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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Zombies and Vampires and Slashers,oh my!

Rose McGowan in scene from "Grindhouse:Planet Terror"

Halloween is almost upon us and I don't know about the rest of you,but as an adult one of my favorite things about October is all the horror movies on television!Just about every cable channel is airing all sorts of horror flicks and there are just not enough hours in a day to watch them all,but I sure try!
Last night IFC (Independent Film Channel) showed the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"(1974) and I was amused while watching because whenever you mention that movie,people are adamant about how "gruesome" it was and it really wasn't.It's the things you DON'T see that in that and other older horror movies that scared the hell out of audiences.The remake of it that was released a few years ago relied heavily on showing every nasty little act of torture and dismemberment and left nothing open for the viewer to wonder about.I won't go on and on about how the classics were better but the more current movies in the genre leave nothing to the imagination."Hostel",for example,while a great movie,was just balls-out gross and explicit.Not to say I do not like gore,but sometimes the stuff you never see is what gives you the willies.
I personally prefer "zombie" flicks,from Romero right up to "Grindhouse:Planet Terror"(which I watched for the gazillionth time last night also!).Theres just something about the monster being one of us,a human or subhuman,that scares me to no end!
And that brings me to my question:Are you a horror movie fan?Which sub-genre do you prefer in horror films?Do you lean more towards bloodsuckers or flesh-eaters or do you enjoy the good old Universal Monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula?And lastly,do you think todays horror movies go too far ?
From: Brian R. Moe
Deputy Secretary of State

Date: October 28, 2008

Re: Lowering of the United States Flag and Maryland State Flag to Half Staff

This is to advise you that Governor Martin O’Malley has ordered the United States Flag and Maryland State Flag flown at half staff on Thursday, October 30, 2008, from sunrise to sunset. This is in memory of Marine Col. Michael R. Stahlman, of Chevy Chase, Maryland, who died on October 5, 2008 from injuries received in Anbar province, Iraq.

This action is taken under the Protocol for the Maryland State Flag. Any questions on the above should be directed to the Office of the Secretary of State.

Cc: John P. McDonough, Secretary of State
Michael Enright, Chief of Staff
Superintendent Terrence Sheridan, Maryland State Police
Secretary Alvin C. Collins, Department of General Services
Woody Cullum, Fire Chief, BWI Airport
Governor’s Press Office
Question: What is America 's first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States ?

Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.

Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty?

Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard

Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

Question: What U.S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party?

Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska

According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.

And Now you know!

Worcester County Veterans Muster

WHO: Veterans and their Family Members

WHAT: Worcester County Veterans Muster - An information Seminar and Forum for veterans and their families to learn about the benefits and services offered to Maryland’s veterans by federal, state and nonprofit agencies. MDVA will have a booth with a Service Officer to assist with filing claims for disability and compensation. Representatives from other state agencies, Veteran Service Organizations, Veteran Employment Representatives, and members of local community organizations will be present to provide information. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be available compliments of the American Legion Synepuxent Post 166.

WHERE: The American Legion Synepuxent Post 166
2908 Philadelphia Ave
Ocean City, MD 21842

WHEN: Saturday, November 1, 2008
10 AM – 3 PM

WHY: Provide Information about Services and Benefits for Veterans

For more information contact:
Bob Sharps
Phone: 410-260-3842 or bsharps@mdva.state.md.us

Sarge GarlitzWorcester County CommanderPhone: 443-735-1942 or commander166@msn.com

Gas Prices


Just wanted to pass on we bought gas at $2.279 last night in Laurel at the Oasis Truck Stop / Hardees! I almost hate to see the election get here. I feel certain the prices will shoot back up after that!"

Club for Growth PAC Increases Ad Buy In Maryland-01

Washington – The Club for Growth PAC increased its ad buy in Maryland’s First Congressional District by nearly $100,000. The two ads are running on broadcast television in the Baltimore and Salisbury markets (watch ads here).

These two ads tell voters about how liberal and out-of-touch Frank Kratovil is on economic issues. Voters deserve to know that Kratovil supports universal health care that could cost taxpayers billions of dollars and put crucial health care decisions in the hands of government bureaucrats. They deserve to know about Kratovil’s cozy relationship with Big Labor, in which he took thousands of dollars from big labor unions whose top priority is passing legislation that would strip workers of their right to a secret ballot election.

