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Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Do you plan on going to the Presidential Inauguration?

"Deacon James Bailey said...

Yes I am going to be at this historis occasion. I will feel like one of the 3 wise men who first peered down upon Christ. When I look upon the Great One, Obama, I will know he is the chosen one to bring my black race out of the muck and give us equal in-depth status in reality and not this surface and insincere opportunties.I see a new peaceful revolution coming in America.Our years as second class citizens ends January 20 th. Oh, what a great day in America! The angels will sing, bells will ring and our people will rejoice.Hats off to the annoited ONE."

Well, alrighty then. Can't say as I'm as excited but I am shopping for a red, white and blue tuxedo to travel to the Schools and check out their festive indoor Harding's. I think I'll have a much better chance at parking too. Maybe I can get Apollo Creed's outfit from Rocky?


  1. "The annointed one?" Are you off your meds. If you haven't been prescribed any, you really need to see your doctor.

    Hope your empty suit meets your expectations - though I doubt that very seriously.

  2. "The annointed one?" Are you off your meds? If you haven't been prescribed any, you really need to see your doctor.

    Hope your empty suit meets your expectations - though I doubt that very seriously.

  3. Deacon James Bailey, you are crazy.

  4. "Deacon," are you a Deacon or is your name Deacon? What is wrong with these extreme churches in this area?

    Joe, I am appalled at the photos of the Churches with negative comments on their marquis regarding you. I would change churches if mine posted something like that. Not very Christian at all, the way they are acting.

  5. While I can appreciate the Deacon’s joy & pride for the election of the first African American to the presidency, I am saddened to see the REAL historic reason for this election go right over Mr. Bailey's head.
    Mr. Obama is just a man. He is not a saint or a prophet. He is an African American individual, who unlike many didn’t sit on his behind feeling victimized and waiting for someone to save him. He achieved his dream himself, because in America, anyone Can. So Mr. Deacon, whether you achieve or not, whether you feel empowered or not, whether you feel like a first class, second class or third class citizen or not IS completely up to you, the individual. Men & women can offer vision, direction, and become great leaders, but they cannot elevate our personal sence of self worth and self respect. That comes from within.


  6. So you believe in Obama as the 'chosen one'....I guess that means you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!

    C'mon deacon, we all know you're the local wino who hangs out over on Lake St so give over the fantasy boy!!

  7. Newports for everyone!

  8. Anon 8:36 very well said. I have known people of all races who have contributed to society in a positive way long before there wwere words of Obama being spoken. It isn't a matter of being second class, it is a matter of judging your own self second class, because there are opportunities for all just get off you butt, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do it!

  9. Who is this "Deacon James Bailey"?

  10. Kill the stimulous plan.

  11. Someone flushed their pills down the commode.....

  12. If Obama proves everyone needs to get a good education, have children AFTER marriage, etc., then he will have the support of all taxpayers who are sick of those with no work ethic, just a bunch of excuses why the rest of us should support them.

  13. no comment , the deacon said more than a mouthful !

  14. Right now there are just as many white people's babies having babies as black so don't even go there. I know a white guy that turned down a job when he heard he was going to get 26 weeks extended unemployment.

    Every now and again something in government works. He wasn't denied unemployment however every cent is going to his ex for back child support Yeah! Problem is he and his new wife have a 6 month old and is now with no income.

    He should have took that job for one thing, now he is finding out what Karma is all about. The sad part is the new 6 month old baby. They have money for cigarettes though. shaking head God helps those that help themselves come to mind.

    Right now the child is OK, well thanks to WIC and TLC. I'm keeping an eye on that, the child is happy and loved, however right now they still have a home. When they can no longer pay the $700 rent, things are going to be real hard.

  15. Anonymous said...
    While I can appreciate the Deacon’s joy & pride for the election of the first African American to the presidency, ... He is not a saint or a prophet. He is an African American individual...

    8:36 AM

    Honestaby I thought you were smarter than that. Why do people still think this man is an african american?

  16. I am from Talbot County and often preach on the shore. I forgive the remarks of the non-believers. As Dr. Martin Luther King said we must pray for the recovery of some of our sick white brothers and sisters.Dr. King in his most famous speech said we will climb the mountain even though he might not reach the top with us. Praise the Lord for we have reached the mountain top with President Obama.Look out on the horizon and see the n as my brothers and sisters rejoice with meew opportunities that await all black Americans. On Sunday morning we must sing the old song that says we are free at last.Our hearts swell as my brothers and sisters rejoice for we have reached a new and higher plateau. We can never be complacent but must push on and on until all colors run together and all races are viewed as equals.Thank you Mr. Albero for allowing people of color to express themselves on your non-prejudice blog.

  17. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! Jesus help us all. or should I say Obama help us all???? I'm confused who "THE" ANNOINTED ONE is. Does that mean we all start giving gifts to each other on Mr. Obama's birthday? That is , once we find out when that really is. RP

  18. I doubt even Obama would except that label ANNOINTED ONE. I can understand him feeling joy and pride, women had that same feeling when they were given the right to vote

  19. Hey wantabe deacon, you're really going to be upset when congress doesn't allow the chosen one to up your welfars check!! Get a job, get a life, go to church and introduce yourself to the real God!

  20. Holy crap does this weirdo really think his life is going to change?? maybe Obama is going to move him in the white house too..hahaha...
    Well no one has made anyone non equal. Come on. rejoice..be merry..have a blast. and how is this Historic?? he is more white than black..
    People will see that this will be the worst president yet to come. The blacks think this nut is going to change their lives. well news flash we all live in this country together and if he makes a change that will hurts us. its going to affect us all. Good news is.. We all may be able to get welfare now...YAY... lord knows we might need it after he gets in the big house...


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