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Thursday, September 11, 2008

The First Day Of Bike Week Is Over In Wicomico County

It's now just past 7:00 PM and the grounds are now closed at Winter Place Park. I took these photos around 6:00 PM, showing just how quiet things were this evening.

Now I fully expect bigger and better things as we get closer to the weekend, should the rain hold off? I hear things are really kicking at Trader Lee's in Ocean City. It's always like that during Bike Week though.

Now, let's clear the air on a very important issue. Many are talking about no alcohol being at Winter Place Park and tonight I got the truth/scoop as to why. Some have tried pointing the finger at Sheriff Lewis and that couldn't be any farther from the truth.

It turns out, in order to get INSURANCE for this event, the Harley Davidson group that put on this event simply could NOT afford to pay for such insurance, therefore they chose not to go forward many months ago with alcohol. If anyone wants to point a finger at their being no beer, talk to the people at the Harley Davidson Shop in Ocean City. Case closed.

Tom Ayres Responds To Mayor McDermott's Earlier Letter

"RE: The proper channels referred to by the Mayor of Pocomoke.

I did attend a city council meeting to openly file my complaint, I was at that meeting stifled by the Mayor himself, please refer to the minuets of the council meeting.

I did not in any way have my day in court, my attorney DID NOT attend my hearing and a postponement was denied, I could not afford a jury trial as I am trying to feed a family of 4 on 600 dollars per month disability.

I have proof that the mayor that is now trying to degrade myself has made atrocious remarks of my on going disability and also made reference to my weight as an over eating problem, the mayor continuously says he has explained the proper channels to take, but what he did say was he would investigate this matter and contact me via telephone, this never happened, I also have proof that the mayor himself has disparaged the city and the police department (namely the chief which I hold in high regard) in the forms of emails if anyone would like to see them. I have made my complaint to the mayor, a councilman (Bruce Morrison) and the city council, IN PERSON and in writing via email, I am now making my complaint over and above the cities authorities as my complaints have gone ignored by the city, the mayor, and the city council.

Please Note in the email just provided by the mayor the attitude attached to his email is the same attitude I have been dealing with since this incident occurred.

I request any and all correspondence by any and all Pocomoke city officials be discounted until this investigation is concluded on the federal level, it is my right to have an investigation outside the city as I feel bias as you can plainly see by the Mayors email.

I do request a state and federal investigation of this case and the Pocomoke city officials of biased and unfair use of the common law of Md, I was singled out for a ordinance that was and is being broken by city officials, police officers, and the chief of police I have in my possession video, digital pictures, of the abuse of the same city code that I was falsely, brutally, arrested as a result of. I had several of my constitutional rights violated by the pocomoke city police and again request an 'EXTERNAIL' investigation on the state and federal level.

Tom Ayres"

Dear Mr. Ayres,
Thank you for contacting the Office of the Attorney General. Your email has
been referred to me for response. Please be advised that the Attorney General
is the legal counsel for the State of Maryland. As such, this office provides
legal counsel to state agencies, department heads, investigates and prosecutes
crimes against the state. The Attorney General does not have authority to
intervene in the matters addressed in your email.

Citizen Response Coordinator

The Mayor Of Pocomoke City Writes Salisbury News

To All Concerned:

Please be advised that Mr. Ayres has been instructed on multiple occasions of
the proper procedures for registering a complaint against a Pocomoke City
Police employee. To date, he has not availed himself of this process.

To be fair, it should also be noted that Mr. Ayres was found guilty in District
Court on charges of Hindering a Law Enforcement Officer stemming from the
incident to which he refers.

Our city stands ready, willing, and able to conduct a thorough investigation
into this matter if a complaint is filed. The charges alleged by Mr. Ayres are
of a serious nature and would not be taken lightly by the city. While our
police department often conducts internal investigations concerning the actions
of our officers, we also have requested allied agencies conduct investigation
on our behalf.

Mr. Ayres has had his day in court. He has spent the past months attempting to
disparage the city and the police department. He has not, however, found the
time to file a complaint through the proper channels. Our police officers
deserve the rights guaranteed to them through the Law Enforcement Officers Bill
of Rights; and we simply ask that Mr. Ayres respect the law and allow due
process to occur in this matter.

