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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Salisbury Mayor Using City Resources for Kratovil Campaign

If you live in Salisbury, it appears that your tax dollars are being used to further the political ambitions of Frank Kratovil.  This morning Democrat congressional candidate Frank Kratovil is scheduled to speak at St. James AME Church in Salisbury.  This church is also apparently the church attended by Salisbury Asst. City Administrator Lore Chambers.

At Saturday's "goal setting" session for the city, Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Chambers were overheard making plans for Kratovil's appearance in Salisbury today.  This was official city business.  City employees like City Administrator John Pick and Chambers are typically compensated for their time.  Therefore, it is illegal for those individuals to engage in partisan political activity.

Now that we have brought this to people's attention, I wouldn't be surprised if Chambers doesn't ask to be compensated for this meeting.  Of course, we need only look at past years to determine if she was compensated for the annual "goal setting" session.

When the city raises your taxes next year, as they certainly will if Tilghman or one of her cronies  sits in the Mayor's office, you should send a note that you already gave to Kratovil's campaign - or you supported Andy Harris.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


  1. Is this something you should have your nose in when you have NO facts?

  2. Well doesn't this story have an interesting twist.

    When Kratovil is defeated by Harris, I hope Harris doesn't forget Mayor Tilghman's election shenanigans when it comes time to dole out Federal subsidies.

  3. Well, that's interesting G. A. I sure don't feel I want to see our city tax dollars waisted on someones campaign for congress. We have too many local problems for that to be allowed. This needs to be brought up at the city council meeting and see what they can do (probably vote for it 3-2).

  4. Well if you remember she allowed Norman Conway yard signs to be put up on city property during his last election. Those sign were allowed to stay up for numerous days. This was at a key location on Rt. 13 and Main Street, near Flannery's.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Is this something you should have your nose in when you have NO facts?

    10:48 AM

    Let me guess?

    1) DingleBarrie Tilmon
    2) Jon Pickhisnose
    3) Loray Chamberpot
    4) _____________?

    All are welcome to participate in this survey.

  6. Anon: 101 Doesn't take much to excite one. Having a hay day!

  7. Democrats seem to be very sleezy and untrustworthy. It is beyond my comprehension as to why so many people fail to see them for what they really are.

  8. 11:44, post again on Nov. 5

  9. They should be punished like any other criminal....

  10. G.A., in all likelihood, Kratovil knows nothing about Barrie's behind the scenes activity.

    Is there something here that warrant filing an ethics complaint on BPT or Chambers or both?

    If so, will you be filing one? I'm so tired of pols getting away with crap.

  11. I vote Lore "just like Michelle Obama" Chamberpot

  12. Anonymous said...
    I vote Lore "just like Michelle Obama" Chamberpot

    7:40 PM

    You nailed that one. She comes from the same stock as Michelle Obama and she is pure bred with papers.

  13. I'll bet they had a table set up for ACORN representatives, too!

  14. 2:25
    If you think Democrats are sleazy, you must have a really low opinion of Republicans who use the power of the federal government to benefit their friends in big oil, Halliburton, insurance companies, and drug companies. The major parties don't differ on using their influence to benefit special interests . . . they just differ on which groups they favor.

  15. "Pure bred w/ papers" ?!?!?!

    Racists and bigots abound here. Im sure this will get censored though, while allowing the other comment to stay. Nice work SBYnews

  16. Barrie Babe campaigning for Frankie, aint that cute!

  17. Anonymous said...
    "Pure bred w/ papers" ?!?!?!

    Racists and bigots abound here. 8:52 AM

    What is racist and bigoted about that statments? Is that all you morons can come up with? When you are grasping for the last straw you idiots always throw out the race card.

  18. As with all my attempts to get the balance of all news reported I come here often and agree with some and disagree with others. I also go to another local blogspot (no names mentioned) and check it out also. I think everyone should get all the info they can and form the best decision they can based on both sides the stories that are reported.


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