“We are increasing the ad buy because we feel it is so important for voters to know about the real Frank Kratovil,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. “When voters realize how liberal and out-of-touch Kratovil is on economic issues, they will not be able to support him. Most voters in Maryland’s First District do not want a representative who supports universal healthcare and kowtows to Big Labor.”

TV :15 – “Plan”




TV :15 – “Labor”






We Love Kratovil - The Hypocrisy of Maryland's "Independent" Blogosphere

Liberals believe in something.  Unfortunately, the policies that they believe in have proved a failure.  That said, at least self-identified liberals (or "progressives") are willing to stand up for what they believe in.

However, liberal Democrats can't get elected by admitting what they believe in, so they claim to be "independent" or "moderate".  Some members of the blogosphere have decided to take a page from the Barack Obama / Frank Kratovil playbook and claim to be promoting "a different kind of politics" while in reality peddling the same old socialist solutions.  ShoreIndie has become the Maryland blogosphere's leader in this re-packaged hypocrisy.

ShoreIndie attacks conservative candidates for myriad sins and claims that they practice deceptive advertising.  Fair enough.  Unfortunately, ShoreIndie is incapable of distinguishing statements of fact from opinion.  He doesn't even appear capable of distinguishing a baseless opinion from an informed one.  Of course his pals, like liberal congressional candidate Frank Kratovil, NEVER say anything that isn't gospel.

Case in point - a series of videos ShoreIndie posted on YouTube of the first Salisbury debate between Andy Harris and Frank Kratovil.  It's important to remember that ShoreIndie did not post these until last week, long after the debate occurred.  Therefore, he is unable to claim that he is unaware of subsequent statements of, or actions by Kratovil.

We're using his video on "the Bailout" as an example.   Read More ...

Are Health Insurance Companies Next In The Bailout?

People can no longer truly afford Health Insurance and many have no choice but to eliminate coverage. Will the Health Insurance Companies be the next to jump on the wagon and take advantage of free money from our Government

When will a Presidential Candidate step up to the plate with enough ba{{s to say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! They're already considering adding the Auto Manufacturers to tap into the Bailout as well. Only Andy Harris stood firm on saying, NO! And some of you Idiots sport a Kratovil Sign?

I was there at SU when Kratovil clearly stated he was FOR the Bailout, PERIOD. "I" was the one asking the questions in front of the entire crowd. Granted, Frank and Nancy did everything they could to shut me up because my questions were direct and firm and everyone deserved to know the answer. The next day Kratovil stated at another gathering that he was AGAINST the Bailout. BULLSH!T!

Everything I have been stating is starting to come true, one by one. No one else wanted to discuss an assassination attempt against Obama, yet yesterday the FBI unveiled a plot to kill Obama. Open your eyes Americans and see the reality in front of us. We're headed, (if not already in) a deep financial depression.
Who can afford health insurance right now? Who can afford to heat your home this winter? Who can afford the credit card debt?

Now let's sit back and wait on this one too and see if I'm right with the health industry.

Truth Be Told!

'Twas the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down!

I, in my bathrobe
With a cat in my lap
Had cut off the TV
Tired of political crap.

When all of a sudden
There arose such a noise
I peered out of my window
Saw Obama and his boys

They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others
Who had not worked a day!

He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink

He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart!

"On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, On Pelosi"
He screamed at the pairs!

They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think
On this one final note-

Halloween Candy Recall

Just an FYI for those who have children or those who are giving out candy for Halloween............ HALLOWEEN CANDY RECALLED

(you can verify this on snopes: http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/coins.asp)

There is a new warning put out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency....

Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to the fact that they contain Mel amine, the ingredient in milk product that has caused many infant deaths in china.

These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores. Please make sure to check your childrens halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM EAT THE PIRATE COINS (you know the ones wrapped in the shiny gold foil) and please let other parents know about this!