Very Sincerely,
Michael A. McDermott, Mayor of Pocomoke City

Fair Is Fair

I received several messages asking me to check out this Station in the evening to see if it was any busier. So, I did. I was traveling past at 8:31 PM and this is what I found. Who knows, maybe there was a Football Game on TV or something. No, that can't be, because they have the coldest beer in town and they'd have people lining up to buy the beer. Oh well, pictures don't lie and it is what it is.


The Daily Times Is About To Change Big Time!

Look for the Daily Times retail cost to go up soon for rack and store sales.

The Daily Times has lost enough business that they are considering a cost increase on their daily paper. We're not sure just how much but this should be the final nail.


Oh, don't tell me the Blogs had nothing to do with this either.

Westside Fire Dept. Annual Fishing Contest



Above is the link to the Westside Fire Dept. annual fishing tournament this
weekend. It would be great to see a representative from Salisbury News show up
and cover this event. It was appreciated the coverage you gave for the boat
docking contest and skipjack race. I personally would love to see you out there.
P.S. bring some SBY news T-shirts"

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Is Ready For Bike Week

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office set up their Mobile Command Unit just outside the Winter Place Park grounds prepared for a ton of Bikers and Visitors this weekend. If you have any questions or need any assistance, go to the Command Unit and they will help you with whatever you need.

Executive Experience

"Joe - Since you've been so nice to Obama/Biden this week, here is a pic referencing the massive amount of experience that Palin acquired in Alaska!"

Where Are All The Bikers?

As I mentioned in an earlier Post, I was heading out to Winter Place Park for what I had hoped would be a ribbon cutting ceremony and a group of Bikers ready to kick things off at 9:00 AM.

Either it must have been a really rough night last night for most Bikers or things don't kick off till this afternoon. It was slow enough, (obviously) for me to get out of Dodge and come back to the Office till things start kicking off out there.

There's a lot being said about the Wicomico County event having NO ALCOHOL. Look, I don't drink, so I don't care. However, I'm amazed that someone dropped the ball on this one and that no one can tell me as to why there's no alcohol. It's a huge money maker for events like this and considering all the coverage the Sheriff's Office is providing, I'm simply surprised.

I will say this, there's a ton of Vendors there and all sorts of activities going on throughout the weekend. I'll post them later. So if you're sitting at work kind of bummed out because you're missing some of this event, DON'T! It will get big this weekend, you'll see.

Handicap Parking

Here's a little bit of information for everyone I'm pretty sure no one actually knew about.

I was just standing in Lot 15 talking to one of Salisbury's Finest when a gentleman walked up to us and asked, "If I come into the City and can't find a Handicap Parking Space, can I park in the metered spots without putting money into the meter?"

I stood there thinking, I have no clue. The Officer said, you know what, that's a great question and I don't have the answer. I immediately got on the phone with the City and guess what, you can park in the meters spaces and not feed the meter.

However, if it's a 1 hour meter, you can park there for 2 hours. If it's a 30 minute spot you get 1 hour. It's double whatever the meter says the maximum is on that meter.

So there you go Folks, there is something good out there for at least some of the Citizens.

Big Bang Machine Ready to Roll!

Press Associates, September 10, 2008

Scientists began the world's largest science experiment hoping to unlock some of the secrets of the universe.The £5 billion Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will smash protons - one of the building blocks of matter - into each other at velocities only a fraction less than the speed of light.

In the flashes from the collisions, scientists expect to reproduce conditions that existed during the first billionth of a second after the Big Bang at the birth of the universe. No one knows precisely what will come tumbling out of the primordial soup of disintegrating protons. But the scientists have dismissed suggestions that the experiment could somehow cause the end of the world.

The LHC could help scientists explain mass, gravity, mysterious "dark matter" and why the universe looks the way it does. It could also produce the first evidence of extra spatial dimensions and even create mini-black holes that blink in and out of existence in a fraction of a second.

The eyes of the world were on LHC project leader Dr Lyndon Evans, from Aberdare in south Wales, in the tense minutes before the machine was "switched on".

Looking relaxed in a short-sleeved shirt and jeans, Dr Evans counted down the last few seconds before the first beam of protons was put into the LHC.

"Five, four, three, two, one, zero - nothing," he joked before a blip appeared on a computer monitor signalling that the long years of hard work had paid off and the machine was working. Dr Evans, whose father was a coalminer, said: "This is really the biggest and most complex scientific project ever undertaken, and you cannot do a thing like this without engineers and applied scientists of very top quality."

The LHC, a colossal machine housed in a 27 kilometre (17 mile) tunnel under 100 metres of rock, straddles the borders of Switzerland and France between Lake Geneva and the Jura mountains.

