant "first," it adds to the event. Please, people, just stand back and use a little perspective here! Imagine being an 80-year-old African American and seeing this happen in your lifetime!

  96. Red, White and Blue I will go for, but dress up???? Nobama won't know what you are wearing...What is sunday dress? The bible doesn't state you have to wear certain clothes to worship the Lord; it's all a show.

  97. I also recall an event in the not too distant past where everyone wishing to attend was asked to wear similar clothing. Let me think.......hmmmmm. Each member carried a five dollar bill and three quarters in their pockets. All 39 were dressed in identical black shirts and sweat pants, brand new black-and-white Nike athletic shoes. C'mon - help me here....oh yea! Heavens Gate. They all drank the same poison kool aid hoping to be picked up by the space craft hiding in the tail of the Hale Bop comet. This inauguration is no different than any other. This is most definitely about the election of a black president. If you want racism to die....let it die. Quit rubbing race in everyones face. Hey - I'm a poet and didn't know it.

  98. Right, 4:09, asking kids to wear red white and blue clothes on inauguration day is just like committing ritual suicide. Get a grip!

    Hoping to be comment 100 . . .

  99. An idea for the 'art' contest -

    My kids, given the topic of what they would like to spend time with Obama doing, would probably draw them hunting with him and Dan Quayle.

  100. Its time for a drink.

  101. Public school rules.

  102. Joe, you may have something here.

    At first I didn't agree, but with more thought I find myself concered about how this event will be handled.

    I don't have a huge problem with schools taking a public event like this and making it an educational opportunity.

    But what many have already observed is that this is an anomaly -- they haven't done this for other Presidents or major holidays, etc.

    Educators tend to be Bush haters and have big issues with no child left behind. This and a generally liberal bias in education make it hard to assume that questionable items like this are completely innocent.

    I still have mixed feelings about this. If I had a child in one of these schools, I wouldn't really have a problem if the event was handled in a purely non-political way.

    If the event were used to explain how our political process works, and not as a celebration of Obama that would be fine.

    I want my children to respect and love this country. I welcome every opportunity for them to celebrate our great country. But I would be very concerned that this could be handled poorly by the teachers.

    Note when I was a kid in Wicomico we did things like this. We even had non-political buttons to wear celebrating our great country.

    Our teachers were very careful not to impose their views on us. But things have changed and I'm not convinced that educators will control themselves.

  103. MY kids would draw him hunting with Dick Cheney!!!!! LOL

  104. If you think liberalism is bad in schools, check out the higher learning institutions.

  105. My daughter, 8, will be attending school on the 20th. She will wear either a nice dress or red white and blue, or other clothes of her choice. She chooses to participate in crazy hair day, crazy sock day, spirit day and all other school sponsored days. She went to the voting booth with me, her mother and her grandmother this year. She understands that everyone has a vote and the one with the most votes wins, we haven't gone into the electorial college yet, but we will. We have raised her to respect the President of the United States because he is our leader and he is, arguably, the most powerful man in the world. For everyone who asks their young children if they want to watch this or not, most likely their response will reflect what they have seen in their parents or other respected adults. I remember as a young child not wanting to be dragged out of bed to see the moon landing, but now I am glad that my Mother did it. I did not vote for Mr. Obama but I will watch the inauguration as I have with all the others, whether I voted for them or not. We have one of the greatest governments in the world, believe it or not. I will choose to support it, vote every election, state my beliefs and move on after the results, like them or not.

  106. Montgomery County schools are closed that day for the "Inauguration Holiday." Prince Georges County Schools are closed January 20. Baltimore City schools are closed. Schools in Howard, Carroll, Harford, and Baltimore counties have decided to remain open. Schools in DC and northern Virginia will also be closed on inauguration day. Needless to say, I think liberal leave for students and teachers will be allowed on January 20.

  107. My question is we were not required to teach this or told to cover the event when Busch, Clinton and Busch were elected. I certainly think this may be a racist action on the part of the WBOE. Funny thinkg is the person who told us to teach this is a minority. Whould she have done this if MCCain was elected. I doubt it.