Dr. Melissa Greer, PhD
Florida Equine Athlete
The Florida Barrel Racer's Journal
A subscriber based magazine serving barrel racers since 2004
PO Box 1302
Polk City, FL 33868
863-984-8657 (office/residence)

According To The Daily Times Today........

"Comegys said the Council owed the taxpayers and firefighters a guarantee of safety, which could only be met with proper equipment to protect both the callers and respondents."

OK Mr. Comegys. Explain to me why the City refused to pay the Salisbury Police Department their FULL raises they were promised two years ago then?

Comegys is a one sided piece of crap in my opinion, out to get the Fire Department everything humanly possible before the Witch is voted out of Office and he loses his own campaign for Mayor.

With Gordy as his side kick on his campaign, the arrogance can be recognized by last nights council meeting and Flip & Flop acting like their sh!t didn't stink because no one can do anything about them.

That's right Folks. YOU the taxpayers are worthless. You don't get out and vote. You don't get off your lazy a$$es and participate and like I said in an earlier Post, everything is all black and white with nothing in between.

If you're angry at the City boning you for another few million dollars in the Fire Department, GET OUT AND VOTE THIS TIME! Get rid of See, Gordy, Comegys, Mayor Tilghman and Chief Webster.

Oh, you have another choice. FILE BANKRUPTCY like most of them have already in the past. It's really easy. Just ask See & Comegys. They can walk you right through it.

Cops Are Human Too

Well, Mr. Citizen, it seems you've figured me out. I fit neatly into the category where you've placed me. I'm stereotyped, standardized, characterized, classified, grouped, and always typical. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. I can never figure you out.

From birth, you teach your children that I'm the bogeyman, if they do anything bad I'll take them away. Then you're shocked when they identify/associate with my traditional enemy... the criminal! You accuse me of going too easy on criminals until I catch your kids doing wrong. You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point me out as lazy for having one cup. You pride yourself on your manners, but think nothing of disrupting my meals with your troubles.

You go mental with the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you doing the same thing and I'm picking on you. You know all the traffic laws...but you've never gotten a single ticket you deserve. You shout "IDIOT" if you observe me driving fast to a call, but raise the roof if I take more than ten seconds to respond to your complaint.

You call it part of my job if someone strikes me, but call it police brutality if I strike back. You wouldn't think of telling your dentist how to pull a tooth or your doctor how to take out an appendix, yet you are always willing to give me pointers on the law and telling me how to do my job.

You talk to me in a manner that would get you a bloody nose from anyone else, but expect me to take it without batting an eye.

You yell that something's got to be done to fight crime, but you can't be bothered to get involved.

You have no use for me at all, but of course it's OK if I change a flat for your wife, deliver your child in the back of the patrol car, or perhaps save your son's life with mouth to mouth breathing, or work many hours overtime looking for your lost daughter.

So Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my buddies.

Yes, Mr. Citizen, it's me the cop!

The Author of this article was Trooper Mitchell Brown of the Virginia State Police. He was killed in the line of duty two months after writing the article......

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

"Everyone should hear those commnets made by Gordy. then we can all boycott his exxons. Forget about Kratovil, lets boycott because of his attitude towards the vollies. I say, If you like the vollies, stop shopping at exxon."

Interesting twist.

Harris Launches Two New Television Ads

Ads Feature Direct Messages from Governor Bob Ehrlich

Annapolis - Today the Andy Harris for Congress campaign launched two-fifteen second ads featuring Governor Bob Ehrlich. The ads will run on broadcast and cable throughout the entire district. The first ad is a direct appeal from Governor Bob Ehrlich to Democrat and Independent voters.

"I want to talk to my Democrat and Independent friends about Andy Harris. Andy Harris is an independent voice with sound fiscal ideas. A reformer we can trust. He'll make a great congressman."

The first ad can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiSaoM-PViM

The second ad sends a message that will cut through the clutter of political season.

"It's political season and ugly accusations are flying. Andy Harris a good man: a doctor, a veteran. Most importantly, he is an honest independent voice. That's why I'm supporting Andy Harris."

Classified Ads

If anyone wants to put up items on this weeks Classified Ads, send them to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com . They'll get posted for this Saturday morning.