Beams of protons will be accelerated in opposite directions through the ring-shaped tunnel, which is supercooled to just 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (minus 271C), the lowest temperature allowed by nature. Reaching velocities of 99.99% of the speed of light, each beam will pack as much energy as a Eurostar train travelling at 150 kilometres per hour.

Concerns have been voiced - in particular by German chemist Professor Otto Rossler - that black holes created by the LHC will grow uncontrollably and "eat the planet from the inside". But those involved in the project insist they have reviewed all the evidence and concluded that it poses no risk to the universe.

Just What Salisbury Needs: A "Hospitality Entrepreneurial Institute"

To see public funds being wasted, once again, by the Salisbury City Council watch their latest meeting when it’s rebroadcast on PAC-14. The agenda includes a resolution to fund a so called "Hospitality Entrepreneurial Institute," to be conducted under the auspices of UMES this fall.

It will consist of a program (apparently a seminar of sorts) to be held at the Ramada Inn, which may be a Holiday Inn by then, to train both UMES students and others about starting and operating a "hospitality venture" – one of the more important concerns and unmet needs of Salisbury residents to be sure, if not the main reason why we have local government.

Apparently this has been prepackaged by the Tilghman administration – in other words it’s already a done deal so that any member of the City Council who opposed it would be criticized for being against UMES, business, etc. The program is already scheduled for October, and the USDA has agreed to provide "technical assistance funds" to the City to pay part of the cost of its funding. How this benefits farmers is defies rational comprehension.

Because it’s being promoted as a "pilot study to determine the feasibility of a "Hospitality Entrepreneurial Institute" in downtown Salisbury, we can look forward to requests for the City to fund future events by this "Institute," which also bears the imprimatur of "Urban Salisbury."

This is yet another example of why it is crucial that we:

1. Dump Barrie Tilghman or any clone such as Bubba Comegys in next year’s election.

2. Elect John McCain in November.

So Will the World End Today?

Jon Henley
London Guardian
Wednesday, Sept 10, 2008

Be a bit of a pain if it did, wouldn’t it? And the most frustrating thing is that Large Hadron Collider in Google Earthwe won’t know for sure either way until the European laboratory for particle physics (Cern) in Geneva switches on its Large Hadron Collider the day after tomorrow.

If you think it’s unlikely that we will all be sucked into a giant black hole that will swallow the world, as German chemistry professor Otto Rössler of the University of Tübingen posits, and so carry on with your life as normal, only to find out that it’s true, you’ll be a bit miffed, won’t you?

If, on the other hand, you disagree with theoretical physicist Prof Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith of the UK Atomic Energy Agency, who argues that fears of possible global self-ingestion have been exaggerated, and decide to live the next two days as if they were your last, and then nothing whatsoever happens, you’d feel a bit of a fool too.

Rössler apparently thinks it “quite plausible” that the “mini black holes” the Cern atom-smasher creates “will survive and grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside”. So convinced is he that he has lodged an EU court lawsuit alleging that the project violates the right to life guaranteed under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Prof Llewellyn Smith, however, has assured Radio 4’s Today programme that the LHC - designed to help solve fundamental questions about the structure of matter and, hopefully, arrive at a “theory of everything” - is completely safe and will not be doing anything that has not happened “100,000 times over” in nature since the earth has existed. “The chances of us producing a black hole are minuscule,” he said, “and even if we do, it can’t swallow up the earth.” So, folks, who do you believe?

Large Hadron Collider Visible in Google Earth

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator and collider located at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, and is scheduled to be open in May of 2008. Large particle accelerators are built in circles to get particles up to very high speeds (near the speed of light). The LHC is nearly 27 km in circumference and is located 50 to 175 meters underground on the border between France and Switzerland. CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research. This massive underground structure is difficult to visualize since it is all underground.

Google Earth 3D modeling guru Joey Wade has posted a 3D diagram and models showing the LHC and floated it directly above its actual location so you can see how it looks in Google Earth. Download the LHC model . He has roughly modeled the 3D buildings on the surface so you can get a feel for the underlying structures and how deep they are underground. Zoom in to see the buildings and tilt your view. Joey has included a folder with YouTube videos in placemarks which provide some excellent information about the project. The large deep structure is the new ATLAS particle detector system. Nice work!