  108. Unbelievable Joe, If you get help my personal wishes are that you let them cover stories and you stick with the comment moderation. The blogg will lose your personality if your not steering the ship. My opinion.

  109. It's stories like this that make your blog a laughingstock and it shows how stupid the people who post here really are. Even me: my IQ goes down 33 points everytime I respond to this idiotic crap. If you are so smart, why go off on stupid tangents like this, that 99% see as just plain immature. grow up.

  110. 6:33
    So you're IQ goes down 33 points when you post? Guess that means you're walking around on 4 legs trying to learn how to build fire now, right?

  111. Joe:

    Not all schools are requiring dress up day on the 20th or have gone to extremes over this election. I talked to my child's principal today (rural elem. school) and he said that students will have the opportunity to watch the swearing in ceremony and the speech.

    I have been impressed that my son has been learning about politics in social studies. I see this as a nice follow through.

    Talk about a real world experience.

    Kudos to our school for not taking this over the top. It will last only an hour or so as they will not be watching the whole ceremony and not together as a whole school.

    BTW...this is a Wicomico County School. No mandate was given according to the principal. He was directed to just have teacher incorporate it into daily lessons.

  112. Teacher in WCBOE its Bush not Busch. The 43rd president isn't related to the Busch's in NASCAR.

    onto my 2 cents the "Sunday Best" line. Is this not making a reference to religion. I thought that was a big no-no in government schools.

  113. I wear my sundy best on Saturday. A bad choice of words by the school principal.

  114. Four things:

    1. Yeah, "Sunday best" is religiously based. But it's such an expression, especially in places that haven't seen too many of other faiths, that it's a hard habit to break. A faux pas, but let's not get a firing squad for it.

    2. Blah, blah, blah. My kid had a note from school ASKING him to wear green in honor of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." That's what this note does: "asks" and/or "encourages." By the way, the parent of the Jewish kid in the class did not come in raging that we were reading a Christmas book. Unlike people here, obviously a tolerant person with common sense.

    3. Ever dawn on you folks that the "Sunday Best" thing might just be to get the kids to feel how it feels to be at the inauguration because that's what the adults do, get all dressed up?

    4. And finally, a few words from our current VP, Dick Cheney, for all you foaming racists and Republicans who can't get over your loss, unlike me who is embarrassed that with all that is happening to this country, THIS is what you spend your time on!

    "I have the same feeling that I think many Americans have, that it's really remarkable that -- what we're going to do here in a few days is swear in the first African American president of the United States. When I came to town in 1968, we'd had the Martin Luther King assassination, Bobby Kennedy assassination, riots in the cities, major, major disturbances, a lot of it racially motivated around the country.

    "And in fact, things have changed so dramatically that we're now about to swear in Barack Obama as president of the United States. That's really a remarkable story and I think a record of tremendous success and progress for the United States."

    God Bless America, even the part that can't deal with our country's success and progress!

  115. I am not even going to say how i really feel. But i think it is a bunch of crock. My kids went with me to vote as well but It didnt work out.. ( I didnt vote for Obama).. sad day for america huh??
    but. i see it was said in here that we are the one that voted for him. no most votes were from african american. So dont put we in this. And I hope you all are proud. because he is going to ruin us all. he has done nothing but lie. good lord he is already piling everyone up in the whitehouse already..haha this should be funny. he is gonna be running a motel before it is done and over with.. Sorry but my feelings. not fully but i will leave it there. as far as our kids. it should not be a have to thing. I think it should be that they should have it on in calssrooms out of respect but carry on the classroom setting for the day. pre-k and kindergarden thru 4th even are going to get bored. make them wear a pen or sticker or something..ugh..

  116. Every child in my 5 th grade classroom will wear a red,white & blue decorative ribbon arrangement to respect this historical inauguration. They will respect the democratic process and respect our first black president. The office of president like other positions of power must be respected.My students respect me as a teacher of the Africo American race. It is the parents that hold prejudice ideas when their children are innocent.Thank you.

  117. Margaret Meade said we are going to have the racial prejudice and related problems until inter- marriage creates a tea-colored one race. So folks get busy and let's rush things along.


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