Questions A & B

From the Wicomico County Executive’s Office
Explanation of Questions “A” & “B” on the November 4th Ballot
Note: These questions were placed on the ballot at the initiation of the County Executive and the unanimous approval of the County Council

Ballot Question “A” – Charter Amendment - Permit Refunding of Obligations: To amend the Wicomico County Charter to permit the County to refund outstanding bonds, certificates of indebtedness, notes and other obligations in accordance with state law.

· What does “refunding” mean?
Refunding is the same as refinancing. Just like refinancing a mortgage, the county would redeem (buy back) old bonds sold at high interest rates and sell new bonds to cover the outstanding balance at a lower interest rate.
· Why is this a good idea?
o It could save the county hundreds of thousands of dollars. For example, if the county had $4,000,000 worth of outstanding debt (“old bonds”) at an interest rate of 8% and could refinance them at 4%, it would save $160,000 a year on interest costs.
· Why can’t the county do this now?
o The charter has a provision that prevents this. To remove the provision requires a charter amendment, and that requires a referendum – i.e., it must appear on the ballot and be approved by a majority of voters.
· What are certificates of indebtedness and notes?
o Occasionally, the county enters into debt agreements other than bonds. For example, the county currently has outstanding loans with the State of Maryland. This language is included in current law and is therefore included in the referendum.
· How does voting “yes” on this benefit the taxpayer?
o Enacting the amendment will save the county money and free up funds for use in other county programs.

Ballot Question “B” - Charter Amendment - Extension of Obligation Maturity Date, Clarification of BAN Terms: To amend the Wicomico County Charter to increase the term for which general obligation bonds, certificates of indebtedness, notes and other obligations may be issued from 25 to 30 years and to clarify certain terms for bond anticipation notes.

· Does this affect the county’s current outstanding bonds?
o No. The amendment gives the county the flexibility to enter into 30 year bonds in the future.
· Why would the county want to borrow money for 30 years?
o In general, it does not. For the last 10 years, county bonds have been limited to 15 or 20 years. Current circumstances indicate that the flexibility to borrow for longer terms could be advantageous to taxpayers.
· If the county hasn’t needed the flexibility in the past, why does it need it now?
o The primary reason is the escalating cost of building new schools. The length of a bond should mirror the useful life of whatever it is the county is bonding. In the case of a school, that life exceeds 30 years.
· Doesn’t this put a strain on future budgets by tying up money for longer periods of time?
o Yes and no. Yes, funds are tied up for longer periods. On the reverse, it lessens the strain on annual budgets because principal and interest payments are less.
· How does voting “yes” on this benefit the taxpayer?
o It will give the county another tool to use in continuing its sound financial management practices. It will give an option to better manage school construction costs that didn’t exist previously.
· What will happen if the amendment is not passed?
o When it comes time to build a new school, such as Bennett Middle, the county will only have the option of selling bonds for up to 25 years. This will increase the county’s annual principal and interest costs. The county will not be able to place this question on the ballot again until 2012, locking it into 25 years or less financing four more years.

A Near Record Day

Yesterday was an outstanding day for Salisbury News. Why, I can't exactly explain that but I'll take it. It's been a while since we saw these kind of numbers and obviously people are tuning in and listening to what Salisbury News is delivering.

Thanks for visiting and we'll continue to do our best to deliver you our view of what's going on locally and sometimes around the Country.

While I have your attention allow me to say this. When it comes to comments, some people get very upset when they see someone very angry about a particular topic. Look, what's important for everyone to realize is this. One day a topic/article is going to come up that YOU are very passionate about and or perhaps angry and you're going to express your opinion. Am I to censor those comments too? Let EVERYONE get their chance to say their peace, right or wrong. At least here you'll not only get the opportunity to express your opinion, you'll also get the opportunity to counter that opinion you might not like and hopefully there's a healthy debate about the issues.

Salisbury News is not right about everything we share our OPINION about and in many cases we learn from all of you. Just as you do every day when we share things the Daily Times is scared to death to get even close to. Be thankful there's a place to voice your opinion and stop being so black and white about issues. Hopefully we're ALL out for the same end results which is a better, more well informed community.