The Main Street Gym

For those of you who know little about the Main Street Gym, this is the home of Fernando Guerrero and Hal Chernoff. Look, there are literally hundreds of additional names that should be recognized and in due time we'll produce all of the unbelievable people that have helped Hal Chernoff succeed with his dream by turning it into a reality. The one name I should mention however is Mr. Donny Hall.

Back when Hal was scraping around to find anything to start a Gym with, Donny Hall saw Hal looking into the windows of a run down Bus Station, stopped his vehicle and confronted Hal and asked him what he was doing.

Hal explained that he was looking for a place, (CHEAP) where he could train some kids and Donny told him he'd keep it in mind and see what he could do for him down the road. A few weeks later Hal was in a local Gym working out and he ran into Donny Hall again. Once Donny learned this guy Hal Chernoff was for real, Donny offered his run down building to Hal for FREE if he would be willing to clean it up and get it back in order again, hence the Main Street Gym.

Today, just look what so many wonderful people have done for these kids. Everything you see here Folks has been donated. The land, the steel, the metal exterior, the electrical, the heating and air conditioning, the concrete, the lumber, the list goes on and on and I'll ask my friend Hal to please list the names of ALL of these people so that they can be recognized for their commitment to all these kids that are a part of this dream come true.

A Fundraiser will take place this Saturday evening for the new Main Street Gym and there are some tickets still available. They are $100.00 a person and all proceeds go to the Main Street Gym. If you're interested in donating or being a part of this Fundraiser, please contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or call me at 410-430-5349 and we'll get you hooked up with some tickets.

To Hal Chernoff, your a great man in a community that simply doesn't thank people like you, Donny Hall and so many others enough. It's about time Salisbury get recognized for something positive, rather than Waste Water Treatment Spills.

The FOP IS Soliciting Fundraising In Wicomico County

"PO Box 1450 Salisbury, MD 21802 410-543-1185 Fax 410-543-2534

September 3, 2008

The Wicomico County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge # 111 will begin a fundraising effort as of September 3, 2008. A marketing agency has been contracted to solicit donations from businesses in Wicomico County, on behalf of Lodge # 111. The name of the agency is Empire Group Marketing. The fundraiser is scheduled to last until the end of December 2008. If there are any questions or concerns about the fundraiser, please contact Lodge # 111 at 410-543-1185 and leave a message, any calls will be returned promptly.

Mark Wagner
President FOP Lodge # 111"

If you have ANY questions referencing someone calling you and you're curious, the numbers above are provided so you may in fact confirm your call is legit. The Sheriff's Department has NOTHING to do with it, so if someone calls and says this has something to do with the Sheriff, call the State Police immediately.

Mayor Tilghman Sits Back And Says, Ha, Ha, Suckers!

While many people are in fact visiting the City of Salisbury on business and getting ticketed, the Mayor clearly proves that while she goes out shopping at Parker Place and or gets her hair done locally, she doesn't have to display her fat yellow parking permit and or feed the meters.

I do recall when Sheriff Lewis asked for his own pass, (not that he would ever abuse it) so he too can take care of business often Downtown in Court and or visiting the GOB frequently, the Mayor flat out refused to give him an exception and refused giving him a permit.

Now keep in mind Folks, the Mayor REFUSES to sign CONTRACT to purchase 1/2 of the GOB, therefore, technically, the ownership of the parking permits and meters really belong to the County, not the City. The City has absolutely NO OWNERSHIP to the GOB and the Mayor should be immediately stripped of any such said control. It's time to put it into County Executive Rick Pollitt's hands.

Rick, make that woman pay for her quarterly pass and YOU take her damn spot on Rt. 50 beside the GOB. Change that space to County Executive and show the County Taxpayers who own that building how big a man you actually are!

If she doesn't like it, boot her a$$ out of the building and make them set up shop in the old Station 16!

In the mean time, remember to PRINT out the photos from yesterday proving Mayor Tilghman didn't display her permit, therefore if she can park for free, so can you.

Where's All The Lottery Money Going?

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP)- Maryland State Police officials are defending their helicopter fleet.

A legislative audit revealed last month that about a third of the 12 medevac helicopters were out of service for 51 days during the past fiscal year. The audit also faulted the police agency for failing to document maintenance needs and costs and failing to comply with federal and manufacturer repair orders.

Maj. Andrew J. McAndrew, commander of the police's Aviation Command, told a legislative committee Tuesday that the administrative shortcomings should not overshadow a record of accomplishments.

