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Salisbury Mayor Using City Resources for Kratovil Campaign

If you live in Salisbury, it appears that your tax dollars are being used to further the political ambitions of Frank Kratovil.  This morning Democrat congressional candidate Frank Kratovil is scheduled to speak at St. James AME Church in Salisbury.  This church is also apparently the church attended by Salisbury Asst. City Administrator Lore Chambers.

At Saturday's "goal setting" session for the city, Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Chambers were overheard making plans for Kratovil's appearance in Salisbury today.  This was official city business.  City employees like City Administrator John Pick and Chambers are typically compensated for their time.  Therefore, it is illegal for those individuals to engage in partisan political activity.

Now that we have brought this to people's attention, I wouldn't be surprised if Chambers doesn't ask to be compensated for this meeting.  Of course, we need only look at past years to determine if she was compensated for the annual "goal setting" session.

When the city raises your taxes next year, as they certainly will if Tilghman or one of her cronies  sits in the Mayor's office, you should send a note that you already gave to Kratovil's campaign - or you supported Andy Harris.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Classified Ads

Did you click on the right to check out this weekend's Classified Ads?

Famous Historical Visitors to Salisbury

I thought it would be neat to list some famous Historical visitors that have stayed in Salisbury.

Grover Cleveland , John F Kennedy Vice President Thomas Marshall, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon,Spiro Agnew Gerald Ford, Amelia Earhart , Fay Wray , Gary Cooper and Jack Dempsey. Plus many more too numerous to list.

Delmar Says, Forget Tradition, We're Talking Football Here!

While everyone else in the United States will be out Trick Or Treating on Oct. 31, 2008, the Town of Delmar WILL NOT!

That's right, Delmar has changed their Halloween Tradition this year to accommodate the Delmar Football Team.

Halloween will be on Thursday night, Oct. 30th because Delmar has a Football Game on Halloween Night.

So do tell us Ladies & Gentlemen what you think about them apples?

Please Adopt Me Too?

Here's another pair of adorable dogs available right now at the Wicomico Humane Society. You can contact them Tuesday through Saturday at 410-749-7603. Tell them Joe sent you from Salisbury News.

Question of the Day, Sun 10/12

Today is International Moment of Frustration Scream Day.

Go figure . . . that should be everyday.

Salisbury Young Professionals


As a representative of The Young Professionals of the SACC I just wanted to
write to thank you for helping us. Recently, we held our first re-launch
party at the new Rowens Mill Club House in Fruitland MD. Over 8 local
Restaurants and sponsors participated in our "Taste of the Town" theme. Our
event was a huge success! The party was packed with over 60 young
professionals - all having the opportunity to see our new image, logo,
website and future calendar of events before being introduced to the general

The committee would like to thank everyone who participated and to remind
all Young Professionals alike to join us in our future endeavors! The
participation was more than expected and the excitement was electrifying!
The success of this event proved that the Young Professionals are a group
truly dedicated to making a difference in our community!

To learn more about future social networking parties, news and community
events please feel free to visit our new website
www.SalisburyYoungProfessionals.com and be sure to sign up to receive

Thanks again to all the YP's, sponsors and community support that made this
event possible!


Adam Roop
Networking Chair

Thank You!

"Dear Joe,

On Tuesday early evening my daughter was hit by a car when she was trying to cross the road from our house to go to the park that is right across the street from where we live. We are thankful the man who hit her was actually going the speed limit. It was no fault on either side it was just an unfortunate accident. My family would lilke to send out a huge thank you for all the people who stopped to help my daughter. My family would also like to give a huge thank you for the Fire Dept., Police, and Ambulance who were there very quickly. For all those people who prayed for my daughter we thank you from the bottom of our hearts because it truly helped her.

My family tried to get a phone number or address of the man who hit my daughter but they wouldn't give it to us. So I am hoping He reads this or someone who knows him reads this will tell him that our daughter is doing fine and was sent home that night. She only suffered lots of scrapes and just the one huge bruise where she was hit. My daughter wants the man to know as well that she is truly sorry and we all hope he doing ok as well.

I hope you post this so all these people know how thankful we are for them. As well in hopes the man who was driving the car will know that my daughter is ok.

Thank you,

The Berryhill family"