OK, while a friend of mine was visiting the Office yesterday the Draw Bridge went up for the second time and it was up for more than 10 minutes. However, the first time it went up, look at what it went up for. I thought you had to give 24 hours notice before they would allow you passage through to the North Prong area?

If someone wants to come back stating that this was perhaps the cleaning crew for the river, well, YOU MISSED A SPOT!

Two Years Ago Today

The Cannon's were out campaigning for John, advertising with a purse, of all things.

Become a Barbeque Expert

Kansas City Barbeque Society Offers Certified Judges Class at WY&CC

(Salisbury, MD) – Are you a barbeque enthusiast? If so, consider lending your taste buds to the Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) as a Certified Judge. KCBS will hold a Certified Judges Class at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center in Salisbury, MD on Saturday, November 15, 2008. The KCBS Judges Class, to be held from 10:00am-3:00pm will certify participants to judge Kansas City Barbeque festivals all over the country, including the local Pork in the Park Festival scheduled for April 17-19, 2009 at Winterplace Park in Salisbury, MD.

The Certified Judges Class will cover all aspects of being a barbeque judge, including the format of barbeque competitions, characteristics to look for in entries, how to score entries, rules and regulations of barbeque competitions and more. Instructor Jerry Mullane of the KCBS will train prospective judges in a manner that allows them to appropriately judge all types of barbeque, from St. Louis to Carolina.

Once certified, KCBS Judges can choose from nearly 300 BBQ competitions each year to take part in. These competitions are spread out among 44 different states. At each event KCBS conducts official competitions in the following categories: chicken, ribs, pork and brisket. The categories are judged using three different criteria including taste, appearance and texture.

The cost of the Certified Judges Class is $45.00 for KCBS members and $75.00 for non-members. The non-member cost includes a one-year membership to the Kansas City Barbecue Society ($35 value), a one year subscription to the KCBS monthly newsletter, and a lifetime barbeque judge certification! Applications can be downloaded from www.PorkinthePark.org.

For more information, please contact Sandy Fulton at 410-548-4914 or email slfulton@comcast.net.

Local Pumpkin Carving

"Hi Joe,

My boyfriend, Jamie, carved this pumkin attached. He is a local surfer and carved a surfer on a surf board into the pumkin. I thought you may want to post this picture he sent on your page. I think he did a great job!

Take Care,

Are You Looking For Prime Retail Space In The West Ocean City Area

Three suits have become available in this prime Rt. 50 location. Call the number above in the top photo and ask for more details.

A Very Fine Letter From Ryan Ewalt


Would you please post this response (to Fridayʼs articles) on your website? I really do appreciate you maintaining a sense of fairness and pursuit of truth by posting responses from those you and your contributors write articles about, and I sincerely hope this case is no different.

As you know, I grew up in the area, left to go to college and to work, and returned in May. My time back home has been humbling to say the least. I came back wanting to give back to a place that has been so instrumental in who I am today. As I sat down with various people in both of the city's political camps (including yourself) and tracked your website, it became apparent that the city had some serious challenges. So, I wanted to help any way I could.

I have never cared about sides, and I still don't. I care about faith, family, service, and problem solving. I was trained as an engineer and worked with local, state, and federal government agencies as a management consultant prior to moving back to Salisbury. I enjoy identifying problems, developing potential solutions, and helping implement them.
Even before I moved home, it was clear from your website and police data that the level of crime back home was worrisome. Then multiple murders happened in a short span of time this spring/summer, and a dead body was found close to where I now work in the industrial park. Based on multiple indicators (including Jim Ireton asking the city to make the reduction of crime a top priority at a Council meeting), it was clear that many citizens, including myself, were worried about the level of crime.

I asked the mayor to consider a crime task force. My idea was to take a community approach toward a community problem. Although I didn't know much about crime, I thought putting law enforcement together with concerned citizens would be an effective way to develop solutions to address the problem. I also asked the mayor to include both sides of City Council as well as the Sheriff on the task force. I don't know exactly why the mayor agreed to the idea (I had never met the mayor before I moved home), but she did. Since the formation of the task force, based on imperfect information, some have tried to undermine its credibility. To try to provide more context for your readers, let me provide the following statements:

1. For personal reasons, I will not run for any elected office this spring. I also will not work on anyone's campaign for office this spring, and I have no interest in an appointment to serve on the City Council this spring.