State lawmakers are likely to face major budget cuts in the coming months that could threaten a 3-year plan to replace the 12 helicopters.

Boo Hoo Hoo, Wicomico and the State Revenue Shortfall

I'm sitting here at my desk listening to Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt talk to Bill Reddish on WICO-AM.  Woe is me!  Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has come clean on a massive revenue shortfall and Pollitt hopes that O'Malley won't balance the state budget on the backs of localities.

Given that the revenue shortfall is being partially caused by O'Malley's tax increases, AND Pollitt shilled for those tax increases, isn't this just another example of "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW"?

I know that Democrats can't grasp the concept of tax rate increases REDUCING tax receipts, but isn't it about time for these folks to understand that Keynes' General Theory is as flawed an economic theory as Marx's Das Kapital?  Sorry, I almost forgot that they still believe in that one too.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

If He Can Do It, Why Can't I, Right?

The sign I posted some two weeks ago is still up and has not been removed. So if one guy can slap up a sign there, why can't the other guy?

A Tough Way To Make A Living

Times are tough on many and if it means going through dumpsters to collect aluminum cans, that's just what some people will/must do to survive.

Another Suspicious Package

Another suspicious package was left next door at the Opportunity Shop and after yesterdays bomb threat, I wasn't wasting any time calling the Police.

It turns out this bag, (unlike the others) was filled with clothing and the bag itself was brand new. In all the time I've been coming here to this building it's been pretty rare someone leaves something like this outside. I should say, in new condition anyway.

Sheree Sample-Hughes Announces Next District One Meeting

Wicomico County Councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes will hold the next in a series of citizen’s forum meetings on Wednesday, September 24th at 7:00 P.M. at the Hebron Fire Department. The program will focus on voter registration and preparation and ballot information.

Councilwoman Sample-Hughes said that she will be joined by County Executive Rick Pollitt, County Council President John Cannon and Sheriff Mike Lewis.

Wicomico County District One includes Delmar, Hebron, San Domingo, Salisbury- West Side and Mardela Springs. Mrs. Sample-Hughes said the over-all theme of the forums is “Creating Community Connections.” She commented that the purpose of the forums is to provide citizens with an opportunity to speak face-to-face with their elected officials. She further noted that this is the continuation of the fulfillment of her campaign promise to hold quarterly meetings throughout District One.

Mrs. Sample-Hughes said that “I encourage as many of my constituents who possibly can to join us for this important meeting.”

Bike Week

Bike Week Officially kicks off this morning at 9:00 AM. That being said, I will be in and out today covering the event so your comments may take longer than usual to go up. Sorry but there has to be some Joe Time in all of this work.

Go On The Road This Fall With Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism's Bus Trips

Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism Wants to Take You on the Road Again
Register Now for Fall Bus Trips

(Salisbury, MD) Go on the road this fall with Wicomico Recreation, Parks and Tourism. Registration is currently being accepted for the following bus trips. To register for an upcoming bus trip, visit the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm or visit www.WicomicoRecandParks.org to register online. For more information please contact Karen McInturff at (410) 548-4900 ext. 113 or email kmcinturff@wicomicocounty.org.

Winterthur Estate

Thursday, September 25

$70 per person, payment due at registration

Visit Winterthur, a great American county estate nestled in the hear to Delaware’s beautiful Brandywine Valley. Price includes transportation, admission and tour of Winterthur, lunch voucher, tax and gratuities.

Autumn in Longwood Gardens

Friday, October 24

$72 per person, $25 deposit

Enjoy a behind the scenes tour and lunch at the Terrace Restaurant. Price includes transportation, admission to Longwood Gardens, tour, lunch voucher, tax and all gratuities.

The Music Man at The Candlelight Dinner Theatre

Sunday, November 16

$90 per person, $25 deposit

Enjoy a delicious meal and a memorable performance of “The Music Man.” Price includes transportation, show tickets, buffet, tax and gratuities.

Hershey Theatre in Hershey, PA

Saturday, October 25

$120 per person, $25 deposit

Enjoy lunch and a show at the sweetest place on earth. See the bright and riotously funny all new production of the Tony Award winning, Broadway smash hit, “The Pajama Game.” Lunch prior to the show will be at Lebbies in the Hershey Lodge.