2. Debbie Campbell, Carol Smith, Jonathan Taylor, and others have worked very hard and delivered impressive results to the task force. As Debbie has acknowledged, her original subcommittee worked very effectively together and accomplished an amazing amount of work during the first two weeks by obtaining crime maps, walking the streets, taking photos, and creating a great website (http://salisburycrime.blogspot.com) with the help of Jonathan. Debbie also proposed the idea of focusing on a coordinated effort across law enforcement agencies to fight an anticipated spike in theft/shoplifting/robberies this holiday season. Carol and Jonathan worked to identify Dover as a city comparable to Salisbury with much less crime. My subcommittee focused on pulling together quantitative and qualitative data for the task force to get a better context for crime in the city, and Sheriff Lewis and Mark Tyler from SPD have done a good job pulling that information together.

3. After the first meeting, the task force agreed as a whole that it should develop new subcommittees, and Ed Cowell assigned all task force members to those committees without my input. I was assigned to Debbieʼs subcommittee, and, when I met with her subcommittee, I was very impressed by the website that shows the distribution of crime geographically. I did express to Debbie and Jonathan that SPD and WCSO might be surprised by the showing of the website at the task force meeting, but I told them I thought the website would be an effective tool for informing citizens and should be used. I have enjoyed working with Debbie and her subcommittee, and I look forward to continuing to help her subcommittee and the task force any way I can.

4. I was informed half an hour before last week's meeting that Ed wouldn't be able to make the meeting due to an emergency at Salisbury University, and he asked me to facilitate. During the meeting, I did verbally support and reinforce both Debbie's proposed holiday crime fighting effort when she presented it again as well as the crime mapping website (http://spotcrime.com/md/salisbury), but I should have made it clear that Debbie originally developed and proposed both ideas. I believe that this website as well as the crime reports website (http://www.crimereports.com) should be evaluated.

5. Chief Webster is not on the task force, so he has not been assigned to any subcommittees.

I hope this information is helpful to those trying to discern both the context and the happenings of the crime task force. Most importantly, I sincerely hope this task force is not a political ploy, and I hope that the findings of this task force are acted upon quickly. Reducing crime really is a goal that I think both political camps in Salisbury (and those not in one of the two camps) can agree upon, so let's not let political agendas get in the way of the community trying to come together around a common problem. Let's not remain divided around an issue that requires a unified and comprehensive effort of the whole.

Thanks again for posting my response; I really appreciate it. Hope you're doing well!


Ryan Ewalt"

Bill Gordy Wants New Toys No Matter What

Debbie Campbell eluded to the question but didn't have the opportunity to ask it. Who is going to pay for all of these toys if the county decides to restructure the fire service in the county? Who is going to pay for these pieces of equipment if the county cuts the funding to the volunteer corporations? The city taxpayers, that's who. Now, where is the city going to get the money to pay for all of these pieces of equipment? How long will these pieces of equipment be in service before they are repossessed because the city can't make the payments? Will the council be forced to take Bill Gordys advise and cut the retirement plan for the volunteers? Does Bill Gordy or Gary Comegys care? Obviously not. We know David See doesn't care, he's retiring next year.

When Gordo said everyone at home watching doesn't know what transpired during the budget sessions he was right, unless you were there. That's about the only thing he is right about. All Bill Gordy wants to do is spend the taxpayers money on new toys. He was not open to compromise then and he is not open to compromise now.
Listen to the entire SFD segment of the budget session recorded in April. SFD Budget Session.mp3

Let's Hear It For Kimmy!

The former cheerleader (age 19) in the picture below was watching a road that led to a NATO military base when she observed a man digging by the road. She engaged the target, and she shot him. Turned out he was a bomb maker for the Taliban and he was burying an IED that was to be detonated when a U.S. patrol walked by 30 minutes later. It would have certainly killed and wounded several soldiers.

The interesting fact of this story is the shot was measured at 725 yards. She shot him as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot struck him in the rear end blowing him into the bomb which detonated. He was blown to pieces.

The Marines made a motivational poster of her. Her name is Kimmy.

To you, Kimmy, we say, HOoooRah! Thanks for your service.

Unemployment Comes To Salisbury

There's a 20,106 square foot building going up in the Westwood Business Park here in Salisbury. It will be The eastern shore regional unemployment call center.

I thought I'd give everyone the heads up before each and every one of you find yourselves in line. That is, unless you work for a municipality.

America The Socialist Government?


I just finished watching O'Reilly's television show. On Fox and almost every channel it depicts what America will look like under our new Socialist government.

I've got news for the MSM. . . . we already know what a new Socialist government will look like because we've got one right here in Salisbury/Wicomico. We've had it now for several years. We've wrote the book on 'Socialism'. Here are some of the signs.

1. Mass exodus of private sector factories and jobs, abandoned warehouses. (i.e. Local Factory Business Closure list now exceeds 50 reknown businesses)

2. Government confiscation without compensation - (Tree hugging act, Agricultural Preservation, Density Reduction, downzoning etc.)

3. Confidentiality Agreements between branches of government and confiscatory targets - (elimination of government transparency)

4. Zoning Ordinances which prohibit private uses but encourages Government uses - (i.e. Airport Zoning District).

5. Government wage increases to the detriment of the overall tax base, simultaneous to business retraction.

6. Legislation which exempts government entitities from paying any Real Property tax while raising the assessment standards on the overall public base -(i.e. HB - 965).

7. Designation of Enterprising Standards which erodes public's input and creates taxpayers subsidies without accountability - (i.e. Civic Center Enterprise accounting, Wicomico County Liquor Dispensary) This is taxation without representation.

Hell, I just tuned in to the football game - (Colts verses Titans) - and even there Maryland was going to confiscate the team had not Irsay decided to move them before the secret midnight legislative session convened. Here is an excerpt from Irsay's obituary. It can also be seen online:

It all came to a head in 1984, when Irsay agreed to move the Colts to what was then called the Hoosier Dome. The Indianapolis financial package was less lucrative than Baltimore's final offer, according to some reports, but Irsay would later say money wasn't the only consideration.

"We didn't pick Indianapolis for the monetary value," Irsay said. "We took it because of the people here, the domed stadium, which is beautiful, and, in general, I took the best situation for my family and the coaching staff."

Irsay moved the Colts to Indianapolis one day after the Maryland Legislature passed a law allowing the city of Baltimore to take over the franchise by eminent domain.

Fifteen Mayflower vans loaded with all of the team's possessions began moving out of the Colts' office and training facility in Owings Mills, Md., shortly after midnight because it was feared the franchise would be seized after daybreak. "They not only threw down the gauntlet, but they put a gun to his head and cocked it and asked, `Want to see if it's loaded?' " Michael Chernoff, the team's general counsel, said after the move. "They forced him to make a decision that day."

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: Disorderly Conduct
Date of Incident: 24 October 2008
Location: 2312 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Ashley Nicole Foskey, 18, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 24 October 2008 at 7:32 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office apprehended Michael Ellingsen on an outstanding Circuit Court Bench Warrant in the Food Court at the Centre at Salisbury. During this arrest, a female subject who was working at one of the fast food counters began yelling at the deputies and inquiring why Ellingsen was being arrested. The deputies repeatedly requested for the female, later identified as Ashley Foskey, to quiet down, especially since a crowd had gathered to watch her behavior. The deputies discovered that Foskey knew Ellingsen and subsequently attempted to give Foskey some of Ellingsen’s possessions for safe keeping. Instead Foskey began screaming at the deputies again and then kicked one of them. It was at this point that the deputy placed Foskey under arrest. During the arrest, Foskey struggled against the deputy’s efforts to place her in handcuffs.

Foskey was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Foskey was held in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.

The warrant for Michael Ellingsen was a Circuit Court Bench Warrant for Violation of Probation. Bond was already pre-set by the Circuit Court judge at $1,000.00.

Charges: (Ashley Foskey)
Disorderly Conduct
Disturbance of the Peace
Assault 2nd Degree
Resisting Arrest