Victorian Christmas in Cape May, NJ

Thursday-Friday, December 4-5

$241 per person (based on double occupancy), $25 deposit

Travel back to the Victorian Era and celebrate the Christmas spirit in Cape May, New Jersey. This overnight trip includes a tea luncheon, lecture on the Victorian Era and tour of Victorian Inns. In the evening, guests will visit the Cape May Winery and enjoy dinner at the Lobster House followed by a heated trolley ride to see Cape May’s Christmas lights.

A Day in New York City

Saturday, December 6

$60 per person, $25 deposit

Usher in the holidays with a visit to the big apple. After being dropped off at Macy’s (which is in the center of it all) enjoy a day on your own in the city.

If you would like to learn more about other upcoming programs offered by the Wicomico County Recreation, Parks and Tourism Department sign up for Recreation email alerts at www.wicomicorecandparks.org

Salisbury Kennel Club Receives National Recognition Two Ways

Newark, NJ Sept 9, 2008

The Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club was named today at the American Kennel Club Delegates Meeting as the recipient of the AKC Community Achievement Award for the 3rd quarter of 2008.  Only three AKC clubs in the country are given this award for each quarter.  As an honoree, SMKC will receive a certificate of recognition and $1000 for work the AKC describes as, "...to further public education and strengthen Government Relations efforts within their community." In further recognition of the outstanding achievements of this local organization, AKC Delegate Barbara Furbush was presented with a Gold Medallion for 25 years of service to the Salisbury Kennel Club and the AKC.

The Salisbury Kennel Club has been widely appreciated by dog exhibitors as competitors for over 50 years as an outstanding host to an annual weekend of dog shows every November, held at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. This year, the Salisbury club joins only a handful of dog clubs in the world to have its own training facility, currently under the final phase of construction in Winterplace Park in Salisbury. The public is invited to see the new facility during the nationwide celebration of AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day on September 20th. The club will offer several exciting events throughout the day, including an official AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, Meet the AKC Breeds, performance demonstrations, and much more.

For more information, contact:
AKC Delegate Barbara Furbush HYPERLINK "mailto:b.furbush@comcast.net" b.furbush@comcast.net 410-742-8358
RDO Day Chair Cathy Jo Williams HYPERLINK "mailto:catjowill@yahoo.com" catjowill@yahoo.com 410-548-2876

Early Voting Referendum Fiscal Impact Statement Requested

September 10, 2008

Ms Linda LaMone, Chair
State Board of Elections
151 West Street , Suite 200
P.O. Box 6486
Annapolis 21401-0486

Re: Early Voting Referendum

Dear Ms. LaMone:

A fiscal impact statement for the Early Voting referendum item is conspicuously absent from this particular legislative intent to amend state laws. Enactment of Early Voting would extend voting periods for an additional 10 days over a 14 day period at all 24 geographical jurisdictions. It would also open up roughly 21 special voting stations in certain counties that would require poll workers for 10 days. Despite these plans it appears that there has been a major fiscal oversight on this particular ballot question item. It is difficult to imagine that the price tag for staffing polls for time periods beyond the traditional one-day practice, coupled with voting machine security during extended periods, plus space costs for the extra polling places, would amount to substantially higher costs for Maryland taxpayers (if the Early Voting is approved by voters).

Taxpayers deserve to know the statewide cost implications linked to adopting Early Voting as sought by Maryland legislators. To deprive taxpayers of such information would be patently unfair. It is therefore requested that you, in your capacity, defer the sign-off on this ballot item until you obtain cost projections from all 24 voting jurisdictions, and accordingly, fashion and publish the requested financial impact statement. In light of economic uncertainties and budgetary shortfalls, taxpayers have every right to know this crucial information. Your office should accordingly provide prospective voters with operational cost totals of the last prior election compared to projected costs for implementing Early Voting, particularly when any Marylander can vote by absentee ballot for any reason at no additional cost. That’s the only fair way voters can weigh the luxury of additional voting time versus a measure having major state and county tax cost consequences.


Dee Hodges, Chairman

Herb McMillan, President


(Chapter 513, Acts of 2007)

Early Voting; Polling Places; Absentee Ballots

Authorizes the General Assembly to enact legislation to allow qualified voters to vote at polling places inside or outside of their election districts or wards and to vote up to two weeks before an election. This amendment also authorizes the General Assembly to enact legislation to allow absentee voting by qualified voters who choose to vote by absentee ballot, in addition to voters who are absent at the time of the election or who are unable to vote personally.

(Amends Article 1, §§1 and 3 of the Maryland Constitution)

For the Constitutional Amendment

Against the Constitutional Amendment